Address: 03041, Kyiv-041, 16, Heroiv Oborony st. National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine. Information Systems Department: Building 15, room 224.
Tel.: (044) 527-87-23
E-mail: [email protected]

Head of the Department:
Bella Golub
PhD, Associate Professor
The Department of Programming Technologies was founded in January 2011.
The main objective of the Department is to prepare experts who develop and implement information technologies in agro-industrial and environmental sectors of the economy.
The Department prepares students of undergraduate degree “Bachelor” with the following qualifications: “Computer Science”, “Economic Cybernetics”, “Electrical Engineering and Electrotechnologies”, “Automation and Computer-Integrated Technologies”, “Building”, “Transport Technologies”. Graduate degree “Master” with the majors in: “Information Control Systems and Technologies”, “Economic Cybernetics”, “Computer Eco-Economic Monitoring”, “Automation of Control Processes”, “Electrification and Automation in Agriculture”, “Energy in Agricultural Production”, “Electrotechnical Complexes and Systems”.
Every year the Department of Programming Technologies assists in organization and holding of the 1st audition of the All-Ukrainian Student Programming Olympiad in the field “Computer Science”.
The Department of Programming Technologies is actively involved in the scientific research work of the university: conducts basic and applied scientific research within the framework of the State program, specifically, «Creation of the system of information and analytical support of the state administrative bodies and agricultural enterprises using geospatial environment to provide data», «Development of the theory of building systems for agro-industrial production management with biotechnical objects and peculiarities of natural disturbances», «Development of information technologies of field data acquisition and distance measurements for the assessment of agricultural crops».
Department lecturers published 5 textbooks and 10 study guides approved by the Ministry of Education and Science, 4 monographs, 20 methodological manuals and about 80 articles.
At present, the Department consists of 2 professors, 7 associate professors, 2 senior lecturers, 3 assistants.