
Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, corresponding member of NAAS of Ukraine
Tanchyk Semen

Phone: (044) 527-82-14

E-mail: [email protected]



Works from 1979 to now. time — Ukrainian rural-urban academy (now NUBiP of Ukraine): 

assistant (1979–1991); 

associate professor (1991–1995);

Doctoral student of the Department of General Agriculture (1995–1996, 1998–1999); deputy vice-rector for scientific work (1996–1998);

Head of the Department of Crop Production (1999–2005);

Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture (2000–2001);

Director of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Crop Production, Soil Science and Ecology (2001–2005);

Head of the Department of Agriculture and Herbology (from 2002 to the present);

director of the Scientific Research Institute of Agricultural Technologies and Crop Product Quality (2009–2011 part-time)

Disciplines taught by: "Agriculture", "Organic agriculture", "Modern farming systems" "Theoretical justification of agricultural systems", "Management of soil fertility and productivity agricultural crops under conservation agriculture", "Agriculture under the conditions of climate change".

The field of scientific interests

One of the current directions of scientific research is the biologization of the agricultural sector, obtaining high-quality and ecologically safe agricultural products. The relevance of the problem is due to the violation of the ecological state of the agricultural sector of Ukraine. This requires finding ways to stabilize the industry with subsequent extended reproduction of potential and effective soil fertility. He proposed complex developments for the application of organic and mineral fertilizers using the non-marketable part of the crop, mass of siderable crops and biofertilizers, optimization of the structure of sown areas with a normative share of perennial grasses, application of an ecologically regulated system of plant protection against harmful organisms. Under his leadership, an ecological farming system was developed for the first time in Ukraine. The main theoretical and practical developments are dedicated to the justification of resource-saving technologies for growing agricultural crops, taking into account the requirements of environmental protection.

Author of more than 400 scientific works, including 8 monographs, 10 textbooks, 11 training manuals, holds 9 patents;

- trained 3 doctors, 26 candidates of sciences;

Link to profile in Scopus: https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=57215819392 

Link to profile inWoS:https://www.webofscience.com/wos/author/record/1499160 

Link to profile in Google scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=1vj_Y8MAAAAJ&hl=uk&authuser=1


Professor, Dr. S.-G. N
Oleksiy Anatoliyovych Tsyuk

Phone: (044) 527-81-18

E-mail: [email protected]


From 04.1994 to 10.1994 – agronomist-seed breeder of KSP "Zorya" of Bershad district of Vinnytsia region.
1994–1997 National Agrarian University, post-graduate studies at the Department of General Agriculture, specialty 06.01.01 – General Agriculture.
1997 – 2003 assistant of the department of general agriculture.
2002 – 2007: Deputy Director of the Research Institute of Plant Breeding, Soil Science and Ecology of the National University of Bioresources and Nature Management of Ukraine (part-time).
2003 – 2016, associate professor of the Department of Agriculture and Herbology.
From 2016 to the present, he is a professor of the Department of Agriculture and Herbology of the National University of Bioresources and Nature Management of Ukraine.
Disciplines taught:
 • "Fundamentals of scientific research" for students of the agrobiology faculty;
 • "Mathematical and statistical methods of analysis in agronomy" for students of the agrobiology faculty;
• "Methodology and organization of scientific research with the basics of intellectual property" for masters of the first year of study of the agrobiology faculty;
• "Farming" for students of the agrobiology faculty.
Scientific and professional interests:
Biologization of the field of crop production, obtaining high-quality and ecologically safe agricultural products, increasing soil fertility.
Main publications:
1. Production technology of crop production: Education. Manual. Y. P. Manko, S. P. Tanchyk,       I. P. Maksymchuk, I. O. Lutsyuk, O. A. Tsyuk. K.: NAU. 2005. 234.
2. Agriculture: Education. Manual. S. P. Tanchyk, Yu. P. Manko, V. P. Gudz, O. P. Krotinov, O. A. Tsyuk, M. F. Ivanyuk, L. V. Tsentilo, M. P. Kosolap, V. M. Rozhko, O. O. Tarasenko, S. O. Vyaly, V. M. Dudchenko, A. A. Anisymova, O. Yu. Karpenko, A. I. Babenko, O. S. Pavlov. K.: FOP Korzun D. Yu., 2013. 278.
3. Manko Yu.P. Methodology, methods and methods of research in agronomy: study guide / Yu. P. Manko, O. A. Tsyuk, O. S. Pavlov. Vinnytsia: "Nilan-LTD" LLC, 2016. 96.
4. Manko Y.P., Tanchyk S. P., Tsyuk O.A., Karpenko O. Yu., Rozhko V. M., Dudchenko V. M. Production technology of crop production. Study guide. Kyiv: NUBiP of Ukraine, 2019. 215.
5. Scientific foundations of farming systems: monograph / S. P. Tanchyk, O. A. Tsyuk, L. V. Tsentilo. Vinnytsia: "Nilan-LTD" LTD, 2015. 312
6. Tsentilo L. V., Tanchyk S. P., Tsyuk O. A. Soil fertility management for conservation agriculture: monograph. Vinnytsia: TVORY LTD, 2021. 364
7. I. D. Prymak, O. A. Tsyuk, I. V. Martynyuk, S. O. Obrazhiy, D. V. Litvinov, and others. Evolution of farming systems in Ukraine: monograph. Vinnytsia: LTD "CREATIONS", 2022. 520.
Scientific articles:
1. Tsyuk O. A. Productivity of arable land of grain-row crop rotation of the Forest Steppe under the influence of agricultural greening. Bulletin of Kharkiv National Agrarian University named after V.V. Dokuchaeva, 2008. 4. 75-78.
2. Tsyuk O. A. Agroecological aspects of growing agricultural crops in the Right Bank Forest Steppe of Ukraine. Scientific Bulletin of the National University of Bioresources and Nature Management of Ukraine. "Agronomy" series, 2012. 176. 132-137.
3. A. A. Tsyuk, Potential pollution of arable land depending on the systems of agriculture and soil treatment. Protection of plants, 2013. Issue 37. 45-50.
4. Tsyuk A. A. Evaluation and ecological efficiency of agricultural systems. Sugar beet, 2013. 6. 25-27.
5. A. A. Tsyuk, Sowing weediness and yield of crops in grain rotation with basic soil tillage. Protection of plants, 2016. Issue 40. 125-130.
6. Tanchyk S. P., Tsentilo L. V., Tsyuk O. A. The influence of fertilization and tillage on the productivity of crop rotation. Herald of Agrarian Science, 2019. 8. 11-16.
7. Tsyuk O. A., Tsentilo L. V., Melnyk V. I. The structural and aggregate composition of the soil depending on the main cultivation and fertilization. Bioresources and nature management, 2018. Vol. 10. 5-6. 139-145.
8. Tsentilo L. V., Tsyuk O. A., Melnyk V. I. Nutrient content in the soil under the influence of fertilizer application and tillage. Bioresources and nature management, 2018. Vol. 10. 3-4. 164-169.
9.      TsyukO. A., TanchykS. P., KyrylyukV. I., ShevchenkoT. V. Biologicalactivityofthesoilinsowsofwinterwheatsdependingonthe main soil treatment in sequence. Ukrainian Journal of Ecology. Vol. 8, 3. 2018. 37-40. (Web of Science).
10.   Tsyuk O.A., Tanchuk S.P., Tsentulo L.V., Kirilyuk V.I., Pavlov O.S., Sleptsov Y. Change of carbon’s contain of the main humuse’s groups of the black typical soil with the agriculture’s ecologization. Ukrainian Journal of Ecology, Vol. 8, 4. 2018. 154 -158. (Web of Science).
11.   MankoYu. P.,Tsyuk O.A., Tsentulo L.V., ShemetunO. The methodology resource suggesrion with environmental criteria for rationality agricultural systems estimation. Ukrainian Journal of Ecology, Vol. 9, 1 2019. 121-126.(Web of Science).
12.    Tsyuk O., Shemetun O., Tsvey Y., Melnyk V. Monitoring of sugar beet crops weediness depending on agriculture systems.AgroLife Scientific Journal. Vol. 10, Number 1, 2021. 242-247. (Web of Science).
13.   Tsyuk O., Myroshnychnko M., Tsvey Y., Melnyk V. Control of weeds in agrophytocenosis of winter wheat depending on soil treatment and fertilization system. AgroLife Scientific Journal. Volume 10, Number 2, 2021. 197-202. (Web of Science).
14.   Tsyuk O., Tkachenko M., Butenko A., Mishenko Y., Kondratiuk I., Litvinov D., Tsiuk Y., Sleptsov Y. Changes in the nitrogen compound transformation processes of typical chernozem depending on the tillage systems and fertilizers. Agraarteadus. 1. XXXIII.2022.192-198.(Scopus).

Professor of the department, doctor of agricultural sciences
Litvinov Dmytro Viktorovych

Phone: (044) 527-81-18

E-mail: [email protected]

 Higher education: Luhansk State Agrarian University, specialty – «Agronomy», qualification – «Scientific agronomist», 2000.

2003 – 2005 – researcher of the crop rotation laboratory of the Institute of Agriculture of the UAAS;
2005-2006 - acting senior researcher of the crop rotation laboratory of the Institute of Agriculture of the UAAS;
2006-2010 - senior researcher of the laboratory of crop rotation of the NRC «Institute of Agriculture of the UAAS»;
2010 - acting leading researcher of the laboratory of crop rotation of the NRC «Institute of Agriculture of the UAAS»;
2010-2015 - leading researcher of the Department of Crop Rotation and Agriculture on Reclaimed Lands of the NRC «Institute of Agriculture of the NAAS»;
2015-2018 - Head of the Department of Crop Rotation and Agriculture on Reclaimed Lands of the NRC «Institute of Agriculture NAAS»;
2017 to the present, he is an associate professor of the Department of Agriculture and Herbology of theNational university of life and environmental sciences of Ukraine.
Disciplines for which he is responsible for teaching:
«Agriculture»; «Fundamentals of scientific research in agronomy»; «Crop rotations and tillage in modern agriculture»; «Soil cultivation under modern agriculture»; «Modern concepts of the formation of crop rotations».
The author of more than 100 scientific publications: of which 95 are in scientific specialized publications, 3 monographs, 2 DSTU
Google scholar:  ttps://scholar.google.com.ua/citations?hl=uk&user=cm_MY18AAAAJ

Associate Professor, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences
Centylo Leonid Vasyliovych

Phone: (044) 527-81-18

 He was born on March 27, 1967 in the village of Pustovarivka, Skvyr district, Kyiv region. He received secondary special education at the Verkhivnya Agricultural Technical College, majoring in "Agronomy" (1991), and higher education at the Belotserkiv State Agrarian University, majoring in "Agronomy" (2002). Scientific degree of the candidate of agriculture. After defending his thesis at the National University of Bioresources and Nature Management of Ukraine, he obtained a degree in 01.06.09, specializing in plant breeding.

In 2020, he defended his dissertation and received the scientific degree of doctor of science and technology. of Sciences by specialty 06.01.01.- general agriculture.
The career path is marked by the works of a combiner of the collective farm named after Vatutin (1984-1989), mechanist of the collective farm named after Frunze (1989-1995), chief agronomist of the collective farm named after Frunze (1995-1997), head of Khliborob KSP (1997-2000), head of the Department of Agriculture and Food of Skvyrsk District State Administration (2000-2002), deputy head of Skvyrsk RDA (2002-2003), director of Kolos Agrofirm LLC " (from 2003 to the present), associate professor of the Department of Agriculture and Herbology of NUBiP of Ukraine (since 2017), the duties of the director of the educational, scientific and innovative center of agricultural technologies of NUBiP of Ukraine created at LLC "Agrofirma "Kolos" on public grounds (since 2016 r.).
Pedagogical activity is related to conducting educational practice of students of the agrobiology faculty in the subjects "Agriculture", "Herbology".

For conscientious work and significant contribution to the socio-economic development of the Skvyr district of the Kyiv region, by decree of the President of Ukraine L.V. Tsentil was awarded the honorary title of Honored Worker of Agriculture of Ukraine (2009) and awarded with honorary diplomas of the Kyiv Regional State Administration. 2018 – Laureate of the Prize of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine for the development and implementation of innovative technologies.


associate professor, candidate of science
Mykola Pavlovich Kosolap

Phone: 097-861-67-99

E-mail: [email protected]


1976–1977 - agronomist - seed grower, district agricultural administration of Novomyrhorod district, Kirovohrad region.
1977–1981 – chief agronomist of the collective farm named after XXII Congress of the CPSU, Novomyrhorodsky district, Kirovohrad region.
1981–1984 – post-graduate student of the Department of Agriculture of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, Kyiv;
1984–1989 – assistant of the Department of Agriculture, USGA, Kyiv;
1989–2000 – Associate Professor of the Department of World Agricultural Technologies of NAU, Kyiv;
Since 2000, he has been an associate professor of the Department of Agriculture and Herbology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.
Disciplines taught by:
at the level of OKR bachelor: No-till I Strip-till farming systems.
at the level of OKR Master: Management of risk factors in agriculture; Integrated control in modern farming systems. No-till and Strip-till farming systems.
Scientific and professional interests.
Herbology - weeds and their control in crops.
No-till farming system. Risk factors and their management in agriculture.
The initiator of the introduction into the system of training specialists of the agronomic profile of new academic disciplines - Herbology, No-till and Strip-till farming systems. The author of the first textbooks on these subjects in Ukraine. FAO expert on conservation agriculture in Ukraine. Scientific editor of "Zerno" magazine.
Main publications:
1. Kosolap M. P. Herbology. study guide / M. P. Kosolap - Kyiv: Aristei. - 2004. - 363 p.
2. Kosolap M. P. Buryani in agriculture of Ukraine. Tutorial. I. D. Primak, Yu. P. Manko, S. P. Tanchyk, I. V. Martyniuk, L. A. Kozak.] – Bila Tserkva: State Agrarian University. - 2006. - 664 p.
3. M. P. Kosolap / Handbook of Herbology // M. P. Kosolap. - K: Condor. - 2006. - 368 p.
4. Kosolap, M.P. Identifier of weed seedlings and seeds // M.P. Kosolap, I.D. Primak, I.V. Mazurkevich. - FLOWER. -2008. - 150 s.
5. Terminological dictionary of herbology. - Word. – 2008. Edited by M. P. Kosolap, 183 p.
6. Kosolap M. P. Increasing the effectiveness of chemical protection of crops against weeds / S. O. Vyaly, M. P. Kosolap // Collection of articles of the Ukrainian Scientific Society of Herbologists: Kyiv, Kolobig. – 2008. – P. 33–39.
7. Kosolap M.P. No-till farming system. M. P. Kosolap, O. P. Krotinov. - Kyiv: Logos. - 2011 - 351 p.
8. Atlas of weed seeds State Quarantine of Ukraine - 2013. - 511 p. Edited by M. P. Kosolapa.
9. Kosolap M.P., Study guide "Practicum on Herbology" 3rd edition, revised. Ivanyuk M.F., Anisymova A.A., Babenko A.I Kyiv, 2021, NUBiP of Ukraine, - 811p
10. Kosolap M.P., and others. Scientific bases of management of the weed component of agrophytocenoses of Ukraine. Vinnytsia, Primak I.D. etc. Works, 2021 -447p.
11. Kosolap M.P. Atlas of weeds., Ivanyuk M.F. Anisymova A.A., Babenko A.I. I. D. Primak, Kyiv, 2022, -125 p.

12. Kosolap M.P. Soil protection and resource-saving agriculture in Ukraine., Mumidzhanov H.F., Bykov M.I., Zhuravel O.M., Statfivka O.I. Kyiv, 2022 – 118 p.


Associate Professor, Doctor of Science
Mykola Fedorovych Ivaniuk

Phone: +380987829762

E-mail: [email protected]


1989 - 1992 - agronomist of the collective farm "Zhovten" village. Krasne, Bakhmatsky district, Chernihiv region.
1992 - 1995 - full-time post-graduate student of the National Agrarian University.
1994 - 1998 - assistant of the Department of Agriculture and Herbology of the National Agrarian University.
Since 1998 and until now, an associate professor of the Department of Agriculture and Herbology of the National Institute of Natural Sciences of Ukraine.
Disciplines taught by:
• Agriculture and herbology;
• General agriculture
• Herbology
• Adaptive farming systems
Scientific and professional interests:
Development and implementation of systems of complex control of weediness of agrophytocenoses under different farming systems in the Forest-Steppe of Ukraine.
Main publications:
1. Kosolap M.P. Atlas of weeds., Ivanyuk M.F. Anisymova A.A., Babenko A.I. I. D. Primak, Kyiv, 2022, -125 p.
2. Monograph from the series "Biobibliography of agricultural scientists of Ukraine" Book 83 "Professor Mykhailo Arseniyovych Bilonozko / Kalenska S.M., Vergunov V.A., Dmytryshak M.Ya., Havrilyuk V.M., Ivanyuk M.F. and etc.// Kyiv: NUBiP of Ukraine, 2022 - 360 p.
3. Study guide "Practicum on herbology" 3rd edition, revised / Kosolap M.P., Prymak I.D., Ivanyuk M.F., Anisymova A.A., Babenko A.I. // Kyiv NUBiP of Ukraine, 2021 - 876 p.
4. Study guide "Practicum on herbology" 2nd edition, revised / Kosolap M.P., Prymak I.D., Ivanyuk M.F., Anisymova A.A., Babenko A.I. // Kyiv NUBiP of Ukraine, 2019 - 950 p.
5. Study guide "Practicum in herbology" / Kosolap M.P., Primak I.D., Ivanyuk M.F., Anisymova A.A., Babenko A.I. // Kyiv "CP Comprint" LLC, 2018 - 592 p.
6. Monograph "Through the Winds of the Decades" / Dmytryshak M.Ya., Gavrilyuk V.M., Ivanyuk M.F.// Kyiv-Vinnitsa LLC "Tvory", 2018 – 510 p.
7. Agriculture. Practicum Study guide / Tanchyk S.P., Manko Y.P., Gudz V.P., Ivanyuk M.F. and others.. - K.: FOP Korzun.D.Yu., 2013.-278p.
8. Ecological problems of agriculture. / Textbook for the training of OKR "Bachelor" specialists in the field 6.090101 - "Agronomy" in higher educational institutions of III - IV levels of accreditation / Gudz V. P., Rybak M. F., Ivanyuk M. F. and others. - Zhytomyr Agroecological Academy, 2010. - 234p.
9. Technologies for growing agricultural crops using No-till farming systems / Kosolap M.P., Krotinov O.P., Ivanyuk M.F., Dudchenko V.M. - Vinnytsia. Institute of Fodder and Agriculture, Podillia National Academy of Sciences, 2014.-7p.
10. Industry standard of higher education of Ukraine. OKH of training of specialists of OKR "Bachelor" direction 6.090101 "Agronomy". Methodical manual / Dmytryshak M. Ya., Kalenska S. M., Ivanyuk M. F. and others - K.: "Agrarian education", 2010. - 233 p. .
11. Industry standard of higher education of Ukraine. OPP for the training of specialists of the OKR "Bachelor" in the direction 6.090101 "Agronomy". Methodical manual / Dmytryshak M. Y., Kalenska S. M., Ivanyuk M. F. and others. - K.: "Agrarian education", 2010. - 156 p.
12. End-to-end program of students' practices and methods of their organization for the training of specialists in the field 6.090101 "Agronomy". Educational and methodological manual / Dmytryshak M. Ya., Ivanyuk M. F., Zavhorodniy V. M. - K.: "Agrarian education", 2011. - 189 p.
13. Herbology. The program of the educational discipline for the training of specialists of the OKR "Bachelor" in the specialty 6.090101 - "Agronomy" in higher educational institutions of III - IV levels of accreditation of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy of Ukraine / Manko Y. P., Kosolap M. P., Ivanyuk M. F. - K "Agrarian education", 2014. - 29 p.

14. Productivity of corn in different farming systems /Manko Y.P., Ivanyuk M.F., Lytvynenko I.V. N. I. Vavilova, No. 12. - Russia, St. Petersburg, 2012. - 458 p.


Associate Professor, Doctor of Science
Valentina Rozhko

Phone: (044) 527-81-18

E-mail: [email protected]


Google scholar:   https://scholar.google.com/citations?view_op=list_works&hl=ru&hl=ru&user=P1_aP0wAAAAJ


1985-1988 – employee of the Bobrovytskyi state farm of the technical school. 

1988 - plant protection agronomist of the collective farm "Lenin's Testament" in Oster, Chernihiv region.

1988-1995 - studies at the Ukrainian Order of the Red Banner of Labor agricultural academy, agronomy faculty, specialty: "Agronomy". 

1995-1999 National Agrarian University, post-graduate studies at the Department of General Agriculture, specialty 06.01.01 - General Agriculture.

1999 - assistant of the Department of General Agriculture of the National Agrarian University. 

From 2003 to the present, associate professor of the Department of Agriculture and Herbology of the National University of Bioresources and Nature Management of Ukraine. 

Disciplines taught: 

• "Farming with the basics of soil science and agrochemistry" for students of the Faculty of Economics;

• "Agriculture" for students of humanitarian and pedagogical, agrobiological, plant protection faculties;

• "Fundamentals of agriculture and crop production" for students of the Faculty of Land Management;

• "Adaptive farming systems" for masters of the second year of study of the agrobiology faculty;

• "Modern farming systems" for masters of the first year of study of the agrobiology faculty.

Scientific and professional interests: Dynamics of soil biological activity depending on farming systems and main cultivation measures in the conditions of the Right Bank Forest Steppe of Ukraine.

Main publications:


1. Ecological problems of agriculture: Textbook / V. P. Gudz, S. P. Tanchyk, O. P. Krotinov, V. M. Rozhko, etc. /Editor's note V. P. Gudzia. - Zhytomyr: Publishing House "Zhytomyr National Agroecological University", 2010. - 708 p.

2. Basics of agriculture and crop production: Textbook/ S.P. Tanchyk, V.M. Rozhko, O.Yu. Karpenko, A.A. Anisymova / Ed. S.P. Tanchyka. - Kyiv: Publishing House of NUBiP of Ukraine, 2022. - 352 p.

Teaching aids:

1. Basics of agriculture and crop production S.P. Tanchyk, V.M. Rozhko, O.Yu. Karpenko, A.A. Anisymova Kyiv, NUBiP of Ukraine, 2018. - 239 p.

2. Basics of agriculture and crop production Second edition, supplemented and revised: study guide / S.P. Tanchyk, V.M. Rozhko, O.Yu. Karpenko, A.A. Anisymova - Kyiv, NUBiP of Ukraine, 2019. - 259 p.

3. Production technology of crop production: study guide / Yu.P. Manko, S.P. Tanchyk, O.A. Tsyuk, O.Yu. Karpenko, V.M. Rozhko., V.M. Dudchenko - Kyiv: NUBiP of Ukraine, 2019. - 220 p.

4. Agriculture with the basics of soil science / S.P. Tanchyk, V.M. Rozhko, O.Yu. Karpenko - Kyiv, Printeco, 2020. - 443 p.

Articles indexed in the Scopus and Web of Science databases:

1.         Karpenko, O.Yu., Rozhko, V.M., Butenko, A.O., Samkova, O.P., Lychuk, A.I., Matviienko, I.S., Masyk, I.M., Sobran, I.V., Kankash, H.D. (2020). Influence of agricultural systems and measures of basic tillage on the number of microorganisms in the soil under winter wheat crops of the Right-bank forest-steppe of Ukraine. Ukrainian Journal of Ecology, 10(5), 76-80.https://apps.webofknowledge.com/full_record.do?product=WOS&search_mode=GeneralSearch&qid=6&SID=F35OHosfa7cjij5mfz3&page=11&doc=103U

2.         Karpenko, O.Yu., Rozhko, V.M., Butenko, A.O., Lychuk, A.I., Davydenko, G.A., Tymchuk, D.S, Tonkha, O.L., Kovalenko, V.P. (2020). The activity of the microbial groups of maize root-zone in different crop rotations. Ukrainian Journal of Ecology, 10 (2), 137-140 https://apps.webofknowledge.com/full_record.do?product=WOS&search_mode=GeneralSearch&qid=6&SID=F35OHosfa7cjij5mfz3&page=11&doc=103U 

3.         Karpenko, O.Yu., Rozhko, V.M., Butenko, A.O., Masyk, I.M., Malynka, L.V., Didur, I.M., Vereshchahin, I.V., Chyrva, A.S., Berdin, S.I. (2019). Post Harvest Siderates Impact on the Weed Littering of Maize. Ukrainian Journal of Ecology, 9(3), 300-303. https://apps.webofknowledge.com/full_record.do?product=WOS&search_mode=GeneralSearch&qid=6&SID=F35OHosfa7cjij5mfz3&page=11&doc=103U

4.         U.M.Karbivska, A.O. Butenko, N.M. Kandiba, S.I. Berdin, V.M. Rozhko, O. Yu. Karpenko, O.M. Bakumenko, D.S. Tymchuk, A.S. Chyrva (2020). Effekt of fertilization on the chemikal composition and qualiti of cederal grasses foddes with different ripeness. Ukrainian Journal of Ecology, 10(6), 83-87. https://apps.webofknowledge.com/full_record.do?product=WOS&search_mode=GeneralSearch&qid=6&SID=F35OHosfa7cjij5mfz3&page=11&doc=103U

5.         O.Y. Karpenko, A.O. Butenko, V.M. Rozhko, O.M. Tsyz, M.A. Tkachenko, N.M. Asanishvili , E.V. Zadubynna , I.M. Masyk , I.V. Sobran. Assimilation apparatus indices of maize plants under conditions of the right bank forest steppe of Ukraine. Modern Phytomorphology 15: 1–5, 2020https://www.webofscience.com/wos/woscc/full-record/WOS:000624678500001

6.         Parkhomenko, М.M., Lychuk, A.I., Butenko, A.O., Karpenko, O.Yu., Rozhko, V.M., Tsyz, O.M., Chernega, T.O., Tymoshenko, O.P., Chmel, O.P.(2021).Nitrogen balance in shortcroprotationsundervarioussystemsforrestoringsod-podzolicsoilfertility. Ukrainian Journal of Ecology, 11(2), 67-71   https://www.webofscience.com/wos/woscc/full-record/WOS:000653458100012

7.         S. I. Berdin N. M. Lys , N. L. Tkachuk , A. O. Butenko , V. I. Onychko , V. M. Rozhko , O. Yu. Karpenko , T. O. Chernega , I. M. Masyk .           Five-year cycle efficiency of willow and poplar growing under conditions of Pre-carpathians. AMA, Agricultural Mechanization in Asia, Africa and Latin America, Volume 51, Issue 01, June, 2021, 821-830.https://www.shin-norinco.com/article/

8.         Ya. Ya. Hryhoriv, Ye. Yu Butenko, V. M. Rozhko, O. Yu. Karpenko, A. I. Lychuk, S. I. Kudria, I. V. Sobran, A. A. Stavytskyi, O. M. Tkachenko Formation of Camelina sativa yield depending on the level of mineral fertilization under conditions of Precarpathians. AMA, Agricultural Mechanization in Asia, Africa and Latin America, Volume 52, Issue 01, oktober, 2021, 2405-2413 https://www.shin-norinco.com/article/

9.Changes in Agrochemical Parameters of Sod-Podzolic Soil Depending on the Productivity of Cereal Grasses of Different Ripeness and Methods of Tillage in the Carpathian Region. Andrii Chyrva Alla Kustovska Ulyana Karbivska, Nadiia Asanishvili, Andrii Butenko, Valentina Rozhko, Olena Karpenko, Оksana Sykalo, Ihor Masyk, 2022р Journal of Ecological Engineering, 2022, 23(1), pp. 55–63. https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=57398171500

10.Nutrient Balance of Sod–Podzolic Soil Depending on the Productivity of Meadow Agrophytocenosis and Fertilization. MaksymKozakUlianaKarbivska, IhorMasyk, AndriiButenko, ViktorOnychko, TetianaOnychko, LyudmylaKrіuchko, ValentinaRozhko, OlenaKarpenko. Ecological Engineering & Environmental Technology (EEET) 2022, 23, Issue 2, 70-77. https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=57398171500

11.Influence-of-Agricultural-Systems-on-Microbiological-Transformation-of-Organic-Matter-in-Wheat-Winter-Crops-on-Typical-Black-Soils.Olena Karpenko, Yevheniia Butenko, Valentina Rozhko, Оksana Sykalo, Alla Kustovska, Viktor Onychko, Dmytro S. Tymchuk, Vasyl Filon- Journal of Ecological Engineering, 2022, 23(9), 181-186.  https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=57398171500 

12. Adaptation of various maize hybrids when grown for biomass. O.Y. KarpenkoM.V. Radchenko, V.I. Trotsenko, A.O. Butenko, І.М. Masyk, Z.I. Hlupak, O.I. Pshychenko, N.O. Terokhina, V.M. Rozhko. Agronomy Research, 2022, 20(22), 404-413. https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=57398171500

13. Influence of Cultivation Technology on the Growth and Development of Sweet Corn Plants of Hybrid Moreland F1. IvanSalatenkoYaroslavaHryhoriv, SergeyButenko, AnnaHotvianska, NataliiaNozdrina, ValentinaRozhko, OlenaKarpenko, ОksanaSykalo, AllaKustovska, ValentinaToryanik. Ecological Engineering & Environmental Technology, 2022, 23(6), 104–110.. https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=57398171500

Guidelines for the past three years:

1. Methodological guidelines for the study of the discipline "Agriculture" by students of the Faculty of Plant Protection, specialty 202- "Plant Protection" K-2020 d.a. 4.1. Compilers: Rozhko V.M., Karpenko O.Yu.

2. Methodological guidelines for the study of the "Crop rotations of Ukraine" section of the "Agriculture" discipline by students of the agrobiology faculty. K- 2020, 2.1 d.a. Compilers: Tanchyk S.P., Litvinov D.V., Rozhko V.M., Karpenko O.Yu.

3. Methodological instructions for the performance of laboratory-practical work on the basics of agriculture and crop production by students of the faculty of land management, specialty 193- "Geodesy and land management"-K. 2020. d.a. 7.4 Compilers: Rozhko V.M., Karpenko O.Yu.

4. Methodological instructions for the implementation of the program of educational practice on the basics of agriculture and crop production, specialty 193-"Geodesy and land management" - K. 2020 d.a. 3.7. Compilers: Rozhko V.M., Karpenko O.Yu.

5. Methodical instructions for the performance of laboratory-practical work on Plant production technology for students of specialty 208- "Agroengineering" K. 2021 d.a. 7.0 Compilers: Tanchyk S.P., Karpenko O.Yu., Rozhko V.M.

6. Methodological guidelines for educational practice in Plant production technology for students of specialty 208- "Agroengineering" K. 2021 d.a. 4.2 Compilers: Tanchyk S.P., Karpenko O.Yu., Rozhko V.M.

7. Methodological instructions for the implementation of laboratory-practical classes of the discipline "Technology of the production of plant products" for students of economic specialties of agrarian universities. K- 2021 d.a. 7,8. Compilers: Rozhko V.M., Karpenko O.Yu.

8. Methodological instructions for the implementation of the program of educational practice in the discipline "Technology of the production of plant products" for students of economic specialties of agrarian universities. K- 2021 d.a. 4.5. Compilers: Rozhko V.M., Karpenko O.Yu.


Associate Professor, Doctor of Science
Karpenko, Olena Y.

Phone: (044) 527-81-18

E-mail: [email protected]


Labor activity:
- since 1994 assistant of the Department of General Agriculture of the Ukrainian State Agrarian University.
Since 2003 - Associate Professor of the Department of Agriculture and Herbology of the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine.
Scientific and professional interests
Efficiency of post-harvest crops, influence of crops on microbiological activity and phytotoxicity of soil.
She leads the scientific club "Farmer" at the Department of Agriculture and Herbology.
Disciplines taught:
-"Agriculture" for students of the Faculty of Plant Protection;
-"Technologies of crop production" for students of the Faculty of Economics;
-"Fundamentals of agriculture and crop production" for students of the Faculty of Land Management;
-"Technologies of production, storage and processing of agricultural products" for the specialty - Electric power, electrical engineering and electromechanics. 
 -          Main publications:
-          Textbooks:
-          1. Ecological problems of agriculture: Textbook / V. P. Gudz, S. P. Tanchyk, O. P. Krotinov, V. M. Rozhko, etc. /Editor's note V. P. Gudzia. - Zhytomyr: Publishing House "Zhytomyr National Agroecological University", 2010. - 708 p.
-          2. Basics of agriculture and crop production: Textbook/ S.P. Tanchyk, V.M. Rozhko, O.Yu. Karpenko, A.A. Anisymova / Ed. S.P. Tanchyka. - Kyiv: Publishing House of NUBiP of Ukraine, 2022. - 352 p.
-          Teaching aids:
-          1. Basics of agriculture and crop production S.P. Tanchyk, V.M. Rozhko, O.Yu. Karpenko, A.A. Anisymova Kyiv, NUBiP of Ukraine, 2018. - 239 p.
-          2. Basics of agriculture and crop production Second edition, supplemented and revised: study guide / S.P. Tanchyk, V.M. Rozhko, O.Yu. Karpenko, A.A. Anisymova - Kyiv, NUBiP of Ukraine, 2019. - 259 p.
-          3. Production technology of crop production: study guide / Yu.P. Manko, S.P. Tanchyk, O.A. Tsyuk, O.Yu. Karpenko, V.M. Rozhko., V.M. Dudchenko - Kyiv: NUBiP of Ukraine, 2019. - 220 p.
-          4. Agriculture with the basics of soil science / S.P. Tanchyk, V.M. Rozhko, O.Yu. Karpenko - Kyiv, Printeco, 2020. - 443 p.
          Articles indexed in the Scopus and Web of Science databases:
-          1. Karpenko, O.Yu., Rozhko, V.M., Butenko, A.O., Samkova, O.P., Lychuk, A.I., Matviienko, I.S., Masyk, I.M., Sobran, I.V., Kankash, H.D. (2020). Influence of agricultural systems and measures of basic tillage on the number of microorganisms in the soil under winter wheat crops of the Right-bank forest-steppe of Ukraine. Ukrainian Journal of Ecology, 10(5), 76- 80. https://apps.webofknowledge.com/full_record.do?product=WOS&search_mode=GeneralSearch&qid=6&SID=F35OHosfa7cjij5mfz3&page=11&doc=103U
-          2. Karpenko, O.Yu., Rozhko, V.M., Butenko, A.O., Lychuk, A.I., Davydenko, G.A., Tymchuk, D.S, Tonkha, O.L., Kovalenko, V.P. (2020). The activity of the microbial groups of maize root-zone in different crop rotations. Ukrainian Journal of Ecology, 10 (2), 137-140 https://apps.webofknowledge.com/full_record.do?product=WOS&search_mode=GeneralSearch&qid=6&SID=F35OHosfa7cjij5mfz3&page=11&doc=103U 
-          3. Karpenko, O.Yu., Rozhko, V.M., Butenko, A.O., Masyk, I.M., Malynka, L.V., Didur, I.M., Vereshchahin, I.V., Chyrva, A.S., Berdin, S.I. (2019). Post Harvest Siderates Impact on the Weed Littering of Maize. Ukrainian Journal of Ecology, 9(3), 300-303. https://apps.webofknowledge.com/full_record.do?product=WOS&search_mode=GeneralSearch&qid=6&SID=F35OHosfa7cjij5mfz3&page=11&doc=103U
-          4. U.M.Karbivska, A.O. Butenko, N.M. Kandiba, S.I. Berdin, V.M. Rozhko, O. Yu. Karpenko, O.M. Bakumenko, D.S. Tymchuk, A.S. Chyrva (2020). Effekt of fertilization on the chemikal composition and qualiti of cederal grasses foddes with different ripeness. Ukrainian Journal of Ecology, 10(6), 83-87. https://apps.webofknowledge.com/full_record.do?product=WOS&search_mode=GeneralSearch&qid=6&SID=F35OHosfa7cjij5mfz3&page=11&doc=103U
-          5. O.Y. Karpenko, A.O. Butenko, V.M. Rozhko, O.M. Tsyz, M.A. Tkachenko, N.M. Asanishvili , E.V. Zadubynna , I.M. Masyk , I.V. Sobran. Assimilation apparatus indices of maize plants under conditions of the right bank forest steppe of Ukraine. Modern Phytomorphology 15: 1–5, 2020https://www.webofscience.com/wos/woscc/full-record/WOS:000624678500001
-          6. Parkhomenko, М.M., Lychuk, A.I., Butenko, A.O., Karpenko, O.Yu., Rozhko, V.M., Tsyz, O.M., Chernega, T.O., Tymoshenko, O.P., Chmel, O.P.(2021).Nitrogen balance in shortcroprotationsundervarioussystemsforrestoringsod-podzolicsoilfertility. Ukrainian Journal of Ecology, 11(2), 67-71   https://www.webofscience.com/wos/woscc/full-record/WOS:000653458100012
-          7. S. I. Berdin N. M. Lys , N. L. Tkachuk , A. O. Butenko , V. I. Onychko , V. M. Rozhko , O. Yu. Karpenko , T. O. Chernega , I. M. Masyk .    Five-year cycle efficiency of willow and poplar growing under conditions of Pre-carpathians. AMA, Agricultural Mechanization in Asia, Africa and Latin America, Volume 51, Issue 01, June, 2021, 821-830.https://www.shin-norinco.com/article/
-          8. Ya. Ya. Hryhoriv, Ye. Yu Butenko, V. M. Rozhko, O. Yu. Karpenko, A. I. Lychuk, S. I. Kudria, I. V. Sobran, A. A. Stavytskyi, O. M. Tkachenko Formation of Camelina sativa yield depending on the level of mineral fertilization under conditions of Precarpathians. AMA, Agricultural Mechanization in Asia, Africa and Latin America, Volume 52, Issue 01, oktober, 2021, 2405-2413 https://www.shin-norinco.com/article/
-          9.Changes in Agrochemical Parameters of Sod-Podzolic Soil Depending on the Productivity of Cereal Grasses of Different Ripeness and Methods of Tillage in the Carpathian Region. Andrii Chyrva Alla Kustovska Ulyana Karbivska, Nadiia Asanishvili, Andrii Butenko, Valentina Rozhko, Olena Karpenko, Оksana Sykalo, Ihor Masyk, 2022р Journal of Ecological Engineering, 2022, 23(1), pp. 55–63. https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=57398171500
-          10.Nutrient Balance of Sod–Podzolic Soil Depending on the Productivity of Meadow Agrophytocenosis and Fertilization. MaksymKozakUlianaKarbivska, IhorMasyk, AndriiButenko, ViktorOnychko, TetianaOnychko, LyudmylaKrіuchko, ValentinaRozhko, OlenaKarpenko. Ecological Engineering & Environmental Technology (EEET) 2022, 23, Issue 2, 70-77. https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=57398171500
-          11.Influence-of-Agricultural-Systems-on-Microbiological-Transformation-of-Organic-Matter-in-Wheat-Winter-Crops-on-Typical-Black-Soils.Olena Karpenko, Yevheniia Butenko, Valentina Rozhko, Оksana Sykalo, Alla Kustovska, Viktor Onychko, Dmytro S. Tymchuk, Vasyl Filon- Journal of Ecological Engineering, 2022, 23(9), 181-186.  https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=57398171500 
-          12. Adaptation of various maize hybrids when grown for biomass. O.Y. KarpenkoM.V. Radchenko, V.I. Trotsenko, A.O. Butenko, І.М. Masyk, Z.I. Hlupak, O.I. Pshychenko, N.O. Terokhina, V.M. Rozhko. Agronomy Research, 2022, 20(22), 404-413. https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=57398171500
-          13. Influence of Cultivation Technology on the Growth and Development of Sweet Corn Plants of Hybrid Moreland F1. IvanSalatenkoYaroslavaHryhoriv, SergeyButenko, AnnaHotvianska, NataliiaNozdrina, ValentinaRozhko, OlenaKarpenko, ОksanaSykalo, AllaKustovska, ValentinaToryanik. Ecological Engineering & Environmental Technology, 2022, 23(6), 104–110.. https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=57398171500
         Guidelines for the past three years:
-          1. Methodological guidelines for the study of the discipline "Agriculture" by students of the Faculty of Plant Protection, specialty 202- "Plant Protection" K-2020 d.a. 4.1. Compilers: Rozhko V.M., Karpenko O.Yu.
-          2. Methodological guidelines for the study of the "Crop rotations of Ukraine" section of the "Agriculture" discipline by students of the agrobiology faculty. K- 2020, 2.1 d.a. Compilers: Tanchyk S.P., Litvinov D.V., Rozhko V.M., Karpenko O.Yu.
-          3. Methodological instructions for the performance of laboratory-practical work on the basics of agriculture and crop production by students of the faculty of land management, specialty 193- "Geodesy and land management"-K. 2020. d.a. 7.4 Compilers: Rozhko V.M., Karpenko O.Yu.
-          4. Methodological instructions for the implementation of the program of educational practice on the basics of agriculture and crop production, specialty 193-"Geodesy and land management" - K. 2020 d.a. 3.7. Compilers: Rozhko V.M., Karpenko O.Yu.
-          5. Methodical instructions for the performance of laboratory-practical work on Plant production technology for students of specialty 208- "Agroengineering" K. 2021 d.a. 7.0 Compilers: Tanchyk S.P., Karpenko O.Yu., Rozhko V.M.
-          6. Methodological guidelines for educational practice in Plant production technology for students of specialty 208- "Agroengineering" K. 2021 d.a. 4.2 Compilers: Tanchyk S.P., Karpenko O.Yu., Rozhko V.M.
-          7. Methodological instructions for the implementation of laboratory-practical classes of the discipline "Technology of the production of plant products" for students of economic specialties of agrarian universities. K- 2021 d.a. 7,8. Compilers: Rozhko V.M., Karpenko O.Yu.
-          8. Methodological instructions for the implementation of the program of educational practice in the discipline "Technology of the production of plant products" for students of economic specialties of agrarian universities. K- 2021 d.a. 4.5. Compilers: Rozhko V.M., Karpenko O.Yu.



Candidate of Agriculture, Associate Professor
Pavlov Oleksandr

Phone: (044) 527-81-18

E-mail: [email protected]

 Born on June 12, 1987, in the village of Varva, Chernihiv region.

Education: National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, 2009master's degree in «Agronomy», qualification of agronomist and researcher.
Provides training in the following disciplines:
- «Agriculture»,
- «Organic agriculture»,
- «Basics of agriculture and crop production»,
- «Basics of scientific research in agronomy».
The field of scientific interests includes the development of soil fertility management measures under conservation agriculture and research of promising means of protecting agricultural crops from weeds. Candidate's thesis on the topic: «Influence of farming systems on soil fertility and productivity of field crop rotation link in the Right Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine» on 06.01.01 «General Agriculture» specialty, defended in 2013, receiving a diploma of candidate of agricultural sciences.
Author of 48 publications, including 3 textbooks, 26 articles in professional journals and 2 publications in journals included in the Scopus and Web of Science databases, 8 educational and scientific-methodical recommendations.

Link to profile in Google scholar: https://scholar.google.com.ua/citations?hl=uk&pli=1&user=lbbjI4cAAAAJ


Candidate of Agriculture, Associate Professor
Babenko Antonina

Phone: (044) 527-82-14

E-mail: [email protected]


From 1999 to 2003, she studied at the Faculty of Agrochemistry and Soil Science of the National Agrarian University and received a basic higher education in the field of "Agronomy", obtained a bachelor's degree in agrochemistry and soil science;
 In 2003-2004, she studied at the Faculty of Agrochemistry and Soil Science of the National Agrarian University and received a full higher education in the field of training "Agrochemistry and Soil Science", qualified as a researcher in agrochemistry and soil science;
2005 – 2008 studied at the postgraduate course of the National Agrarian University
From 14.10. 2000 to 01.12. 2001 - laboratory assistant at the Department of Physical, colloid and organic chemistry of the National Agrarian University;
December 1, 2001 to September 1, 2004, head of the laboratory of the Department of Physical, colloid and organic chemistry of the National Agrarian University;
September 1, 2004 to February 19, 2005, head of the laboratory of applied ecology and agrochemical monitoring of the department of agroecology of the National Agrarian University;
01.09. 2005 to June 30, 2006, assistant professor of the Department of Ecology of the Agrosphere and Environmental Control of the National Agrarian University;
01.02. 2007 to 31.12. 2008, researcher at the Department of Agriculture and Herbology of the National Agrarian University;
01.03. 2008 to September 1, 2013, head of the educational-scientific-research laboratory "Herbology", and part-time assistant of the department of agriculture and herbology of the National University of Bioresources and Nature Management of Ukraine;
From 01.09. From 2013 to 2020, senior lecturer at the Department of Agriculture and Herbology;
In the position of associate professor of the Department of Agriculture and Herbology from 2021 to the present.
Disciplines taught:
- "Agriculture",
- "Herbology",
- "Modern systems of agriculture",
- "Agriculture with the basics of soil science",
- "Production technologies of crop production"
The field of scientific interests. Scientific and professional interests are aimed at solving the problem of weediness of crops, features of the formation of the weed component of agrophytocenoses, biological and ecological features of segetal species and other herbological aspects of biologization of agriculture. He is working on the creation of a mathematical model of a new method for determining the potential weediness of arable land and forecasting the actual weediness of crops.
The author of 55 scientific and educational and methodological works, including 1 monograph, 5 teaching aids, 10 educational and methodological recommendations, 4 production recommendations, 35 scientific articles in domestic and foreign specialized publications and 3 publications in periodicals included in scientometric databases Scopus and Web of Science. 



Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, senior lecturer
Anisymova (Petryshyna) Antonina

Phone: (044) 527-81-18

E-mail: [email protected]


From 15.07.2005 until 08.01. In 2008, the head of the educational-scientific-research laboratory "Herbology" and a part-time researcher at the Department of Agriculture and Herbology of the National Agrarian University;
Since January 9, 2008, an assistant at the Department of Agriculture and Herbology of the National Agrarian University;
From July 1, 2009 to the present, senior lecturer of the Department of Agriculture and Herbology of the National University of Bioresources and Nature Management of Ukraine;
2010-2011 scholarship holder of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.
Disciplines taught by:
- "Herbology" for students of the "Bachelor" OS, specialty "Agronomy",
- "Agriculture and herbology" for students of the "Bachelor" OS, specialty "Horticulture and viticulture",
- "Fundamentals of scientific research" for students of the "Bachelor" OS, specialty "Agronomy",
- "Mathematical and statistical methods of analysis in agronomy" for students of the "Bachelor" OS, specialty "Agronomy",
- "Fundamentals of agriculture and crop production" for students of the BA "Bachelor" specialty "Land Management",
- "Technology of production of agricultural products" for students of the OS "Bachelor" of the "Construction and Design" faculty, specialty "Industrial mechanical engineering",
- "Technology of production and processing of agricultural products" for students of OS "Bachelor" specialty "Agroengineering".
Developer of electronic courses
Scientific and professional interests are related to the solution of herbological problems in the conditions of resource-saving agriculture of Ukraine. He studies the peculiarities of the formation of the weed component of agrophytocenoses under changes in climatic conditions and various technologies for growing agricultural crops, biological and ecological features of weeds. Work on the development of a mathematical model of a new method of forecasting crop weediness. He studies changes in the species structure of plant communities and biodiversity in different climatic zones of Ukraine.
He is the author and co-author of 73 scientific works, including 1 textbook, 7 study guides, and 32 methodological recommendations.
Main publications:
1. Kosolap M.P., Ivanyuk M.F., Prymak I.D., Anisymova A.A., Babenko A.I. Handbook of Herbology: teaching. manual / edited by M.P. clubfoot Kyiv: "COMPRINT" printing house, 2018. 586 p.
2. Tanchyk S.P., Rozhko V.M., Karpenko O.Yu., Anisymova A.A. Basics of agriculture and crop production: teaching. manual. Kyiv: RVV NUBiP of Ukraine, 2018. 234 p.
3. Kosolap M.P., Ivanyuk M.F., Prymak I.D., Anisymova A.A., Babenko A.I. Workshop on herbology: teacher. manual 2nd ed., supplemented and revised. Kyiv: NUBiP of Ukraine, 2019. 931p.
4. Tanchyk S.P., Rozhko V.M., Karpenko O.Yu., Anisymova A.A. Basics of agriculture and crop production: teaching. manual revised, revised and supplemented. Kyiv: FOP Yamchynskyi O.V., 2019. 259 p.
5. Kosolap M.P., Ivanyuk M.F., Prymak I.D., Anisymova A.A., Babenko A.I. Workshop on Herbology: teacher. manual 3rd ed., supplemented and revised. Kyiv: NUBiP of Ukraine, 2021. 876p.
6. Kosolap M.P., Ivanyuk M.F., Primak I.D, Anisymova A.A., Babenko A.I.Atlas of weeds. Kyiv: NUBiP of Ukraine, 2022. 126p.
7. Tanchyk S.P., Rozhko V.M., Karpenko O.Yu., Anisymova A.A. Basics of agriculture and crop production. Textbook. 2022. 352 p.
8. Agriculture: Education. manual / S. P. Tanchyk, Yu. P. Manko, V. P. Gudz, O. P. Krotinov, O. A. Tsyuk, M. F. Ivanyuk, L. V. Tsentilo, M. P. Kosolap, V. M. Rozhko, O. O. Tarasenko, S. O. Vyaly, V. M. Dudchenko, A. A. Anisymova, O. Yu. Karpenko, A. I. Babenko, O. S. Pavlov. - K.: FOP Korzun D. Yu., 2013. - 278 p.
9. http://dglib.nubip.edu.ua:8080/jspui/handle/123456789/6193
10. http://dglib.nubip.edu.ua:8080/jspui/handle/123456789/6188
11. https://elearn.nubip.edu.ua/course/view.php?id=3090
12. https://elearn.nubip.edu.ua/course/view.php?id=4335
13. Ivanyuk M.F., Anisymova A.A., Kosolap M.P., Babenko A.I. Herbology. Topic "Stairs of Weeds" Methodological instructions for conducting laboratory-practical classes on herbology in the form of a business game by students of the agrobiology faculty Specialty - 201 "Agronomy" of agricultural universities of III-IV accreditation levels Educational degree - Bachelor. Kyiv: "COMPRINT" printing house, 2019.
14. Anisymova A.A., Kosolap M.P., Ivanyuk M.F., Babenko A.I. Herbology. Topic "Study of adult weeds" Methodological instructions for conducting laboratory-practical classes in herbology by students of the Faculty of Agrobiology Specialty - 201 "Agronomy" of agricultural

Assistant of the Department of Agriculture and Herbology
Nelya Fedorivna Shpyrka

Phone: (044)527-81-18

E-mail: [email protected]

 In 2006, she received her secondary education, graduating from secondary school I-III years. town Makoshine, Chernihiv region. She received her higher education at the National University of Bioresources and Nature Management of Ukraine in 2012.

Labor activity combined work as a research associate and assistant at the Department of Agriculture and Herbology.
Scientific research is devoted to the study of the phytosanitary state of crops under different farming systems. Took part in 5 international projects, completed internships at universities in Latvia, France, Sweden, Norway (2013-2019).
She was the executor and responsible executor of 7 research topics, including 2 youth ones.
Author and co-author of 12 Scopus publications, 20 professional works, 2 sections of monographs, 2 utility model patents, 2 copyright certificates.
H - index in Scopus– 3. https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=55078287300
He teaches the disciplines "Herbology", "Technology of growing agricultural products", "Organization of scientific research".

Head of the laboratory
Pavlova Yana

Phone: (044) 527-81-18

E-mail: [email protected]

Born on February 10, 1991, in the village of Matskivtsi of the Lubensky district of the Poltava region.

National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, 2012bachelor's degree in «Agronomy».
National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, 2013 master's degree in the specialty «Quality, standardization and certification».
The subject of the candidate's thesis: "Optimization of the primary tillage of the soil for spring barley under different preceding crops in the Right Bank Forest Steppe of Ukraine."
Since 2014 and until now – Head of the Laboratory of the Department of Agriculture and Herbology.

Senior laboratory technician of the department
Nadiya Volodymyrivna Vlasenko

Phone: (044) 527-81-18

 She was born on August 6, 1959 in the village of Kovalivka, Drabiv district, Cherkasy region. After graduating from high school, she received a higher education at the Faculty of Economics of the Ukrainian Agricultural Academy (1989-1994).

Labor activity is marked by working as a calculator for the trust of student canteens at USHA (1986-1989), an accountant at USHA (1989-1993), a laboratory assistant at the department of general agriculture at UDAU (1993-1995), a senior laboratory assistant at this department (from 1995 to the present).

N.V. Vlasenko ensures the preparation of material visual aids for the high-quality conduct of the educational process, provides assistance to teachers during laboratory classes, participates in the design of educational laboratories. In 2021, he was awarded the title "Honored Worker of NUBiP of Ukraine".


Senior laboratory technician of the department
Mykhaylova Olga Valeriivna

Phone: (044) 527-81-18

 She was born on June 29, 1980 in Kyiv. After receiving a secondary education, in 2000 she entered the agronomy faculty of the National Agrarian University, which she graduated in 2005, having obtained a basic higher education bachelor's degree in the field of "Agronomy" with the qualification of technologist in agronomy.

During 2010-2012, she studied at the master's degree of the Faculty of Agronomy of NUBiP of Ukraine and received a full higher education in the specialty "Agronomy" with the qualification of an agronomist-researcher.

Work experience combines work as a laboratory assistant at the Department of General Agriculture (2000-2012), senior laboratory assistant of this department, holding this position now.O. V. Mykhaylova creates material and visual aids for high-quality conducting of laboratory classes, provides assistance to teachers during these classes, prepares educational laboratories for them.

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