Department of Forest Restoration and Melioration

Scientific innovation activity

In recent years carried out considerable work on strengthening material-technical base of the department. By own efforts were equipped educational, scientific and production laboratory of forest seeds and nursery with micro propagation plants department. At the Botanical Garden territory of the University functioning educational research nursery of woody plants, where was built laboratory and garden house, were laid some spruce collections of different cultivars and ornamental shrubs, a number of experiential and industrial crops in forestry SS NULES of Ukraine «Boyar FRS» and SE «Kiev FSRS». Were arranged training and library with professional literature by personal collections of scientists in forest field.
The efforts of scientists of the department are focused on the conducting both of basic and applied researches, and the development of scientific and technical solutions in the field of forest seed, tree nursery, reforestation, afforestation, forest growing plantation, forest restoration, increasing productivity of forests silvicultural methods, optimization of zonal forest-agricultural ecosystems, silvicultural methods to combat drought and soil erosion, improving the effectiveness of protective forest plantations.
Scientific researches carried all members of the department, including 4 members of public academies (FASU), 1 Honored Forester of Ukraine, 1 Honored National Education of Ukraine, 4 Professors, 3 doctors of sciences, 12 candidates. In research also taking part 5 graduate students and more than 30 graduates of department.
During the 2001-2005 department staff performed the state scientific theme «To develop theoretical and technological bases of optimization the structure of protective afforestation for zonal forest-agricultural ecosystems of Ukraine», in 2006-2008 years – «To develop theoretical and technological bases of optimization the forest plantations for zonal forest-agricultural landscapes». In recent years, scientists of the department completed a fundamental theme «To develop theoretical and technological foundations of afforestation and reforestation in Ukraine on the principles of ecological oriented forestry», 2 applied topics «To develop the technology of mass reproduction of woody plants forest growing «in vitro» conditions and growing of planting material for plantation forest growing and gardening» and “Optimizing the space-parametric structure of protective forest plantations forest-agricultural landscapes as part of the National ecological network» and the two self-financing topics: «Scientific substantiation of conceptual positions growing poplar plantations in SE «Kolkivske FE» and «Scientific substantiation of conceptual positions growing poplar plantations in SE «Gorokhovskiy FHE» Volyn Hunting Administration». Currently performed research on fiscal applied scientific projects «To develop scientific scientific basis for improving methods of forest resources reproduction in Ukraine from the standpoint of sustainable forest management».
The stuff of the department was involved in research projects of other university departments: «To develop a system of sustainable forest management in exclusion zone, measures to reduce the risk of further exposure of workers and people as result of natural fires» (prof. V. Maurer) and «To develop scientific methodological principles of health and mass reproduction of propagating material of woody plants» (doc. A. Pinchuk, Chornobrov O.). As the results of researches scientists of the department developed 6 scientific and methodological recommendations; published 9 monographs and 2 textbooks; received 20 patents. Results of researches were published more than a hundred scientific publications.

By the employees of the department or by their active participation was developed state standards of Ukraine: «Seeds of trees and shrubs. Methods for determining sowing qualities (germination, viability, purity)» (2004), «Seeds of trees and shrubs. Sowing qualities» (2005), «The quality of the soil. Land reclamation. General requirements» (2006), «Soil cultivation during playing forest on drained lands. General requirements» (2008) and «Cutting seedlings of poplars and willows» (2008).
The results of scientific researches in department included in the recommendations contained in the following regulations: «The instruction for designing and growing protective forest plantations on lands of agricultural enterprises in Ukraine» (1979), «Instructional requirements of agroforestry streamlining of protective forest plantations» (2000, 2004), «Guidelines for agroforestry streamlining protective forest plantations and linear type arranged in strips canals, railroads, highways» (2012).
Department staff cooperates with related departments of universities Ukraine (National Forestry University of Ukraine (Lviv), Ukrainian Research Institute of Forestry and agroforestry (Kharkiv), Ukrainian Scientific Research Institute of Mountain Forestry im.P.S.Pasternaka (Ivano-Frankivsk), Institute of Agroecology and Environmental NAAS of Ukraine (Kyiv)) and colleagues from foreign partner institutions (Bureau of forestry seed Poland, Berlin University. Humboldt, Russian national agroforestry melioration institute (Russia), International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (Austria)), scientists SE «Kiev Forest research station», employees «Ukrdiprolis», «Ukrderzhlisproekt»”, Scientific information center of forest management, the State Organization «Ukrainian forest selection center», scientific-pedagogical staff of colleges, leaders and specialists advanced state forestry enterprises («Teterevsky FE», «Uman FE», «Radomyshl FHE», «Fastiv FE» «Gorodnyanskaya FE») and the forest park enterprises in. Kyiv («Darnytskyi FPE», «Svyatoshyn FPE» and «FPE Concha Zaspa»).
On the department all the time functioning postgraduate studies. Under the guidance of professors V. Maurer, F. Brovko, V. Yukhnovsky and Associate Professors A. Pinchuk and I. Ivanyuk conduct research with graduate students connecting with reproduction of forests, protective afforestation, quality and rehabilitation of planting material. Twenty candidate and 3 doctoral dissertations (Brovko F., Fuchylo Y., Gladun G.) were defended over the past 10 years,.
Scientists of department provide high-quality scientific and extension service for development projects:
- the establishment and operation of permanent forest seeds forest seeds base;
- organizational and economic plans of forest and ornamental tree nurseries;
- forest cultures of main species plantations of fast-growing species, protective forest planting and rehabilitation of man-made landscapes silvicultural methods.
The department provides scientific support of:
- Implementation of adaptation (close to nature) and economic and technological (plantation) approaches to the restoration of forests;
- Introduction of modern technologies of seed and seedling, breeding and cultivation of forest and ornamental plant material;
- The use of modern materials, remedies, new fertilizers in the seed, seedling and in the restoration of forests different purpose.
The staff of department carries out expert evaluation of quality sowing seed, status of different species (seedlings, saplings) of panting material, of certain trees and plants stands and provides scientifically grounded recommendations to their recovery and rehabilitation. On the basis of educational and experiential nursery leading staff conduct workshops on mastering the techniques and technologies of reproduction and growing of forest planting material of ornamental woody plants.

Under the leadership of the department and for its direct participation created thousands of hectares of protective plantations in the steppe and forest-steppe regions of Ukraine.

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