Career Guidance Activities of the Department
In the modern world, with increasing demands for the training of future professionals, career guidance work at the Department of English for Technical and Agrobiological Specialties has gained momentum. This work is carried out in accordance with the career guidance plan approved at the department’s meeting.
Career orientation for young people involves a variety of forms, methods, and means to influence individuals, strengthening their professional self-determination based on a balance between their professional interests, capabilities, and society’s needs for specific types of professional activities. Concerned with ensuring the quality selection of motivated young people—future professionals—the faculty members of the Department of English for Technical and Agrobiological Specialties diligently engage with prospective applicants to guide them in their professional choices.
Among the various forms of career guidance activities, the following are notable: informing students about academic programs and specialties, individual counseling for future applicants, introducing admission rules for NULES of Ukraine and regulatory-organizational documentation, conducting testing, online events, media announcements, and posts on internet resources, attending career forums, and organizing video conferences, which allow career guidance efforts to reach potential applicants from many regions of Ukraine, thereby expanding the university’s applicant base.
Among the various forms of career guidance activities, the following are notable: informing students about academic programs and specialties, individual counseling for future applicants, introducing admission rules for NULES of Ukraine and regulatory-organizational documentation, conducting testing, online events, media announcements, and posts on internet resources, attending career forums, and organizing video conferences, which allow career guidance efforts to reach potential applicants from many regions of Ukraine, thereby expanding the university’s applicant base.
Online Resources
Maintaining the "The Future at the Faculty of Humanities and Pedagogy" page on Facebook to provide important information about events held at the faculty and the university.
The Best Form of Career Guidance – Leading by Example of Other Students of NULES A team of NUBiP students engaged in career guidance activities visits numerous general education institutions in Kyiv, Kyiv Oblast, and various regions of Ukraine to familiarize students with the educational opportunities at NULES of Ukraine and the Faculty of Humanities and Pedagogy, as well as with the faculty’s academic programs and the vibrant, multifaceted student life.
Career guidance discussions are typically conducted with high school seniors. However, experience shows that most graduates have already decided on their future profession and chosen a higher education institution. Therefore, faculty members of the Department of English for Technical and Agrobiological Specialties consider it necessary to expand the audience of career guidance discussions and have shifted their focus to students in grades 7–10.
Visits to External Testing (ZNO) Centers During conversations, students expressed interest and a desire to learn more about higher education institutions to ultimately make an informed career choice. While each student’s decision is personal, the goal is for it to be the right one.
Collaboration of Faculty Members of the Department of English for Technical and Agrobiological Specialties with Teachers, Lecturers, and Students of Schools and Colleges
As a result of productive collaboration, formal agreements have been established with the following educational institutions: Natural Science Lyceum No. 145, Kyiv, Korosten Secondary School I-III Levels No. 3, Zhytomyr Oblast, Luhynska Gymnasium named after V.P. Filkov, Zhytomyr Oblast, Khotiv Educational Complex "Secondary School I-III Levels – Gymnasium," Kyiv Oblast, Lubny Secondary School I-III Levels No. 6, Poltava Oblast, Lubny, Lubny Forestry College, Poltava Oblast, Lubny, Vyshhorod Gymnasium "Intellect," Vyshhorod, Kyiv Oblast