Department of Agriculture and Herbology


  1. MP Kosolap. Herbology: Manual. - K.: "Aristei," 2004. - 364 p.
  2. VP Gudz, ID Primack, MF Fisher et al. Adaptive farming systems: Manual. - K.: Center educational literature, 2007. - 336 p.
  3. ID Primak, Y. Manko, SP Tanchyk, MP Kosolap et al. Weeds in agriculture in Ukraine: Applied Herbology. - Textbook. - White Church, Bilotserkivskiy State Agrarian University, 2006. - 664 p.
  4. VP Gudz, AP Lisoval, VA Andrienko, MF Rybak. Agriculture is the basics of soil science and agricultural chemistry: Textbook. - K.: Center educational literature, 2007. - 408 p.
  5. YP Manko, SP Tanchyk et al. The technology of crop production. Laboratory and practical classes: Manual. - K.: NAU, 2005. - 212 p.
  6. ID Primak, V. Gudz, S. Tanchyk, AP Krotinov, IA Luciuk et al. Erosion and soil deflation and measures to combat them: Manual. - White Church.: BDAU, ​​2001. - 391s.
  7. VP Gudz, Y. Budyonny IP Maksymchuk, MF Ivanyuk et al. Dictionary of general farming: a manual. - K.: Agricultural Science, 2004. - 224 p.
  8. VP Gudz, Y. Budyonny ID Primack. Agriculture: Handbook. - K.: Vintage, 1996. - 364 p.
  9. YP Manko, IV Veselovsky, SP Tanchyk, L. Eagle Weeds and measures to combat them: Manual. - K.: learning center Ministry of Agriculture Industry of Ukraine, 1998. - 240 p.
  10. ID Primak, V. Hutz., SP Tanchyk et al. Mechanical tillage in agriculture: Manual. - B. Church. - BDAU. - 2002. - 320 p.
  11. AP Krotinov, IS Rudenko et al. Laboratory and practical classes in agriculture: Manual. - K.: UAA, 1993. - 278 p.
  12. YP Manko, SP Tanchyk, AU Karpenko, VN Rozhko. Ecological Agriculture: A typical program courses: Kyiv: Scientific and Methodical Center IAP 2006. - 16 p.
  13. YP Manko. Basic scientific research in crop production: A typical program discipline. - K.: Scientific and Methodical Center IAP 2006. - 16 p.
  14. YP Manko, SP Tanchyk, AU Karpenko, VN Rozhko. Ecological problems of farming: A typical program discipline. - K.: Scientific and Methodical Center IAP 2006. - 16 p.
  15. SP Tanchyk, MP Kosolap, AP Krotinov, SO Sluggish, MF Mr. Herbology: A typical program discipline. - K.: Scientific and Methodical Center IAP 2006. - 16 p.


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