Regional Eastern Europe Fire Monitoring Center Has Developed transborder Ukrainian – Belorussian plan for fire management for the Ramsar territory “Olmany - Perebrody”

March 20, 2019
Rivne Nature Reserve, Sarny, Rivne region
Vasyl Gumeniuk and Olga Tokareva - members of the Department of Forestry and the Regional Eastern Europe Monitoring Center, the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine – took part in the final seminar of the project “Creating conditions for joint management and sustainable use of natural resources of wetland "Transborder Ramsar Territory" Olmany - Perebrody”.

The project is financed by the European Union within the framework of the Program of territorial cooperation of the Eastern Countries Partnership - Belarus-Ukraine (EaPTC BY-UA). The aim of the project is to create a mechanism for joint planning and management of the Transborder Ramsar Territory "Swamps of Olmany and Perebrody", which laso includes ensuring sustainable use of wild cranberries, ensuring a favorable ecological environment and social environment for local population and visitors of the transborder area.
Members of the Department of Forestry and the Regional Eastern Europe Fire Monitoring Center were involved within the project as experts in development of measures to improve fire safety of the Ukrainian part of the Transborder Ramsar territory "Olmany-Perebrody" and recommendations for transborder fire management plan.
Participants of the workshop summed up and evaluated the results of the project implementation, as well as presented for discussion joint management plan for the Transborder Ramsar territory "Olmany-Perebrody", and, upon completion of the workshop, concluded a resolution on sustainable use of natural resources in this territory.
The event program links: sites/default/files/u259/programa_seminaru_stvorennya_umov_dlya_spilnogo_upravlinnya.pdf
 Vasyl Gumeniuk, Olga Tokareva, Irina Zibtseva

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