Department of Transport Technologies and Means of Agro-Industrial Complex

Address: Ukraine, Kyiv - 03041, Heroyiv Oborony st., 12, building No 11, room 309-314

Tel.: (044) 527-86-32;

E-mail: [email protected]

   The department of Transport Technologies and Means of Agro-Industrial Complex was established on July 30, 2007. This is the main department of transport section at Mechanics and Technology Faculty which prepares specialists in the field of road transport services in the agro-industrial complex and was formed to improve the training of experts in program subject area 275.03 - Transport Technologies (road transport).
   The research areas of the department are devoted to implementation of European requirements in the road transport field, improving the efficiency of international transportation management, optimization of logistics systems in agricultural production, risk analysis, financial analysis of transport systems, and institutional analysis of transport and logistics systems.
   The tasks of the department are to form global, professional competencies for future professionals, to train creative individuals with leadership qualities, to define and form new social values and spiritual guidelines in education and research, to integrate higher university education and research into agribusiness practices.
   Currently the department focuses on training specialists who will be able to develop investment policy of companies and project management of efficient road transport operation in the agro-industrial complex, search for international programs and grants and identify sources of investment.
   There are three student research groups at the department: "Transport Technologies", "Study of resource conservation and environmental friendliness of the transport component of the agro-industrial complex", "Logistics".
   The department is headed by Ph.D. in Engineering, Associate Professor Liliia Savchenko.
The Department has several major fields of scientific development:
1. Theoretical and methodological principles of logistics systems formation in the agricultural sector;
2. Risk theory, institutional analysis, transport and logistics systems of agro-industrial complex.
3. System analysis of asymptotic properties of evolutionary models given by stochastic differential equations.
4. Improving the efficiency of passenger and international freight services management.
5. Theoretical and methodical bases for professional training of bachelors in transport technologies.


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