Department of Animal and Food Hygiene named after Professor A.K. Skorokhodko

Research work of students

Research work of students is one of the areas of their independent work and is an important factor in training highly qualified specialists.
The content and nature of research work of students are determined by:
• issues of research and scientific, as well as methodological activities of the department.
• topics of research carried out by the department staff in cooperation with production site personnel;
• conditions of students' research work, availability of research station, opportunities for access to the necessary scientific information, availability of computer equipment and qualified scientific guidance.
According to the curricula and syllabus of general and professional disciplines, each student must master the process of scientific knowledge, performing throughout the period of study tasks that are gradually becoming more complex and deepening.

There are following clubs functioning at the department:
- Student scientific club "Veterinary Sanitation and Hygiene" (Supervisor: associate professor Poliakovskyi V.M.).
- Student scientific club "Innovation and advisory services in the veterinary and sanitary examination of food and feed" (Supervisor: associate professor Galaburda M.A.).
"Innovation and advisory services in the veterinary and sanitary examination of food and feed" is a voluntary research association of students formed to organize and facilitate their scientific, research, experimental and inventive activities.
The purpose of the club is the implementation of scientific and creative potential of talented students.

The main objectives of the club are:
– organization of research, experimental design and inventive activity;
– creation of conditions for discovery of scientific and creative potential of the club members;
– involvement in scientific conferences, seminars, expeditions and other research and educational activities;
– creation of favorable conditions for active involvement of the students in scientific researches;
– promotion of broadening of university, regional, all-Ukrainian, and international student cooperation in science and innovation; promotion of physical development of students and formation of high moral principles;
– development of intercommunication with charitable foundations, organizations and associations in Ukraine and abroad; maintenance and protection of the rights and interests of the members of the group; promotion of the innovative activities of the members of the club; participation in the public life of the university.



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