Department of English for Technical and Agrobilogical Specialities

Educational Activity

The department provides instruction in the following disciplines:

For specialists pursuing a Bachelor's Degree:
  • English for Specific Purposes
  • The English Language
  • Practical Course of the Second Foreign Language and Translation (English)

For specialists pursuing a Master's Degree:

  • Business Foreign Language
For doctoral students pursuing a PhD:
  • The English Language

In accordance with modern requirements for the professional training of non-linguistic specialists, as outlined in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR), students at non-linguistic higher education institutions must be active participants in intercultural communication. They should possess the necessary skills for professional, business, and situational communication in both oral and written forms and be capable of obtaining up-to-date professional information through authentic materials. The program content focuses on developing professional communicative competence, which is viewed as language behavior requiring the acquisition of linguistic (speech knowledge and skills), sociolinguistic, and pragmatic competences essential for education- and work-related tasks. Significant attention is paid to improving proficiency in various types of speech activities, including reception (comprehension), production, interaction, and mediation (both oral and written). The emphasis in student engagement is on the communicative aspect.

Upon completion of the course, students should be able to:
- Use English as a means of forming and articulating thoughts in everyday communication and within their professional field.
- Fulfill communicative tasks and express specific intentions in professional communication scenarios.
- Understand printed and auditory texts in their field of study.
- Provide clear and logical extended or concise presentations of specialized information in English.
- Exchange opinions and express themselves productively, both in content (facts, information, opinions, arguments, etc.) and form (new combinations of learned lexical units, minimal reliance on memorized material) on professional topics.
- Present research or experimental findings in their specialty using visual aids (tables, graphs, diagrams, illustrations) or without them.
- Participate in scientific and practical conferences, discussions, and round tables in their specialty in English.
- Speak both with prepared remarks and spontaneously, without prior preparation or deliberation.
- Argue, persuade, and justify their communicative actions.
- Use reference literature and specialized texts effectively, citing primary sources appropriately.
- Provide detailed and clear descriptions and presentations of a wide range of educational and professional topics, supported by relevant facts and examples.
- Present key points of specific professional issues using appropriate terminology.
- Develop a coherent system of arguments on current educational and professional topics, highlighting key points and supporting assertions with detailed information.
- Understand the main ideas of lectures, conversations, reports, presentations, and discussions on educational and professional topics, as well as most broadcast audio materials in social, professional, and educational domains, recognizing the speaker's attitude towards the content.

The department trains Bachelor's and Master's degree specialists across the following faculties, institutes, and separate structural divisions:

  • Humanities and Pedagogy
  • Agrobiology
  • Plant Protection, Biotechnology, and Ecology
  • Forestry and Horticulture
  • Mechanical Technology
  • Construction and Design
  • Energy, Automation, and Energy Conservation
  • Land Management

Separate structural subdivisions: Bobrovytsia Agrotechnical College of NULES of Ukraine, Mukachevo Agricultural College of NULES of Ukraine, Malyn Forest Management College of NULES of Ukraine, Lubny Forestry College
The department also offers paid educational and consultation courses in English for technical and agrobiological specialties for students and postgraduates. Revenue generated from these courses contributes to the university's non-budgetary funds.



Course Title
Specialty (Educational-Professional Program)
Links for Accessing Educational and Methodological Support for the Course
Textbooks, Educational Manuals
E-learning Course
Bachelor's Degree
Foreign Language (1st and 4th Year)Automation, Computer-Integrated Technologies, and Robotics
Foreign Language (3rd Year, Shortened Course)Automation, Computer-Integrated Technologies, and Robotics
Foreign Language. Communication skills. (1st Year)
Foreign Language. Proposal and Report Writing. (4th Year)
Automotive Transport
Foreign Language (1st and 3rd Years, Shortened Course)Agricultural Engineering
Foreign Language (1st and 4th Years)
Agricultural Engineering
Foreign Language for Professional Purposes (English)Engineering of Electrical Energy Systems with Renewable Sourceswwwwwwwww
Foreign Language for Professional Purposes (English)Agronomy
Foreign Language (English) (4th Year)Agronomy
English LanguageBiomedical Engineeringwwwwww www www
Foreign Language for Professional Purposes (English)Biotechnology and Bioengineering
English for Professional Purposes (1st and 2nd Years)Construction and Civil Engineering www
English for Professional PurposesIndustry Machinery Construction
Foreign Language for Professional PurposesGeodesy and Land Managementwww
English LanguageWoodworking and Furniture Technologieswwwwwwwwwwww
English for Professional Purposes (1st Year)Electrical Power Engineering, Electrical Engineering, and Electromechanics
English for Professional Purposes (2nd Year, Shortened Program)Electrical Power Engineering, Electrical Engineering, and Electromechanics
English for Professional Purposes (4th Year)Electrical Power Engineering, Electrical Engineering, and Electromechanics
Foreign Language for Professional Purposes (English) (Shortened Course)Plant Protection and Quarantinewwwwwwwww
Foreign Language for Professional Purposes (English) (1st and 4th Years)Plant Protection and Quarantine
English Language (1st and 4th Years)Forestry
Foreign Language (English)Landscape Gardening
Foreign Language for Professional Purposes (English)Horticulture and Viticulture
Foreign Language (English) (4th Year)Horticulture and Viticulture
English LanguageThermal Power Engineering
English for Professional Purposes (Shortened Course)Transport Technologies (Automotive Transport)
Foreign Language for Professional PurposesTransport Technologies (Automotive Transport)
Foreign Language (English) for Professional Purposes (1st and 2nd Years)Physical Education and Sports
Master's Degree
Business Foreign Language (English)
Automation and Computer-Integrated Technologies
www (ОПП)
www ОППwww
Agricultural Engineeringwwwwwwwwwwww
Biotechnology and Bioengineeringwwwwwwwww
Geodesy and Land Managementwwwwwwwww 
Environmental Biotechnology and Bioenergywwwwwwwwwwww
Electrical Power Engineering, Electrical Engineering, and Electromechanicswwwwwwwww
Plant Protection
Thermal Power Engineeringwwwwwwwww
Transport Technologies (Automotive Transport)
Industry Machinery Constructionwwwwwwwww 


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