Cooperation with the UN FAO

Cooperation with the UN FAO National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine began even before the entry of Ukraine to UN FAO in the late 90-ies of the last century. In particular, several successful conferences on the problems of informational and advisory support of agriculture were organized together with UN FAO. After joining UN FAO in 29, 2003 Ukraine has opened new opportunities for cooperation with the international community in formation of the strategy for agriculture and forestry, fish industry, total food complex, veterinary medicine, creation of standards for products quality and safety as well as its international certification and standardization.
Wide opportunities in this area opened Programs of technical assistance of UN FAO (TCP Projects), designed to address the urgent needs of member countries.
From October 2004 to December 2007 the project TCP/UKR/3003 (A) “Building of Ukrainian Laboratory for Quality and Safety of Food and Agricultural Products” was implemented in the Ukrainian Laboratory for Quality and Safety of Agricultural Products. The project was aimed both at improving the design and development of testing laboratory, bringing laboratory’s practice to the level of ISO 17025 standards requirements, improving coordination and work with the infrastructure necessary for good functioning of this laboratory and its peopleware.
In the framework of the project TCP/UKR/3001 (A) "Formulation of the Information Strategy and Increase of Service Level of National Agri-Informational System in Ukraine" (2005-2007) was developed the strategy of informational support of AIC and rural population in Ukraine until 2015. The importance of this work underlines the fact that the Strategy was approved by decision of the Board of the Ministry of Agriculture and recommended for implementation.
With the active support of information specialists of UN FAO NUBiP workers according to the project plan adapted to the Russian language a powerful tool for distance learning of information technologies - module IMARK “Electronic document management” which allows to provide appropriate training and to prepare specialists for further implementation of the project.
As a result of the project "Opening of Depository Library of UN FAO on the basis of Research Library of NUBiP of Ukraine” library of NUBiP of Ukraine has received status of the national UN FAO Depository Library in Ukraine since 2006. At the moment the fund consists of about 500 documents which FAO sends free. There was also created a database for FAO literature in the electronic library’s catalogue.
In the framework of the project AGORA “Access to Global Online Research for Agriculture in Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia” NUBiP of Ukraine has the right of free access to Portal of electronic publications of leading foreign publishers (1900 journals).
In cooperation with the Team of Specialists on Forest Fire FAO UN, Global Fire Monitoring Centre (GFMC) / United Nations University (UNU) together with the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UN ECE), the South East European Fire Management Network / Caucasus, the United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (UNISDR), Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) / the Environment and Security Initiative and the European Center for Forest Fires (ECFF) was held the International Scientific Seminar “Wildfires and Human Security: Fire Management on Terrain Contaminated by Radioactivity, Unexploded Ordnance (UXO) and Land Mines” (Kiev / Chernobyl) 6-8 October 2009. Ukraine is regularly represented at international meetings of the network of focal points to combat forest fires (Meeting in July 2010, Freiburg, Germany).
For a significant contribution to the development of cooperation with the UN FAO in 2006 rector of NUBiP of Ukraine, acad. Dmytro Melnychuk was elected Advisor to the Director-General of FAO. For a significant contribution to the development of material and technical basis, training, joint research projects, facilitating the international cooperation were awarded the titles:
“Honorary Doctor of NUBiP of Ukraine”
- Jacques Diouf, Director-General of the UN FAO, 23/10/2003
- Maria KADLECHYKOVA, Director, Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia, UN FAO, 29/10/2008
“Honorary Professor of NUBiP of Ukraine”
- Anton Mangstl, Director, UN FAO Division for informatization of World Agricultural Information center and library - 27.06.2001
- Michael Demesh, Specialist of Information Management, UN FAO Sub-regional office for Central and Eastern Europe, Budapest - 29.10.2008

             Projects of technical assistance of UN FAO (TCP Projects) in NUBiP of Ukraine
1. “Strengthening of Ukrainian laboratory of quality and safety of AIC products”, 2004-2007,
2. “The formation of strategy and increase of the service level of agro-informative system”, 2006-2007
3. “Creating of a Depository Library of UN FAO on the basis of the Research Library of NUBiP of Ukraine”, 2006
4. “AGORA - Access to Global Online Research in Agriculture of Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia”, 2007-2008,
5. "The mission of evaluation of tasks and needs associated with scientific and analytical support of food safety products control" of 2009-2010
6. Supporting of multilingual official website of the UN FAO, 2010-2011

During cooperation with the UN FAO there were a number of international seminars organized on the basis of NUBiP of Ukraine.

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