Department of Biochemistry named after Academician M. F. Gulyi

Address: Room 421, Building 12 (block D), Polkovnyka Potiekhina str., 16, Kyiv, 03041

Tel.: +38(044) 527-83-83

E-mail: [email protected]

Head of Department :
Tomchuk Victor A.

Doctor of Veterinary Sciences, Professor, Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Higher Education of Ukraine, winner of the S. Z. Gzhytskyi prize, Honored Research and Pedagogical Worker of NULES of Ukraine



on the observance of anti-epidemic measures during the organization of the educational process at NUBiP of Ukraine in the 2nd semester of the 2021-2022 academic year
Department of Biochemistry and Animal Physiology named after Acad. M. F. Gulogo is invited to study for master's and postgraduate studies
Biochemistry and physiology of animals are fundamental sciences that form the basis of biological thinking in students because it is impossible to form a modern specialist without deep knowledge of the animal organism. That is why the history of the department began almost simultaneously with the creation of the Kyiv Veterinary and Zootechnical Institute with the organization of separate departments of biochemistry (1920) and physiology (1921). At the same time, the department is also quite young - according to the order of the Rector of the NUBiP of Ukraine No. 1188 dated November 27, 2017, and the decision of the University Academic Council dated November 22, 2017, the Department of Animal Physiology, Pathophysiology, and Immunology was reorganized by joining its part to the Department of Biochemistry named after Acad. M. F. Gulyo. Since then, the department has been named Biochemistry and Physiology of Animals named after academician M. F. Guly.
The head of the department is a well-known scientist in the field of animal biochemistry, Doctor of Veterinary Sciences, professor, academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Higher Education of Ukraine, laureate of the award named after S. Z. Gzhitskoho, Honored Scientific and Pedagogical Worker of NUBiP of Ukraine V. A. Tomchuk.
The main goal of the department is to ensure the educational process at a high educational and methodical level for the preparation of specialists of OS "Bachelor", "Master" and specialists of higher qualification levels – Doctor of Philosophy and Doctor of Science using innovative programs and the latest methods of biochemical and physiological research. This is possible thanks to a powerful material and technical base, which includes educational and scientific laboratories and is constantly updated.
Teachers use modern methods and equipment for educational activities and control of students' knowledge. Educational and methodical work is carried out according to the curricula, in close cooperation with the educational and methodical councils of the faculties: veterinary medicine, animal husbandry and aquatic bioresources, food technologies and quality management of agricultural products. Leading specialists of the department teach at the Institute of Postgraduate Education of the university using modern research methods and advanced achievements of domestic and world science. Teaching is carried out in Ukrainian and English. When preparing educational and methodological materials, the experience, and curricula of leading universities in Europe and the USA are studied and used.
Employees of the department constantly prepare and update educational and methodological complexes, textbooks, study aids, monographs, dictionaries, methodological guidelines, workbooks. The Department of Animal Biochemistry and Physiology named after Academician M.F. Guly coordinates master's programs of research and production direction: "Veterinary Laboratory Diagnostics"; "Physiology of higher nervous activity".
At the department, student scientific circles "Animal Biochemistry", "Clinical Biochemistry", "Hydrobiont Biochemistry", "Study of molecular biological mechanisms of metabolism regulation with in–depth study of English biochemical terminology" and "Animal Physiology" are actively working, where students receive information on questions, which arise in the learning process. The students of the department take an active part in scientific work, speak at scientific conferences and seminars, their work has been highly appreciated both in their native university and outside its borders.
The staff of the department founded and actively operate scientific schools: "Regulation of metabolism, biosynthesis and biological properties of proteins and lipids" (Professor, Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine M. F. Guly); "Regulation of molecular mechanisms of metabolism in the body of animals and humans" (professor, academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and National Academy of Sciences D. O. Melnychuk); "Study of molecular mechanisms of development and maintenance of the state of natural and artificial hypophysis of animals" (professor, academician of NAAS S. D. Melnychuk); "Scientific School of Electrophysiology" (Professor S. Yu. Chagovets), "Experimental Animal Physiology" (Professor S. Yu. Yaroslav), "Physiology of Digestion of Agricultural Animals" (Professor E. M. Fedii), "Higher Nervous Activity of Animals" (Professor V. V. Naumenko), "Experimental Animal Pathology" (Professor, Corresponding Member of NAAS A. Y. Mazurkevich) and "Cortico–Vegetative Regulation of Physiological Functions in Animals" (Professor V. I. Karpovskyi).
Modern Department of Animal Biochemistry and Physiology named after M. F. Gulogo is a well–known scientific center, where 8 doctors of science, 6 professors work, including 3 academicians of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 2 laureates of the State Prize of Ukraine in the field of science and technology, 4 laureates of the scientific award named after S. Z. Gzhitskyi; Scientific and educational activities are also carried out by 3 candidates of sciences, associate professors and 2 candidates of sciences, senior teachers. The work of the department is coordinated with scientific and educational institutions in Ukraine and abroad.
The department's priority scientific tasks are the study of the impact of various forms of carbon dioxide on the development of the state of artificial hypophysis and the development of technologies for the transfer of animal tissues and cells to the state of artificial hypophysis; the effect of the acid–alkaline state on the nature of the biological migration of heavy metals in the animal body; the migration of heavy metals in the body of animals, their influence on biochemical processes and the development of ways to protect animals from the negative effects of heavy metals; study of the biological activity of milk phospholipids and the influence of enterosorbents during the treatment of animal enteropathologies; development and substantiation of the introduction of new national standards for assessing the quality and safety of agricultural raw materials, fodder and food products, elucidating issues of the physiology of higher nervous activity and the autonomic nervous system of animals, as well as cortical–vegetative regulation of the physiological functions of the animal body in normal and pathological conditions.
Employees of the department have published more than 4,000 publications on biochemistry and animal physiology, including scientific articles in publications indexed by the Scopus and Web of Science databases, more than 25 monographs, about 20 textbooks, and 4 dictionaries. Received more than 250 copyright certificates and patents for inventions and utility models. 19 doctoral theses and 47 candidate theses have been completed and defended at the department over the past decades.
The team of the Department of Biochemistry and Physiology of Animals named after Acad. M.F. Gulogo From left to right: first row: D.V.S., Prof. V.I. Karpovskyi; D.B.S. Prof. L.G. Kalachniuk; D.V.S., Assoc. O.V. Zhurenko; D.V.M. Prof., head Department of V.A. Tomchuk; D.V.S., Prof. V.A. Gryshchenko; D.P.S. Prof. L.V. Klikh; D.V.S., Assoc. L.V. Kladnytska; D.B.S., Prof. I.V. Kalinin; second row: Art. lab L.P. Stepanenko; Ph.D., Assoc. V.I. Tsvilikhovskyi; Ph.D., Assoc. O.M. Tupitska; Ph.D Art. exclamation V.V. Zhurenko; chief lab T.A. Gudz; Ph.D, Assoc. D.I. Kryvoruchko; Art. lab V.O. Prys-Kadenko; assistant I.A. Hrishchuk; lab L.O. Klevtsova; chief lab I.M. Lytvynenko.



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