Department of Forest Restoration and Melioration


Modern society requires special attention to the spiritual sphere formation of the high school graduate. Nowadays more than ever required to create the conditions for the manifestation of free, creative and moral person that owns intelligence on the full scale of classic qualities. The formation of such a person is only possible while preserving and reviving the spiritual and historical values of the country, the priority development of physical culture, science and education as essential sources of social progress with a guaranteed future. Formation of national intelligence, promoting enrichment and renewal of intellectual gene pool of the nation, of spiritual elite education - the task facing universities on a par with the preparation of highly qualified specialists.
Educational activities that has being done by the Department in the walls of University and outside the classroom, provides the actualization of theoretical knowledge of students, directs them into practice, drew attention to youth in the most acute social problems of our time, forms of social maturity. In this process involves 14 teaching staff of the department. In addition, according to the order in 2016/2017 academic year mentors of academic groups in the direction of "Forestry and Horticulture" 1st year study, 1 group is Associate Professor Oleksander Kaydyk, mentor of the 1styear study 2 groups - senior teacher Victor Kaydyk and mentor of 1 year study, 3 groups shorter term - Associate Professor Sergiy Dudarets. Head of Department, Professor Victor Maurer is the mentor of Masters Group of programs "Reforestation and afforestation" and "Ornamental Nursery." Professor of department of Vasyl Yukhnovsky carries guide of the students of Master program «Forest melioration».
Teachers carry out the control the training and organization of educational and sports-media work, give tours for students of the Institute in the National Botanical Garden of M.M. Grishko, National arboretum "Sofiyivka" and in the production and research enterprises of Ukraine (Boyarka Forestry Experimental Station, state enterprises "Kyiv Forestry Research Station," "Teterevsky Forestry ", "Uman Forestry").

Students of the Department and Study group students in the park "Sofiyivka" and SE "Uman Forestry"

Participants of field scientific workshops in SE "Kyiv forestry research station"

Teaching Staff of the Department involve Institute students to participate in the national campaign "The future of the forest is in your hands". They carry out thematic educational work with pupils of Kyiv junior lyceum and secondary school in the village Ivnytsya, Andrushivsky district, Zhytomyr region; perform maintenance and facilitate adaptation in production graduates for master's program "Reforestation and afforestation " and "Ornamental Nursery."

Educational work with pupils of patronized schools in Kyiv.


Head of Department coaches the team of the Institute of Forestry and Horticulture, repeated champion and medalist of University championships, winners and participants of Ukrainian Cup "Youth of Posullya."

Combined team of the Institute is Ukrainian Cup Winner "Youth Posullya" 2016 with Olympic champion in basketball in Munich Anatoly Polivoda

The department does not leave aside cultural and educational direction. Thus, Associate Professor Oleksander Sovakov, who is deputy director of the Institute in academic and educational work, administers the vocal-instrumental ensemble of the Institute "Listen" and the student newspaper "Lisfakty" where creativity gifted students can realize their ideas life. For example, main editor, designer and newspaper reporters are the same students who since the first courses of study in their articles in literary and scientific language coverage of the main problems and perspectives of student life and the forest industry.

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