Department of Biochemistry named after Academician M. F. Gulyi

History of the Department


According to the order of the Rector of NULES of Ukraine №1188 of November 27, 2017 and the decision of the Academic Council of the University of November 22, 2017 (protocol №4), the Department of Physiology, Pathophysiology and Immunology of Animals was reorganized by joining the Department of Biochemistry named after Academician M.F. Gulyi and the Department of Surgery named after Academician I.O. Povazhenko. The Department of Biochemistry named after M.F. Gulyi was renamed to the Department of Biochemistry and Animal Physiology named after M.F. Gulyi. The head of the department is prof. Tomchuk V.A.
The qualitative composition of the Department of Animal Biochemistry and Physiology named after Academician M.F. Gulyi: Head of the Department, Doctor of Veterinary Sciences, Professor, Academician of the Academy of Sciences of Higher Education of Ukraine V.A. Tomchuk, Doctor of Veterinary Sciences, Professor V.A. Hryshchenko, Doctor of Veterinary Sciences, Professor, Academician of the Academy of Sciences of Higher Education of Ukraine V.I. Karpovsky, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor, Academician of the Academy of Sciences of Higher Education of Ukraine V.O. Trokoz, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor. L.V. Klich, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor, Academician of the Academy of Sciences of Higher Education of Ukraine L.G. Kalachniuk, Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor O.M. Tupytska, Candidate of Veterinary Sciences, Associate Professor O.V. Zhurenko, Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor V.I. Tsvilikhovsky, Candidate of Veterinary Sciences, Associate Professor L.V. Kladnytska, Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor E.A. Derkach, Candidate of Veterinary Sciences, Associate Professor D. in Veterinary Medicine, Associate Professor D.I. Kryvoruchko, Candidate of Biological Sciences, Assistant T.A. Tkachenko, Heads of Training Laboratories: N.M. Batukova, T.A. Gudz, senior laboratory assistants: L.P. Stepanenko, V.O. Prys-Kadenko, L.V. Soldatenko, leading engineer N.V. Gurina.


The department was established in 1920 at the Kyiv Zooveterinary Institute. From 1920 to 1944, the department was headed by Professor S.S. Kravchenko, Associate Professor M.D. Hatskaniuk, and Academician T.N. Godnev. From 1944 to 1974, the department was headed by Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor, Honored Worker of Science and Technology of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, winner of the State Prize of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences and the USSR, Hero of Ukraine M.F. Guliy. Associate Professor M.M. Osmakova headed the department from 1974 to 1979. From 1979 to 2014, the department was headed by Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor, Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Hero of Ukraine D. Melnychuk. Since 2015, the Department of Biochemistry named after Academician M.F. Gulyi has been headed by Professor V.A. Tomchuk.

Professors have worked at the department over the years: Zakharenko M.O., Usatyuk P.V., Tsvilikhovsky M.I., Lyubetska T.V., Melnychuk S.D., Zasekin D.A., Ostapchenko L.I., Kalachnyuk G.I., Melnikova N.M., associate professors: Kolisnichenko L.M., Chizhska G.Y., Shabelnyk M.M., Malko V.A., Makarenko O.M., Kirilenko V.M., Kalinin I.V., Zhulai V.E., Shepelova I.A.
The staff of the department has published more than 3000 scientific publications, including 13 monographs, 25 textbooks and manuals, 6 dictionaries, received more than 100 patents and copyright certificates, developed and introduced into production drugs - Carboxylin, PM-7, MP-15, MP-30, Namacit, Neutram, Reabilit, phospholipid-containing biological supplement (BDS) FLP-MD.
The department has completed and defended 12 doctoral and 35 PhD theses.
The priority tasks of the department are to study the effect of various forms of carbon dioxide on the development of artificial hypobiosis and to develop technologies for transferring animal tissues and cells to artificial hypobiosis; the effect of acid-base state on the nature of biological migration of heavy metals in animals; migration of heavy metals in animals, their effect on biochemical processes and the development of ways to protect animals from the negative effects of heavy metals; study of the biological activity of milk phospholipids and the effect of enterosorbents during treatment.
Currently, the department is the coordinator of the master's programs of production and research “Molecular mechanisms of regulation of metabolic processes in animals”.

Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Maksym Hulii (1905-2007)

Maksym Fedotovych Guliy was directly involved in the birth of national molecular biology and immunochemistry, and is also one of the founders of national biochemistry, an organizer of science, academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (1957), Honored Scientist of Ukraine (1956), winner of the USSR State Prize (1952), twice winner of the Ukrainian State Prize (1978, 1985), Hero of Ukraine (2005). He rose from a graduate student to director of the Institute of Biochemistry (1972-1977), was vice president of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences (1957-1963), headed the Biochemical Society, and chaired the editorial board of the Ukrainian Biochemical Journal. His scientific interests cover an extremely wide range of problems. In the 1930s, he studied nutrition and carbohydrate metabolism in muscles; in the summer of the war, he investigated tissue and microbial proteins, established the relationship between purine metabolism and malignant growth, and the regulation of protein and lipid biosynthesis. The scientist carried out pioneering work in the study of protein properties. Thanks to his hard work, the laboratory obtained a number of individual proteins, including enzymes, in crystalline form. He studied the problems of modern functioning of biochemistry and molecular biology related to the regulation of biosynthesis of proteins, lipids and carbohydrates; structure and properties of proteins; functions and metabolic significance of tricarbon cycle reactions; the role of carbon dioxide in anabolic processes in heterotrophic organisms. The results of these works formed the basis for the creation of new drugs that have been used in hematological, surgical and narcological clinics, as well as a number of drugs to increase the productivity of farm animals.

In total, M.F. Gulyi's creative work includes more than 600 scientific papers, including 9 monographs and 36 inventions and patents. The scientist's contribution to the preparation of the scientific change is significant. Under his supervision, more than 80 PhD and 10 doctoral dissertations were completed; among Maxim Fedotovich's students are prominent scientists - academicians of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine S. Komisarenko, G. Matsuka, and D. Melnychuk.

Academician of NAS of Ukraine and NAAS of Ukraine
Melnychuk Dmytro Oleksiyovych
Scientist in the field of biochemistry, academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (1997) and the Ukrainian Academy of Agrarian Sciences (1990), Honored Worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine (1990), winner of the State Prize of Ukraine in Science and Technology (1985), Hero of Ukraine (2003).

The main focus of his scientific work is the study of molecular mechanisms of metabolic regulation in animals and humans and the search for and development of ways to correct their disorders. Together with his colleagues and students, he substantiated the biological role of carboxylation and decarboxylation reactions in the metabolism of macromolecules and energy in heterotrophic organisms; established a number of patterns of protein carbamates and obtained new data on their role in regulating enzyme activity; revealed the molecular mechanisms of the metabolic homeostasis system in cells in case of disturbance of the acid-base state of the body: Specific proteins of the membranes of the small intestine epithelium of newborn animals were identified; a significant contribution was made to the disclosure of the mechanisms of influence of changes in the concentration of bicarbonates and CO2 in the blood on the intensity of energy, mineral and nitrogen metabolism, the molecular mechanisms of the transition of animals to a state of hypobiosis were revealed, as well as metabolic disorders during such animal and human diseases as osteoporosis and osteomalacia, gout, diabetes, dental caries, pre- and postnatal and postoperative complications (ketosis, acidosis, ammonium toxicosis), feed acidosis of animals, etc. Author (co-author) of more than 600 scientific papers. D.O. Melnychuk is an honorary doctor of the following universities: Humboldt University of Berlin (Germany), Ghent University (Belgium), Lublin University of Natural Sciences (Poland), Russian State Agrarian University - K.A. Timiryazev Moscow State Agricultural University, Astrakhan Technical University (Russia), as well as an honorary professor at the Universities of Iowa and Arkansas (USA), Warsaw University of Life Sciences, Kazakh Agrarian University and visiting professor at Tokyo Agricultural University (Japan). He is a member of the Higher Council of the Director-General of the United Nations FAO and an honorary senator of the Senate of Louisiana (USA).

Professor, Academician of the Academy of Sciences of Higher Education of Ukraine
 Tomchuk Viktor Anatoliyovych

Viktor Anatoliyovych Tomchuk was born on June 21, 1959. In 1984 he graduated from the Veterinary Faculty of the Ukrainian Agricultural Academy (now the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine). He specializes in veterinary medicine. In 1991, he graduated from the postgraduate department of the Ukrainian Agricultural Academy and defended his PhD thesis on “Peculiarities of cAMP, cGMP and prostaglandin metabolism in the isolated small intestinal epithelium of cattle depending on age and pathology” - Candidate of Biological Sciences, specialty 03.00.04 - Biochemistry. In 2013, he defended his doctoral dissertation on the topic: “Lipid metabolism in the body of newborn calves with acute digestive disorders and after the use of enterosorbents” - Doctor of Veterinary Sciences, specialty 03.00.04 - biochemistry.

Tomchuk began his scientific career in 1984 as a junior researcher at the research laboratory of the Department of Biochemistry and Biotechnology of the Ukrainian Agricultural Academy. From 1991 to 1994 he worked as an assistant of the department; from 1994 - associate professor of the department; from 1994 to 2007 - vice-rector of the university, from 2013 - professor of the department; 2011-2015 - acting head of the Department of Animal Biochemistry, Quality and Safety of Agricultural Products named after Academician M.F. Gulyi.
Tomchuk V.A. teaches the discipline “Veterinary Clinical Biochemistry” for students of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine. He is the head of the scientific club “Clinical Biochemistry”. Professor Tomchuk V.A. is a member of two specialized academic councils for the defense of doctoral dissertations. He is a member of the Academic Council of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, the Scientific and Technical Council of the Research Institute of Animal Health, the Biochemical Society of Ukraine and the editorial board of the journals Poultry Farming and Biological Resources and Nature Management. He is the author of more than 250 scientific and methodological works. Including a textbook, 5 manuals, a monograph, 3 patents. He was awarded the Order of the Badge of Honor of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine, “Excellence in Agricultural Education and Science”, the Acknowledgment of the Mayor of Kyiv, the Certificate of Honor of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, “For Merit in Veterinary Medicine of the 3rd Degree”, and the Certificate of Honor of the Ministry of Education of Ukraine.


Research area: study of molecular mechanisms of regulation of metabolic processes in animals.
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