Scientific and Research Department
Scientific and Research Department
The Scientific and Research Department (SRD) is a university department that provides implementation of state policy in the field of scientific, technical, innovative activities and intellectual property. The Scientific and Research department was headed by P.P. Ivanchykov (1964-1982), V.I. Dan’ko (1982-1984), F.N. Dudynets (1984-1985), V.P. Boyko (1985-1991), I.I. Ibatullin (1991-1996), M.Y. Kryvenok (2000-2007), V.A. Tkachuk (2008), A.M. Bilous (2010-2014 рр.)

Doctor of Agricultural Sciences. Professor
Vladimir V. Otchenashko
Tel.: (044) 527-85-89
E-mail: [email protected]
The Department includes the following subdivisions: Scientific and Organizational Department

Viktoriya V. Samsonova
Tel.: (044) 527-81-54
E-mail: [email protected]
The department is responsible for organization of scientific fundamental and applied research aimed at implementation of key trends of development of modern science and technology based on the experience of leading national and foreign universities; coordination and methodological support of research conducted at scientific, research and innovative departments of NULES of Ukraine in accordance with the current regulations; preparation of legal enactments regulating the implementation of research which are based on the appropriate laws of Ukraine, national standards, etc.; preparation of proposals for funding fundamental and applied research at the expense of the State Budget of Ukraine; formation of the thematic plan of research held at the university; monitoring of research performance according to the signed agreements; analytical and synthetic processing of accounting materials submitted by research institutes and other academic units and preparation of summaries of the research results; preparation of scientific, technical and background information on research activities of NULES of Ukraine at the request of the university administration, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, the NAAS of Ukraine, the Ministry of Agrarian Policy of Ukraine, the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine other institutions.
The department solves complex problems of metrological support of research and support of unity of measurements at the university.
Planning and Finance Department

Tel.: 527-87-39
E-mail: [email protected]
The department is responsible for preparation of the annual budget of expenses, monthly plan of allocations of NULES of Ukraine, staff list; conducting the monthly analysis of the use of funds; analysis of the financial activities of the Scientific and Research Department; development of proposals and measures for efficient use of financial resources; preparation of draft financing plans in accordance with public procurement, providing appropriate studies and calculations; notifying the heads of the institutes, the heads of structural research and innovation departments, scientific supervisors about the documents regulating financial activities; preparation and submission of statistical reports (Form No. 1 “Science” and Form No. 3 “Science”); preparation of information on the implementation of the Budget Programme Passport; summarizing the results within the budget programmes; collecting and processing the information about purchasing materials and equipment by tender.
Department of Patent and Licensing, Invention and Rationalization Activities
Head of the Deaprtment −
Tel.: 527-81-59
Е-mail: [email protected]
The Department provides legal protection of objects of intellectual property (inventions, utility models, industrial designs, trademarks of goods and services, plant varieties, animal breeds and lines) in compliance with the legislation of Ukraine; performs scientific and methodological guidance, takes part in patent research during the planning and implementation of research and development projects; carries out state registration of topics of research and reports on their completion; coordinates the scientific activities of students of the university.
Department of Scientific and Technical Information

Nataliya Yu. Shevchenko
Tel.: 527-87-20
Е-mail: [email protected], [email protected]
The department organizes and provides methodological support of implementation of scientific and technical products of the scientists of NULES of Ukraine into production; organizes systematic search, selection and dissemination of information on scientific achievements of the university scientists and distributes the information on the research through the publication of Science and Innovations at NULES of Ukraine Compendium of Completed Research and Innovation Projects, putting it on the web-sites of NULES of Ukraine, the web-site of the agricultural sector of Ukraine, in information databases, and through other media; ensures the participation of the University in exhibitions and is responsible for the permanent exhibition of scientific developments of the university scientists; accumulates and disseminates information on the scientific and technical activities and provides necessary methodological support; performs organizational, research, editorial and methodological work on the publication of scientific works and ensures their high scientific and literary level; gives methodological support to scientific departments of the university in the preparation of thematic compilations and provides guidance of scientific publications of the research institutes; undertakes review of scientific publications in information and electronic resources of Vernadskyy National Library of Ukraine.
Main tasks are as following:
- effective use of scientific potential for solving scientific and technical problems of agricultural development;
- conducting fundamental, applied and exploratory research;
- development and creation of new technique, technologies and materials;
- improving the quality of training through active use of research results in the educational process, extensive involvement of students into research, founding scientific schools and creation of highly skilled research teams;
- development of advanced forms of scientific and technical cooperation with research institutions of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, the Ukrainian Academy of Agrarian Sciences, the Ministry of Agrarian Policy of Ukraine and other institutions aimed at solution of important scientific and technical problems and extensive use of scientific developments of the university scientists;
- extension of scientific and technical cooperation with foreign universities and companies for joint development and production of competitive R & D products;
- strengthening of experimental and production base and information support of the university, organisation of intercollegiate territorial scientific and production systems in the field of service of the science and training of scientific and technical staff of the university;
- coordination of scientific support of economic activities of education and research enterprises.
Tel.: (044) 527-85-89, 527-81-54, 527-83-71