Research work
The research work of the Department is conducted in the following areas:
1. Scientific research conduction
2. Scientific Research of the Department employees is focused on agricultural issues. Therefore, with the help of modelling the questions of environmental management on both micro-and macro-level are considered. The purpose of research conducted at the Department is to analyze development trends of agrarian sphere in our country and beyond its boundaries using modern software tools for analysis and processing. Key tasks that are solved at the micro level are: Support of decision making (well known is a significant risk of investments into agricultural projects) with acceptable level of risk.
As a practical implementation of presented above areas of research, scientific researches and initiatives for self-supporting themes are conducted, including issue: "Development of information technology impact analysis of the world market for food security situation of Ukraine", the implementation of which is designed for 3 years (2012, 2014). Scientific supervisor is Professor, Head of the Department A. Skrypnyk.
2. Training of scientific personnel Department of Economic Cybernetics is a unique Department at the University, because more than 80% teachers of department are former graduates of university in "Economic Cybernetics", which have linked their future with the department’s scientific and pedagogical activity exactly in the field of study of cybernetic systems. Alumni work in many scientific institutions of Ukraine (DNNU Academy of Financial Management, Institute for Economics and Forecasting Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences, National Scientific Centre "Institute of Agrarian Economics" and others).
3. Implementation and participation in scientific conferences of the department teachers. Every year the teachers of the department present their research and share experiences with colleagues at the international, national and industry conferences.