Oleksandra Deoba and Elizaveta Vilchanska: On the advantages of full-time study at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
Dawn from the bus window, morning coffee with classmates, warm "Good morning" from teachers - nothing can compare to these emotions that can only be experienced during full-time study.
We, students of group 5, 4th year, Deoba Oleksandra and Vilchanska Elizaveta, constantly feel such emotions during full-time study at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of NUBiP of Ukraine.
Every day, during live communication with teachers, we master theoretical knowledge and acquire practical skills in such disciplines as veterinary obstetrics, general surgery, parasitology and others.
In particular, at the Department of Biochemistry named after Academician M.F. Guloy this year, our course held classes on the discipline "Veterinary Clinical Biochemistry". This subject reveals to us the mechanisms of biochemical changes in various animal diseases, which is important for their timely and effective laboratory diagnostics and determining a strategy for treating patients. During full-time study in biochemical laboratories, we conducted biochemical studies of various biological material from sick animals with subsequent analysis of the results obtained. We carried out a comparative assessment of these data, focusing on physiological parameters in animals of different species, and also determined key indicators indicating the state of their health or existing disorders in the body. Of particular interest to us was practical work using biochemical analyzers, pH meters, photoelectrocolorimeters, centrifuges, water baths and other equipment that ensures reliable results and expands the possibilities for conducting laboratory research. Auditoriums of the Department of Biochemistry named after Academician M.F. Guloyo are equipped with modern instruments and equipment that allow for detailed analysis of biochemical processes and obtaining information necessary for laboratory diagnostics of animal diseases.