Educational work
The department provides educational, research, organizational, methodical, educator works and introductions of developments in practice and educational process.
The basic tasks of department is training specialists of bachelor and master's degree from 29 subjects, 1 of that is taught in English.
Research and teaching staff of the department provides education at the Institute of Forestry and Park Gardening, as well as faculty of land management. Since 2006 the department trains specialists in specialty "Forestry" in master programs "Renewal and cultivation of forests" and "Forest melioration", and since 2009 – in master program "Ornamental Nursery."
The main efforts of department staff are focused on introducing in the educational process of a number of disciplines educational program "Master" (Master's program "Renewal and cultivation of forests": ecological bases of reforestation and afforestation" (Prof. V. Maurer), silvicultural methods of rehabilitation of technogenic disturbed lands (Prof. F. Brovko), microclonal propagation of woody plants (As. prof. A. Pinchuk, forest planting green areas (As. prof. I. Ivaniuk), improving the productivity of forests by silvicultural methods (As. prof. O. Kaidyk), modern technologies of nursering, varietal forest seed (senior teacher Y. Kosenko), industrial methods of forest cultivation (senior lecturer V. Kaidyk); master program "Ornamental Nursery": container culture of woody plants (Prof. V. Maurer, As. prof. I. Bardin-Boboshko), global technology in decorative seedling, legislature seedling, quality of planting material and methods of assessment ( senior lecturer Y. Kosenko), methods of biotechnology in ornamental nursering" (As. prof. A. Pinchuk); master program "Forest melioration": erosion science, , forest-agricultural landscapes, protective afforestation, optimization of forest-agricultural landscapes (Prof. V. Yukhnovskyi), protective plantations in the ways of transport (As. prof. G. Lobchenko), forest land recultivation, Hydrotechnical melioration (As. prof. S. Dudarets), zonal and erosion control systems , protective systems for soil erosion (As. prof. O. Sovakov) and their scientific methodology and logistics.
The relative share of new types of classes, educational and scientific-practical seminars are consistently grown in the training process. Students acquire professional knowledge designed to help the lecturer
There are developed work programs, guidelines, training complexes, textbooks and electronic versions of lectures for the students at the library of department, which includes about a thousand references, including regulatory and guidance documentation, interstate and national standards, laws and regulations, government programs of silvicultural area, monographs, professional journals and scientific collections. Future specialists are able to deepen their knowledge of forest seed, tree seedling production and silvicultural, hydraulic and forest melioration in the student scientific groups of department.
Participants of the training seminar "Silvicultural heritage of Ukraine and its importance" with Patriarch of silvicultural affair Professor P. Vakulyuk.
Members of outbound educational-scientific seminar "Theoretical and technological bases of pine reproduction in Polissia based on environmentally oriented forestry" in SE "Teteriv forestry".