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University structure
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Educational Activities
Civic organizations
Science for business
Student Life
Information support
Scientific Library
Accounting and Taxation
Administrative Law and Financial Law
Administrative Management and Foreign Economic Activity
Agricultural Chemistry and Quality of Plant Products
Agricultural Machines and System Technologies named after Academician P.M. Vasylenko
Agricultural, Land and Environmental Law
Agriculture and Herbology
Agrosphere Ecology and Environmental Control
Analytical and Bioinorganic Chemistry and Water Quality
Animal and Food Hygiene
Animal Biology
Automation and Robotic Systems named by I. Martynenko
Banking and Insurance
Biochemistry named after Academician M. F. Gulyi
Biomorphology of Vertebrates named after Academician V. G. Kasyanenko
Botany, Dendrology and Forest Tree Breeding
Civil and Commercial Law
Computer Science
Computer systems, networks and cybersecurity
Crop Growing
Dairy and Beef Production Technology
Ecobiotechnology and Biodiversity
Economic Cybernetics
Economic Theory
Electrical Engineering, Electromechanics and Electrotechnology
English for Technical and Agrobilogical Specialities
English Philology
Foreign Philology and Translation
Forest Mensuration and Forest Management
Forest Restoration and Meliorations
General Ecology, Radiobiology and Life Safety
General, organic and physical chemistry
Genetics, Breeding and Biotechnology of Animals
Genetics, breeding and seed production named after Prof. M.O. Zelensky
Geodesy and Cartography
Geoinformatics and Aerospace Research of the Earth
Global economy
Heat and Power Engineering
Higher and Applied Mathematics
Hotel and restaurant business and tourism
Hydrobiology and Ichthyology
Information Systems and Technologies
Internal Animal Diseases
International Law and Comparative Law
International Relations and Social Sciences
Journalism and Linguistic Communication
Land Cadastre
Land-Use Planning
Landscape Architecture and Phytodesign
Livestock Production Mechanization
Management and Educational Technology
Management named after Professor Josyp S. Zavadskyi
Management of Land Resources
Marketing and International Trade
Organisation of Entrepreneurship and Exchange Activities
P.D. Pshenychnyy Department of Animal Nutrition and Feed Technology
Philosophy and international communication
Physical Education
Physiology of Vertebrates and Pharmacology
Physiology, Plant Biochemistry and Bioenergetics
Processes and Equipment of Agricultural Production Processing
Production and Investment Management
Professor B.V. Lesik Department of Storage, Processing and Standardization of Plant Products
Professor M.K. Shykula Department of Soil Science and Soil Conservation
Professor V.L. Symyrenko Department of Horticulture
Public Administration, Innovation Management and Extension Service
Public health and Nutrition
Social Work and Rehabilitation
Standardization and Certification of Agricultural Products
Statistics and Economic Analysis
Technical Service and Engineering Management
Technologies in Poultry, Pig and Sheep Breeding
Technologies of Meat, Fish and Marine Products
Technology and Design of Wood Products
Theory and History of State and Law
Tractors and automobiles
Transport Technologies and Means of Agro-Industrial Complex
V.F. Peresypkin Department of Phytopathology
Vegetable Crops
Veterinary epidemiology and animal health
Veterinary Reproduction
Veterinary Surgery
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