History of Faculty


    The Faculty of Economics of the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine is a leading center of agrarian economic education and science in Ukraine with 70-year history.
   The training of agricultural specialists in economics was initiated in 1898 with the establishment of the Department of Agriculture in Kyiv Polytechnic Institute.
   Twenty academic courses were taught at the Department of Agriculture, including political economy, agricultural economy and statistics forming the economic training of future specialists. Separate Department of Economics did not exist at the Department of Agriculture, and the teaching of economic disciplines has been coordinated by Professor A. Lyudohowsky. He was one of the founders of the science of the agricultural system in our country.
   The Faculty of Economics and Organization of Agriculture was established in the Kyiv Agricultural Institute by the Order of the Minister of Higher Education of the USSR №768 from May 15 1951.
   Professor D. Grygorovych was its first dean until 1960. The faculty had the only Department of Economics. After becoming the part of the Ukrainian Agricultural Academy in 1954, the Faculty of Economics and Organization of Agriculture started training specialists in Accounting at the Department of Accounting (1959). In 1994 the Department of Finance and Credit was initiated; in 1995 the Faculty of Agricultural Management was established on the basis of the Faculty of Economics. Its academic staff was filled up primarily by the graduated of the National Agricultural University.
    At different times, the position of the Dean of the Faculty was held by Professors G. Larin (1960-1965), I. Novakov (1965-1969), K. Olefir (1969-1976), G. Kireytsev (1976-1983), G. Tarasenko (1984-1997) V. Tereschenko (1997-2001), S. Kvasha (2001-2008) S. Ibatulin (2008-2010), T. Kaminska (2010-2014).
During the existence the Deputy dean of the faculty for a long time were professors P. Korchovy, L. Kasyanov, O. Hudzynsky and associate professors I. Kononenko, M. Parasiy, L. Zvonareva, A.Gonchar, A. Klimenko, M. Ilchuk, P. Layko, I. Konoval, L. Kovalenko, A. Borsch, S. Oliynyk, L. Avramchuk, O. Popov, M. Sadco, O. Oliynyk.
    Currently, the Dean of the Faculty of Economics is Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor Anatoliy D. Dibrova.
   The Deputy Deans for full-time studies are: V. Nahornyi – Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, is responsible for the study directions (specialties): "Economics", "Finance, Banking and Insurance"; L. Voliak – Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, is responsible for the study directions (specialties): "Accounting and taxation", "Entrepreneurship, trade and stock-taking activities"; M. Marshalok – Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, is responsible for part-time, distance and external forms of studies.
    The educational process at the Faculty of Economics is being provided by 23 Professors, 107 Associate Professor, 2 Academicians and 2 Corresponding Members of the NAAS of Ukraine, 1 Academician of the ASHE of Ukraine, 3 Honored Workers of Agriculture, 2 Honored Economist of Ukraine. Among the teaching staff there are: Academicians of the NAAS of Ukraine S. Kvasha, V. Tereschenko; Corresponding Member of the NAAS of Ukraine M. Ilchuk; Professors A. Dibrova, O. Ermakov, E. Kaluga, V. Savchuk, M. Solodkyi, L. Hudoliy.
   During the functioning of the Faculty of Economics, the following prominent economists have been working there: Academician of the NAAS of Ukraine V.V. Yurchyshyn, Corresponding Member of LHAAS I. Romanenko, Corresponding Members of the NAAS of Ukraine P. Layko, P. Rusnak, Professors D. Grygorovych, G. Larin, Y. Zawadskyi, G. Tarasenko, P. Korchovyi, L. Kasianov, M. Spivak, V. Mertens, K. Olefir, O. Azizov, L. Zribniak, O. Shkilov, twice a Hero of Socialist Labour G. Burkatska, V. Bilyk.
    For the period of its existence, the Faculty of Economics has trained over 40 Doctors of Sciences and 450 Candidates of Economic Sciences. Among the former graduates of the Faculty, there are prominent politicians, deputies of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine (of different convocation), members of the Ministries and government agencies, heads of famous enterprises in agricultural sector. The most famous are I. Bidzura, V. Halushko, V. Zhuk, I. Zaiets, S. Kvasha, G. Kireytsev, A. Lissitsa, I. Plusch, P. Sabluk, V. Sahnevych, M. Pavlovsky, M. Shvedenko, V. Tereshenko, I. Kalnyckyj, I. Pylypenko, M. Ilchuk, T. Gagaluk.
    The Faculty of Economics is proud of its numerous graduates, who successfully implement the knowledge obtained within the walls of alma mater. Their activity in any sphere of national economy benefits to the nation giving the lead for the students of the Faculty.


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