Educational Activities

Junior specialists curricula and training programs (text)

Bachalor curricula  and  training programs
Master degree programs



(old) Specialist curricula and training programs (text)
 Academic Affairs’ Department

15, Heroyiv Oborony St., 03041 Kiev

Vice-Rector for Educational Activities

Sergiy M. Kvasha

Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Academician of the National Academy of Agricultural Sciences


E-mail: [email protected]


Head of Academic Affairs’ Department
Zazymko Oksana
PhD in Technical Sciences, Associate Professor

Phone: (044)527-89-60


      The educational conception of the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine (NULES of Ukraine) is determined by its status as a research university. The University realises its educational, research, scientific, innovative, training and extension service activity directed to the development of the up-to-date technologies concerning life sciences and environment, reproduction, usage and balanced development of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems.

      The University introduces modern nature conserving agrarian-biotechnologies, technologies dealing with revival, security and soil fertility as well as  agricultural technologies dealing with energy saving, ecological and law management in rural areas, realization of monitoring and standard control of quality and safety of agricultural production, food processing and environment.

University activity is directed to meet individual, state and society needs and requirements in training and educational according to the Constitution of Ukraine, Laws of Ukraine “On Education”, “On Higher Education”, “Regulations dealing with pedagogical process in Higher Educational Institutions”.

NULES of Ukraine as the research university realizes its activity according to the requirements and standards of the European scientific and educational space, participates in different scientific, research programs and projects, collaborates with world leading universities and other overseas top partners.

The University training activity possesses a secular nature, protected from interference of political parties and religious organizations. The main purpose of the University activity is to keep on integrating  into the world educational system and to conform international status.

NULES of Ukraine as the Higher Educational Institution with IV level accreditation is entitled to train specialists for the following educational qualifications:

junior specialists – in 33 specialities;  

            • bachelors – in 29 directions

                   - Curricula for "BACHELOR"

specialists – in 21 specialities and 50 specializations;

masters – in 54 specialities and over 100 specializations

       - Curricula for "MASTERS"

Training by such directions as “Veterinary Medicine”, “Plant Protection”, "Agronomy", “Ecology, Environmental Protection and Balanced Nature Management”, “Biotechnology”, “Management” (selective component for specialty “Management of Foreign-Economic Activities”), “Finance and Credit”, “Accounting and Audit” , "Philology(translation)", "Administrative managment", "Geodesy, Cartography and Land Managment" for particular groups of students most subjects are teaching in English.

The University (located in Kyiv) provides training by the scheme “Bachelor-Master”. Besides, the University trains candidates and doctors of sciences in 68  and 64 specialities accordingly, and it also conducts training and retraining programmes and courses for employers of the agricultural sector of economy.

Over 39,000 students are trained at 20 faculties of the University (located in Kyiv), at the Southern Regional University “The Crimea Agro-Technological University” (located in Simferopol) and at 12 regional higher educational institutions with I – III level of accreditation

 The University educational concept is based on the following principles:

• higher education accessibility for individuals who meet the requirements of professional selection or competition considering certain privileges for rural youth and those who live in the Chernobyl polluted region;

• equal conditions for each student, postgraduate student, doctorial student in order to realize their abilities, talent and full personal development;

• appropriate conditions for free options for training form and type;

• priority of general human spiritual values, humanism and democracy of the training process;

• logical unity and continuity of the training process and its integration into research work  and production;

• correspondence of the educational level to the requirements of the world;

• free competitions for contracts to fill job openings for a head of a department, a dean, a professor, an assistant professor and others. 


The main objectives of the University educational activities are:

• organization of training process based on innovative master and postgraduate  programs concerning  scientific, research and professional training of Masters, PhDs and Doctors for further scientific and pedagogical activity at the University, Scientific Institutions, High-Tech Industries;

• introducing Masters and PhD training programmes, scientific educators and researchers programmes based on their own investigations by close integration of research work with training providing substantial fundamental component of both training and researching;

• accumulation and essential use of scientific, research and pedagogical stuff of the University to provide effective world level training proces;

• development and introduction into the training process innovative and integrated technologies, methods, technology training, created as results of scientific research;

• integration of education, science and production within the frame of education-scientific-production associations, basic departments and their subdivisions in the Institutions of NAS and NAAN of Ukraine, other scientific institutions to conduct training and research;

• training skilled personnel for innovation development of Ukraine based on creativity, knowledge of modern information technologies, methods of creation, use and protection of intellectual property, essentials for managing innovatory activities, marketing of innovatory products, commercialization of scientific and technical development;

• ensuring high level of employment of graduates by education, particularly young scientists who attended an in-depth scientific, research and scientific and technical training as scientific and scientific-pedagogical staff, the developers of new techniques and technology, managers of scientific and technological business and public administration in education, science and technology;

• engagement of students to work within research groups in developing and implementing complex of high scientific and technical systems, as a necessary component of educational process;

• the high requirements for competitive selection of the teaching staff with mandatory subject of scientific achievements;

• development of virtual educational and scientific information environment with all educational and scientific departments of the university providing access to all participants in the learning process;

• advanced training for managers and professionals of organisations, enterprises and institutions who learn and implement the results of scientific research and technical development of the University;

• participation in spiritual and cultural development of society, formation of the economy knowledge, developing high-tech industries and innovator business environment.

 Educational process at the University is based on the systematic approach for the purpose to train latitude of student’s opinions, unconventional thinking, ability to solve general production and socio-economic problems in their interconnection.

Educational process is an integral part of educational activities and provides education of future professionals in the best traditions of national and world culture in the light of common priorities, recovery and development of economy, culture, science, the spiritual unity of the nation and the peoples of Ukraine ..

One of the key areas of strategic objectives of the University is to create a new mechanism of cooperation between all participants in the educational process based on the principle of unity of their interests, capabilities and educational needs of the individual.

  The main objectives of scientific and technical work in the context of a phased system of education:

• professional development models of the XXI century and building requirements on the level of his professional knowledge, ability for learning, adaptation to work in market conditions and self-development;

• Participation of the University employees in the work of scientific and methodological commissions teaching staff of higher educational establishments of the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Agrarian Policy of Ukraine, which are engaged in the improvement of organizational and methodological support of educational process, developing industry standards for higher education;

 • Establishment of scientific-methodical complex areas of training (specialities) and teaching systems based on the advanced disciplines of educational technologies and related teaching and laboratory facilities;

• ensure the compliance of state standards of higher education;

• adaptation of scientific and technical literature, prepared to press by the University employees, with international standards of WTO and EU countries;

• identifying the contents and forms of training at various stages of training and certification;

• Study the content and nature of graduates with a view to making amendments to the content of the curricula and organisation of the educational process;

• design principles and forms of rating system, criteria for evaluating knowledge, tests to determine the level of professional knowledge and skills;

• mastering new telecommunications and information systems of ensuring training process.



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