Informational and telecommunication provision

             The system of information and telecommunication provision of National University of Life and Environmental Sciences (NULES) includes:
• Vice-President’s Division on educational and scientific issues related to information and telecommunication systems;
• centers:
• for maintenance of computer equipment and telecommunications;
• for information and software;
• for informative-communication and distance learning technologies;
• for the development and providing NULES’s website;
• a TV centre,
• the training FAO UN centre;
• subdivisions for information provision of regional educational institutions;
• newly established Ukrainian Educational-Scientific Institute (ESI) to provide Agro-industrial and Nature Protection Branches of Economy with information and telecommunication.


              Information and telecommunication provision of NULES is implemented in several directions.
              Organization and Maintenance of the University Computer Network.
              All educational buildings and students’ dormitories are connected to the University computer network with access to the Internet. Over 2500 computers are connected to the campus network.
             Organization and Providing the University Website. Website NULES, Ukraine ( is an official representative of the University in the world network.
              Organization and Development of Educational Informative Portal ( Educational-informative portal was set up on the basis of distance learning Moodle. Due to this system the possibility of distance cooperation between tutors and students, mastering educational materials by the students, doing assignments for independent work and testing is realized. Within the structure of the university portal separate portals for each educational institute have been set up. Access to the courses is personified. Over 600 online educational courses (OEC) with authorized users have been set up on the educational-informative portals OEC. The Masters are provided with online educational materials in all subjects. OEC are used by the full-time, extra-mural and extra-mural students with elements of distance form of learning. OEC are also used for advanced learning system.
      FunctOrganization of the Institute Repository.
Institutional repository in NULES of Ukraine ( has posted electronic versions of manuals and textbooks, electronic scientific journals, educational videos, master's works and other electronic learning resources.
Implementing Multi Media Technologies. 3 multimedia labs equipped with a videoconference system are functioning at the university. Distance on-line classes exceeding 50 subjects for the full-time and extra-mural students of regional higher educational institutions and consulting centers of NULES of Ukraine are held in these classes. A multimedia hall with access to electron resources FAO (AGORA) and network has been functioning in the library. There are over 25 lecture rooms with multimedia equipment for presentations, educational video and other graphic materials to be used in practical classes and lectures.
          A  TV Centre. The task of the TV centre is to inform co-workers and students of all important events at the University. Information panels have been installed at educational buildings # 10 and # 3 which broadcast news, announcements etc. Specialists of the centre are creating educational video films and providing new video materials.
Students’ Television. The task of this television is implementing new trends of the Internet and telecommunications applying computer equipment to inform students of the available educational institutions, professions, commodities and services, to hold TV bridges between higher educational establishments. NULES of Ukraine broadcasts information on the structure and content of the curricula and academic programs for training specialists, scientific conferences and seminars, on the students’ Olympiads, on future speciality training abroad, social maintenance of the students, news from students’ life, competitions in different sports etc.

         International Projects. An active cooperation between IT corporations: Intel, Microsoft, IBM, Incom is being implemented. International projects “Information Providing of Agro-industrial Complex” (supported by FAO, UN), training Masters on IT technologies (University DePaul, Chicago, USA), use of Extension Council and PC-technologies for the needs of agrarian sector (jointly with NCAU Ukraine) are being carried out. The National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine owns the largest computer infrastructure among all agrarian higher educational institutions in Ukraine.

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