Regional Eastern Europe Fire Monitoring Center

REEFMC activities



December, 1. National Round Table on development of State Strategy and Action Plan to Improve National System of Landscape Fire Management


February, 21. Training for forest firefighters in the Rivne Natural Reserve 

March, 3. The 2nd National Round Table "Fires in the Natural and Cultural Landscapes of Ukraine: Developing a National Policy for the Wildfires Management" – announcement

March, 20. Regional Eastern Europe Fire Monitoring Center has developed transborder Ukrainian–Belorussian plan for fire management for the Ramsar territory “Olmany - Perebrody” 

April, 8. Representatives of forest protection of the State Enterprise "Ostersky Military Forestry" were trained to use a controlled burning

April, 9. The 2nd National Round Table on Fires in natural landscapes of Ukraine

April, 9. Work meeting of the team of the Regional Eastern Europe Fire Monitoring Center with the Director of the Global Fire Monitoring Center

June, 5. Challenges in managing landscape fires in Eastern Europe

July, 5. NULESU's experience in training forest firefighters presented in Europe

August, 1. German Professor Johann Georg Goldammer about fires in Siberia: The world is entering the era of fire

August, 15. Interview with Sergiy Zibtsev about participation in the International Congress "Forest Research and Cooperation for Sustainable Development"

August, 23. Best and warm wishes Professor Johann Georg Goldammer! 

August, 31. Large-scale forest fires: interview with Sergiy Zibtsev, Professor of Forestry Department, Head of REEFMC, on HB radio 

October, 21. Scientific-practical seminar “Application of principles of close to nature forestry in pine forests of Ukrainian Polissya: current status and prospects”

October, 28. Pyrogenic factor, as one of the tools for formation of forests of the future

November, 14. University staff, in cooperation with the OSCE, determined the area of ​​fires in zone of Operations Combined Forces

December, 11. Working meeting of the Global Environment Facility project research team "GEF Chornobyl project"

December, 13. Representatives of Committee on Environmental Policy and Nature Management of the Verkhovna Rada visited the exposition of the Regional Eastern Europe Fire Monitoring Center


February, 20. National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine hosted the Vth National Coordination Meeting on Prevention and Safe Suppression of Wildfires in the Chornobyl Exclusion Zone 

February, 23. US Forest Service District Fire Management Officer shares his experience with chief foresters from state forestry enterprises of Zhytomyr oblast

March, 27. Regional Eastern European Fire Monitoring Center employees, Education and Research Institute of Forestry and Park Gardening, have conducted a training for the exclusion zone forest firefighters in the Chernobyl city

May, 03. Workshop on the use of the "Fire Fighter Pocket Guide" 

June, 27. Dr. Sergiy Zibtsev, Professor of Silviculture Department at the Institute of Forestry and Landscape-Park Management participated in the annual reporting conference of the European FIRE-IN project

June, 29. Staff of the Regional Eastern Europe Fire Monitoring Centre and instructor of the Silviculture Department of the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine successfully passed USFS entry level training for fire fighters 

October, 16. Sergiy Zibtsev, Professor of Forestry Department of National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine took part in the meeting of international group on forest fires in natural ecosystems

December, 19. The staff of REEFMC and the forestry department of the Institute of Forestry and Park Gardening, Department of NUBiP of Ukraine presented the Pocket Guide for the Firefighters of the Exclusion Zone and held a seminar on its use


February, 10. Lecture for forest workers undergoing training at the Ukrainian Center for training, retraining and advanced training of forestry

March, 13. VIII Ukrainian Forest Fire Week “Firefighters safety and improvement of detection and suppression of forest fires in the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone”

March, 15. Professor of Silviculture Department - Sergiy Zibtsev presented the results of international projects of Education and Research Institute of Forestry and Landscape-Park Management at 6th International Convention of Environmental Laureate

March, 13-16.  ІІІ National Coordination Meeting On Enhancing Fire Management Capacity In The Chernobyl Exclusion Zone

March, 17-18. The University hosted an international scientific and practical seminar on improving the scientific support of forest protection against fires in the exclusion zone

April, 3-7. Sergiy Zibtsev made the presentation at Yale University Forest Forum (USA)

June, 13. Regional Eastern European Fire Monitoring Center of NULES of Ukraine in cooperation with Boyarka Forest Experimental Station and Ukrainian Scientific Research Institute of Civil Protection tested the retardants using for localization of forest fires

June, 28. A Workshop Assessing Wildfire Risk and Exploring Mitigation Strategies for Chernobyl Affected Landscapes 

September, 8. OSCE project on wildfire management in Chernobyl-affected areas convenes stakeholders from Belarus and Ukraine in Kyiv

October, 26. National Round Table Fires In The Natural And Cultural Landscapes Of Ukraine: Towards A Holistic Fire Management Approach In Forests, Agricultural Lands And Other Ecosystems


April, 27. Interview with Sergey Zibtsev on the channel Hromadske: the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone. Why do we need a nature reserve at the reactor?

September, 22-23. First National Coordination Meeting on enhancing fire management capacity in the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone

September, 22-23. Training on extinguish large forest fires in the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone

October10. Cooperation of the Regional Eastern European Fire Monitoring Center with the US Forest Service to reduce a risk of fires in the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone

November, 8. Sergey Zibtsev, Professor of Forestry Department of National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Head of REEFMC, live on the channel Shuster LIVE

December, 1-3. Second National Coordination Meeting on enhancing fire management capacity in the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone



April, 29. Interview with Sergey Zibtsev on NTN channel about the possible consequences of a fire near the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone

October 12-16. The 6th International Wildland Fire Conference was held with participation of member states of the UNISDR Regional SE Europe / Caucasus Wildland Fire Network; Pyeonchang, Republic of Korea


April, 6-8. Professor Johann Georg Goldammer, director of the Global Fire Monitoring Center (GFMC), Germany visited National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine (NULESU)


March, 5. Inauguration of the Regional Eastern European Fire Monitoring Center (REEFMC)

April, 20. The project “Utilizing Stream Waters in the Suppression of Forest Fires with the Help of New Technologies” with the acronym “Streams-2-SUPPRESS-Fires”

June, 17-23Sergey Zibtsev during the second International Fire Management Week

September, 2. Award to Professor Sergiy Zibtsev for his leadership and work to strengthen national capacitites to respond to the humanitarian and environmental impacts of wildfires

November, 11-13. Sergiy Zibtsev with Nikola Nikolov and Ertugrul Bilgili during International Congress and Trade Fair on Fire and Climate Change: Challenges for Fire Management in Natural and Cultural Landscapes of Eurasia


July, 4. Sergiy Zibtsev: “The problem of forest fires is reaching a new, more dangerous level in the world


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