About NUBiP

 The mission of the University is to:

create, systematize, store and spread current scientific knowledge in order to improve the quality of people’s life; train specialists due to European and world intellectual and personal development.

     According to the status of higher education institutions, the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine has IV accreditation level, and is a research institution, which conducts educational; scientific and research; scientific and innovative; educational and industrial; and information and consulting activities aimed at studying the contemporary science issues about life and environment; at usage, reproduction and balanced development of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems bio-resources, introduction of new environmental agro- and biotechnologies, technologies of safety revival and soil fertility, energy-saving agricultural technologies, environmental and legal management in rural areas, monitoring and control of standards compliance, quality and safety of agricultural products, processed products and environment.

      The National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine is one of the leading institutions of education, science and culture in Ukraine. More than 26 thousand students and more than 600 graduates, PhD students and seekers studyat 3 educational and research institutes and 13 departments of basic university institution (in Kyiv) and 10 separate units of NULES of Ukraine – regional universities of І-ІІІ accreditation levels.

     Educational process and scientific research at the University are provided by more than 2,600 scientific and educational and pedagogical workers, including about 300 professors and doctors of sciences, more than 1,000 assistant professors and PhDs.

The University consists of the following structural subdivisions:

  • training and research institutions;
  • departments;
  • chairs;
  • scientific and research institutes, including:

• Ukrainian Institute of Agricultural Radiology;
• Ukrainian Laboratory of Quality and Safety of Agricultural Products;
• Scientific-Research and Design Institute of Standards and Environmentally-Safe and Organic Products Technology (in Odessa);

  • training, educational and scientific, scientific and research, problem scientific and research, problem scientific, educational, scientific and industrial laboratories;
  • higher educational institutions of I-III accreditation levels: 

Berezhany Agrotechnical Institute (Ternopil region)
• Nizhyn Agrotechnical Institute (Chernihiv region)
• Irpin Economic College (Kyiv region)
• Nemishaevo Agricultural College (Kyiv region)
• Boyarka College of Ecology and Natural Resources (Kyiv region)
• E. Khraplyvyi Zalishchyky Agricultural College» (Ternopil region)
• O. Maynova Bobrovytsya College of Economics and Management (Chernihiv region)
• Mukachevo Agricultural College (Trans-Carpathian region)
• Berezhany Agrotechnical College (Ternopil region)
•Rivne Community College of NUBiP of Ukraine (Rivne region)
• Nizhyn Agricultural College (Chernihiv region) - training, information and consultation centers:
• Lubenskyi TICC (Poltava region)
• Malynskyi TICC (Zhytomyr region)
• Tarashchanskyi TICC (Kyiv region)
• Mukachivskyi TICC (Zakarpatska region)
• Bobrovytskyi TICC (Chernihiv region)

  • educational and research farms and research stations:

• Agronomic Research Station (Kyiv region)
• Boyarka Forestry Research Station (Kyiv region)
• O. MuzychenkoVelykosnytinske Education and Research Farm (Kyiv region)
• Education and Research Farm “Vorzel” (Kyiv region)

  • other structural subdivisions, including:

• Ukrainian educational scientific and innovation center of the newest agricultural facilities and technologies;
• Botanical Garden;
• Educational and scientific production hunting farm;
• Sports and Health Camp "Akademichnyi" (Odessa region)

The structure of the University also includes subdivisions located in Crimea:

  • South branch of NULES of Ukraine «Crimean Agrotechnological University»;
  • Prybrezhnenskyi Agricultural College;
  • Crimean Agro-Industrial College;
  • Bakhchysarai Construction Technical College;
  • Crimean Technical School of Hydro-melioration and Mechanization of Agriculture;
  • Educational and Research Station of the mountain gardening, viticulture, park and forestry gardening.

The main tasks by the Charter of the University are:


1) educational and cultural activities:

  • training of personnel with incomplete higher education, basic higher education, complete higher education, as well as of working professions for agricultural and environmental sector;
  • provision of further system improvement of the higher agricultural and environmental education in Ukraine according to requirements of the Bologna process and international standards of sustainable development of agro-sphere, bio-resources and rural areas;
  • professional development and retraining of specialists for agriculture, forestry, fisheries farming, veterinary medicine and environmental sector;
  • training, retraining and certification of educational, training and certification of scientific and pedagogical staff of higher qualification for University and other educational and research institutions;
  • formation of students high culture and national civic consciousness;
  • creation of appropriate conditions for studying, work, health care, recreation and health improvement of students, postgraduates, PhDs and staff of the University;
  • preparation, publishing, production and sale of educational, scientific, educational and methodical materials and other publishing products;
  • vocational training, including training, retraining and professional development of vehicles, tractors, combines drivers, craftsmen of production process for agricultural and environmental sector;

2) scientific, research and publishing activities:

  • organization and realization of scientific-research projects based on the experience of leading foreign research universities;
  • organization and holding of conferences, symposia, congresses, including international ones;
  • publication of scientific papers of pedagogical, scientific and teaching staff of the University, materials of conference, symposia, meetings, thematic works, research reports and other publications on the development of agricultural sector, economy, environment, social development of rural areas;

3) innovative activity:

  • development and implementation in compliance with the principles of intellectual property protection of modern technologies and biotechnologies, quality systems and standards of environmental safety, preservation of biodiversity, energy, alternative energy in agriculture, forestry, park gardening and fisheries farming and in the field of storage, transportation and recycling of agricultural, food and biotechnological products;
  • development, probation, standardization and implementation of advanced equipment, facilities and agricultural technologies, obtaining biologically valuable and environmentally friendly products, raw materials and food from the industrial sectors of agro-, forest-, water management and natural complexes;
  • implementation of international standards and adherence to bioethics in the diagnostics, prevention, treatment and provision of animals and plants health;
  • determination of quality, safety and compliance with international requirements on standardization, certification and licensing of agro-industrial, food and bio-resources and environmental complexes;
  • monitoring, prediction and modeling of sustainable development of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems using modern technologies of efficient environmental management and restoration of rural areas;
  • meeting of information and consultation demands of agricultural producers and public during the implementation of modern mechanisms, management systems in the field of socio-economic, land, legal relations and state policy formation in the agricultural and environmental sectors;

4) activity of the University as a research institution:

  • provision of educational, scientific and research, and scientific and innovative integration as a way to improve the level of staff training and accelerate the implementation of scientific and technological progress in agriculture and environment sectors through participation in the development of basic and applied programs and collaboration with entities;
  • formation of university research and innovation centers (scientific and research institutes, educational and scientific, educational, scientific industrial and research and innovation centers, etc.), which are aimed at solving the fundamental problems of operational and applied scientific and industrial problems. The expansion of cooperation with the National Academy of Sciences, National Academy of Agricultural Sciences and other sectoral academies of sciences of Ukraine and also with foreign research institutions;
  • development of pilot projects and formation of experimental enterprises on production of competitive products, development of new technologies, materials and vehicles, their implementation in the fields of agriculture, forestry and water farming and processing industry in accordance with national and international standards;
  • integration of scientific and research activities of the University with world leading universities (implementation of joint research projects, holding of conferences, symposia, exhibitions, scientific student competitions, obtaining grants, publication of joint scientific and educational works (books, monographs, manuals, guidelines, etc.), the creation of educational, scientific and methodical electronic database, the use of modern information and communication systems in agricultural and environmental industry);
  • development and implementation in the industrial sector advanced technologies for high-quality, safe and competitive agricultural, forestry, fishery and food products. Provision of the state and arbitrage independent examination of quality and safety of agricultural and food products and the environment in accordance with international and national standards;
  • Masters training programs that provide their specialization according to the most relevant industrial, research, teaching, scientific and innovative trends based on the latest achievements in science and technology and international standards for environmental management, as well as on product quality and safety figures and the environment that will provide workplaces and activity improvement in relation to professional development;

5) international activity:

  • provision of international activities in science and education in accordance with the laws of Ukraine, enhancement of University integration into the world education and research area;
  • participation in international projects and programs, scientific and practical conferences, seminars and exhibitions;
  • establishment of joint with foreign partners educational and scientific, scientific and research institutes, centers and other associations to execute the educational and research programs and presenting the relevant certificates of education.

The University is a national, self-governing (autonomous) state higher education institution. Self-government (autonomy) of the University (under the Charter) provides:

1) the right of the University to take independent decisions and to take appropriate actions within its competence in academic, educational, scientific, research, production and economic activities;

2) personal finance standards and payment for labour do not extend to separate subdivisions, educational and research farms, research stations, as well as the institutions of I-III accreditation levels (technical college, colleges, institutes);

3) self-determination of organization forms and employees payment, the procedure for using funds from budget sources, including the share allocated for salaries and incentive compensation;

4) implementation of other activities on the basis of direct contractual relations, agreements and contracts;

5) the right to form and to discontinue the activities of structural subdivisions that are the part of it, including separated ones, and in the prescribed manner to take the property of other legal entities;

6) conducting joint activity and cooperate under agreements with other universities, enterprises, institutions and organizations in accordance with legislation.


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