Workshop on the use of the "Fire Fighter Pocket Guide"

May 3, 2018
Chornobyl city

Within the framework of cooperation between Regional East European Fire Monitoring Center of the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine and the State Agency of Ukraine on Exclusion Zone Management with the US Forest Service, a workshop on the use of the "Fire Fighter Pocket Guide" was held on May 3, 2018 in Chornobyl, based on the SSE “EKOCENTER”. The Pocket Guide was developed on the basis of the American analogue of the Incident Response Pocket Guide (IRPG) and Ukrainian normative and reference materials.

The purpose of the training seminar was to work out the use of the "Fire Fighter Pocket Guide" during regular exercises and fire extinguishing, as well as teaching operators of the fire detection system how to use and maintain equipment.


The purpose of the developed manual is to provide assistance in the forest fire protection and recommendations concerning staff training for unit managers, commanders in charge of first / deployed attack and fire fighters from forest fire stations. The developed handbook is the first draft version and will be finalized and corrected according to the wishes and comments of the exclusion zone fire fighters.

19 people took part in the event, most of which were forest fire fighters from the exclusion zone. Representatives of SSE “TSOTIZ”, SSE “EKOCENTR” and Chornobyl radiation and ecological biosphere reserve were present as well. During the training participants were doing practical tasks on response to a conditional forest fire using the pocket guide.

The second part of the training seminar was aimed at teaching the fire detection system operators the use and maintenance of equipment, namely CCTV cameras, purchased with the financial support from the US Forest Service within the project. The training was carried out by experts from LIS-INFORM and Regional East European Fire Monitoring Center - Evgeny Akulenko and Vadim Bogomolov.

Training agenda  - sites/default/files/u184/programa_3.05.18-5_clean_0.pdf


Oleksandr Soshenskyi, Iryna Zibtseva
Regional Eastern Europe Fire Monitoring Center

To Applicants (синій)Regional Educational Institutions (синій)Press-centre

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