The Internationalization Strategy of the University (from the general development strategy of the University "Holosiivska initiative - 2025")



The main tasks in the field of international cooperation:
  • extensive use of international relations of embassies of Ukraine, opportunities for professors, interns, graduates and university staff working abroad to attract foreign students to study at the University for undergraduate and postgraduate training programs;
  • intensification of cooperation with foreign partner universities on the basis of bilateral agreements, expansion of cooperation directions with the purpose of broader involvement of teachers, scientists, post-graduate students of the University in carrying out joint international scientific projects, scientific cooperation, participation in international contests;
  • ensuring the possibility of independent study of foreign languages for teachers and staff of the University, introduction of language internships. This direction is planned to be implemented by several target blocks and corresponding steps.


Purpose 1.1. Attracting foreign students to study at the University

1.1.1.   Intensify interaction with international, intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations, funds and programs (UN, USAID, European Commission, UNESCO, HORIZONT, ​​World Bank, IFC, etc.), embassies of Ukraine to attract additional sources of support for the development of joint international student education programs in partner universities. Establish the International Association of Graduates of NULES of Ukraine.
1.1.2.   Enlarge student mobility by improving the technology of learning, forming groups for external study of disciplines in foreign languages, involving students in participating in international educational programs with the direct participation of partner universities.
1.1.3.   Increase the quality of advertising products about the University, including the Internet and the media, to intensify its placement abroad.
1.1.4.   Strengthen the professional and scientific-pedagogical level of training of teachers working with foreign students, improve social conditions, including living conditions, conditions for foreign students studying in the preparatory department and in the curriculum for the preparation of bachelors and masters.

Goal 1.2 Activation of the international recognition and issuance of double diplomas

1.2.1 Establishment of permanent contacts with the Ministry of Education and Science, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine (hereinafter referred to as MFA), Ukrainian embassies, universities of the EU, the USA, China and other countries with the purpose of inviting scientists, teachers and students to implement joint educational projects, assistance in support and implementation of educational programs for issuing double diplomas about education. Increase in the number of foreign students on preparatory departments for foreigners.
1.2.2. Involvement of foreign experts from various fields of science to ensure licensing and accreditation of international curricula, assessment of the level of scientific publications, teaching materials, scientific competence of scientific and pedagogical staff of the University.
1.2.3. Improvement of the methodological basis of international cooperation in order to ensure interaction with foreign universities, international, intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations, funds and programs for adaptive recognition of the content of education at the University and partner universities.

Goal 1.3. Increase in the number of English language training programs

1.3.1 Introduction of intensive programs for the study of foreign languages ​​for scientific and pedagogical staff who carry out English language courses, as well as faculties / institutes of the University; the introduction of a monthly (weekly) English-language day of communication on the territory of the University; reviewing the number of credits that students choose for the benefit of foreign languages;
1.3.2. Promoting of English-speaking teachers, intensive training of personnel reserve for planning foreign training and scientific trips taking into account language training, pedagogical workload, specialty.
1.3.3. Development and approval of programs for the optional study of Polish and Chinese languages ​​at departments of foreign languages, providing training programs by qualified teachers, holding summer vocational schools.
1.3.4. Formation of joint master's programs with universities of the Visegrad Group, semester training of students in partner universities, joint grant award for the implementation of research programs and the organization of international master's programs in accordance with the agreed specialties and specializations.
1.3.5. Organization and holding of summer and winter schools of advanced training on the University’s basis for representatives of partner universities and other educational establishments and scientific institutions with the issuance of corresponding diplomas (certificates).

Goal 1.4 International scientific co-operation

1.4.1. Establishing links with related educational institutions of other countries for cooperation in educational, scientific and methodical work, exchange of young scientists, and expansion of international cooperation in the field of intellectual property.
1.4.2. Official membership of the University's scientists in international public professional associations, obtaining free access to reputable international science databases (Scopus, Webof Science, etc.).
1.4.3. Collaboration with foreign and domestic universities and academic institutions to improve the ranking of scientific publications of NULES of Ukraine among educational institutions.
1.4.4. Development of partnership in the agro-industrial and environmental spheres, the sphere of life sciences between domestic and foreign institutions and organizations, joint publication of analytical bulletins.
1.4.5. Ensuring the participation of the University's scientists in international scientific programs, projects to use the results of joint activities in the domestic and international markets of science-intensive products.
1.4.6. Organization and participation of postgraduate students and doctoral students in joint international projects, conferences, symposiums and roundtables.
1.4.7. Further introduction and extension of the list of places and forms of conducting international internship for graduate students and doctoral students.


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