Department of Forest Restoration and Melioration

Address: 03041, Kyiv-41, General Rodimtsev str., 19, Educational building №1, room 125

Tel.: +38 044 527-8747

E-mail: [email protected]

Head of Department (в.о.):
Andrii Pinchuk

Associate Professor


In the present structure of department of restoration of forests and forest meliorations were created by Order of NUBiP Ukraine (№ 661 from 07.01.2016). in the structure of the Institute of Forestry and Park Gardening by by combining two departments: restoration and afforestation (founded in 1919) and optimization of forest-agricultural landscapes (formed in 1935). Today, the efforts of scientists of the department are focused on training highly qualified specialists of forestry and landscape architecture, agronomists and land managers, conducting fundamental and applied researches and the development of scientific and technical solutions in the field of forest seed, tree seedling, reforestation, afforestation, plantation forestry, forest restoration, forest melioration, agroforestry, increasing productivity of forests by silvicultural methods, optimizing of forest-agricultural landscapes.



November 6, 2019
Education and Research Institute of Forestry and Park Gardening, National University of Life and Environmental Sciences Ukraine, Generala Rodimtseva str., 19, Kyiv, Ukraine, 03041

The International scientific-practical conference "Forest Restoration and Melioration in Ukraine: Origins, Current Situation, Challenges of the Present and Prospects in the Conditions of Anthropocene"

To Applicants (синій)Regional Educational Institutions (синій)Press-centre

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