Address: 03041, Kyiv-041, 16, Heroiv Oborony st. National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine. Faculty of Information Technologies: Building 15, room 233, 17,16.
Tel.: (044) 527-65-67
E-mail: [email protected]

Head of Department:
Dmytro Zherlitsyn
Doctor of Economics, Professor
Economic Cybernetics is a traditional name of the department which focuses on modelling and analysis of economic processes. The closest analogue of the department title with similar orientation in the education area are "Applied Numerical Methods in Economics" or "Quantitative Economics" etc.
This title quite adequately reflects the trend of educational and scientific orientation of the department as part of the Ukrainian Education and Research Institute of Dataware and Telecommunication Support of Agroindustrial and Nature Conservative Branches of Economy of the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine (of NULES of Ukraine).
Complexity and multidimensionality of processes and phenomena that characterize modern economy (e.g. issues of sustainable development of agriculture, which is possible only considering besides economic (profit) and social (salaries, infrastructure) and environmental constituents requires further development of multifactorial analysis based on modern information technology and applying numerical methods for constructing optimal decision making for static and dynamic economies. Analysis of demand for experts in the field of modelling with the use of the modern information technology shows the need to combine economic thinking, knowledge of software with the fundamental mathematical training in the analysis of random processes. The Department of Economic Cybernetics is preparing experts in this area.
Department history: Creating the Department of Economic Cybernetics is connected with passing a certain stage of society, science and technology development – with the advent of computers. This objective reason has contributed to the intensive development of mathematical modelling, which came in the economy of a new sphere - economic-mathematical modelling.
Department of Economic Cybernetics of the Ukrainian Agricultural Academy (now NULES of Ukraine) was founded in 1965. Among alumni of the department are deputy of several convocation of Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine I.Zayets, Corresponding Member, first vice president of the State educational scientific institution of Academy of Financial Management, academic of science A. Vlasyuk, Vice President, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine S. Kvasha, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine, Head of world agriculture and foreign trade NUBiP of Ukraine V. Halushko.