Department of Animal and Food Hygiene named after Professor A.K. Skorokhodko

Educational work

Department of Veterinary Hygiene named after prof. A.K.Skorokhodko is a graduating department for the specialty 212 "Veterinary Hygiene, Sanitation and Expertise". During its existence, the staff of the department has published 8 textbooks, 24 handbooks, 4 manuals, 2 dictionaries, 14 monographs, as well as published more than 1,300 scientific papers and received more than 90 patents for inventions. Professors of the department have prepared 4 Doctors and 19 PhD candidates in veterinary and agricultural sciences.

The teaching staff of the department took part in the development of the State Standards of Education of Ukraine in a number of areas and specialties, training on which is provided in NULES of Ukraine. With the participation of the department staff, 14 new disciplines were developed and introduced into the educational process of training veterinarians with Master’s degree, including new scientific and methodological complexes, materials on the organization of educational and industrial practices, preparation of master's theses. A number of new training laboratories have been established.
The teaching staff of the department trains specialists at Bachelor’s level in specialties: 211 "Veterinary Medicine", 192 "Construction and Civil Engineering", 181 "Food Technologies" and specialists at Master’s level in specialties 211 "Veterinary Medicine" and 212 "Veterinary Hygiene, Sanitation and Expertise".
Professors of the department prepare highly qualified specialists - Doctors of Science and PhD candidates in the specialty 16.00.06 - "Animal Hygiene and Veterinary Sanitation" (veterinary sciences).
Disciplines taught at the department are designed to form in students a correct understanding of the tasks of the veterinary service to organize and conduct the work on prevention of the spread of infectious and invasive animal diseases through meat, meat products and slaughter by-products; elimination of the possibility of human infection by diseases common to humans and animals through food and technical raw materials of animal origin.
The curriculum provides teaching of theoretical material during lectures with further practical consolidation of knowledge in laboratory classes, visits to farms of separate units of NULES of Ukraine, laboratories and processing enterprises of Kyiv for educational practices, during which the following skills are mastered: conducting of veterinary and sanitary expertise of food products, sanitary measures, and organoleptic, laboratory and special examination.
Students study the requirements of current regulations on veterinary and sanitary expertise and veterinary and sanitary evaluation of raw materials and products of animal origin, as well as of plant origin on agrifood markets.
Employees of the department conduct postgraduate training of veterinarians of agrifood markets and inspectors of veterinary medicine from different regions of Ukraine according to the programs agreed with the State Service of Ukraine for Food Safety and Consumer Protection.

Laboratories at the department:

- Educational laboratory of animal hygiene

- Educational laboratory of veterinary sanitation

- Scientific research laboratory "Ecological and sanitary-hygienic monitoring of agricultural enterprises"
- Educational laboratory "Veterinary and sanitary expertise of milk and dairy products"
- Educational laboratory "Veterinary and sanitary expertise of meat and meat products"
- Educational laboratory "Veterinary expertise of fish, fish products, eggs, honey and products of plant origin"
- Scientific research laboratory of veterinary expertise


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