Department of English for Technical and Agrobilogical Specialities

Educational and Methodological Work

Educational and Methodological Work of the Department of English for Technical and Agrobiological Specialties
The educational and methodological work of the Department of English for Technical and Agrobiological Specialties is a vital component of the educational process, aimed at enhancing the quality of foreign language training for specialists through a comprehensive approach to improving the content, organization, and methods of teaching.
The main areas of educational and methodological work include:
- Prospective and current planning of educational and methodological activities.
- Continuous updating and improvement of working curricula for the department's courses to meet modern requirements for the training level of specialists.
- Writing and publishing textbooks, educational manuals, and methodological materials to support the training of specialists in line with educational plans.
- Posting the department’s educational and methodological materials in the university repository.
- Assessing the scope and content of students' independent work and developing methodological recommendations for planning, organizing, and monitoring this work.
- Enhancing task packages for testing students' knowledge and skills in mastering the English language.
- Improving the educational and methodological qualifications of the department's teaching staff through participation in methodological seminars.
The educational and methodological work is focused on ensuring the courses taught by the department's staff are supported by electronic lecture versions, creating e-learning courses, and developing a database of test tasks to evaluate students’ residual knowledge.



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