Department of Agriculture and Herbology

Scientific work

At the current stage, the research work of the department staff is aimed at the scientific substantiation and development of the zonal system of ecological agriculture and its individual links: crop rotation, mechanical tillage, control of arable land weeds, modern adaptive technologies for growing crops, ensuring their economic, energy, economic and environmental efficiency.
Personnel training
Training of highly qualified personnel is conducted through postgraduate and doctoral studies in specialties 201 "Agronomy" and 202 "Plant Protection". More than 15 full-time and evening postgraduate students are trained annually at the department.
Over the past 10 years, four doctoral theses and 27 candidate theses have been prepared and defended. The staff of the department has published more than 850 scientific works, including 19 in scientific and metric databases Scopus and 11 in Web of Science, received 19 certificates for inventions and patents. 11 fundamental monographs, 7 textbooks and 16 teaching aids have been published, which highlight advanced scientific and industrial experience.
The main directions of scientific research:
- development of modern intensive farming systems:
- industrial;
- ecological;
- biological;
- No-till farming system;
- soil protective.
- improvement and development of the latest conservation tillage systems;
- optimization of crop rotation systems for farms of different forms of ownership;
- an integrated system for controlling the weediness of crops under different farming systems;
- optimization of fertilization systems for different farming systems.
Scientific research base of the department
Field laboratory of the department, total area 20 hectares (PE "Agronomic Research Station" NUBiP of Ukraine, Pshenichne village, Vasylkiv district, Kyiv region); educational-scientific-innovation center "Agrotechnologies" (Agrofirma Kolos of Skvyr district, Kyiv region).
Problematic scientific research certified laboratory of herbology;
Production fields of advanced farms, where scientific developments of the department are implemented.
Funding of scientific research
Research is carried out with the funds of the State Budget allocated by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, contracts with individual departments, organizations, institutions and initiative topics.
Currently (2022), the scientific work of the department is carried out on the following topics:
- with state funding: "NDR 110/3-pr-2021 "Theoretical substantiation and development of soil fertility management measures under conservation agriculture" (research supervisor, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences Tanchyk S.P.)";
- farm contract topics: 16/225 "Evaluation of the biological effectiveness of preparations on sunflower and winter rape"; 16/226 "Evaluation of the biological effectiveness of preparations on winter wheat";
- initiative topics: NDR "Study of biological indicators of soil fertility and crop rotation productivity depending on farming systems in the Right Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine" (scientific supervisor - associate professor V.M. Rozhko).
Graduate students of the department take an active part in research.The obtained results are the basis for the preparation of bachelor's and master's theses, are used in scientific publications, speeches at scientific conferences held in Ukraine and beyond.
To Applicants (синій)Regional Educational Institutions (синій)Press-centre

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