Department of Agriculture and Herbology

Address: 03041, Kyiv, str. Heroes Oborony, 12, building № 7, r. 32.

Tel.: (044) 527-82-14

E-mail: [email protected]

Head of the Department:
Tanchyk Semen Petrovych

Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, corresponding member of NAAS of Ukraine


The department was founded in 1898 with the agricultural department KPI named chair of general agriculture.
Its first director was Professor A. Klyucharov. From 1912 to 1930, the department was headed by Professor V. Kolkunov. The main focus of his research work was to study the drought resistance of crop plants.
In 1930, the Department of Agriculture was merged with the Department of Agricultural Chemistry, led by Professor O. Dushechkin.
In 1932, the Department of Agriculture the total recovered as an independent. It was led by Professor AG Mikhalovska and led it until 1969 for its direct involvement created an experimental field "Towers." Department studies frost of winter crops, develops and implements the production of crop rotation, tillage, power field crops under different farming systems, protect crops from weeds. Peru prof. Mikhalovska AG owns more than 130 scientific papers, including 12 textbooks and monographs. He trained 40 candidates Agricultural Science. From 1969 to 2002 the department was headed by Associate Professor of IS Rudenko, professors O.H.Yavorskyy, IV Veselovsky VP Gudz, Associate AP Krotinov. During this time, the Department has developed and carried out an extensive program of scientific studies on the various systems of soil tillage in crop rotation and their effect on the parameters of soil fertility and yield of crops, processed, integrated system of measures to protect crops from weeds.
Order of the University from June 15, 2004 № 303 a chair "Agriculture" is changed to "Agriculture and Herbology."

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