News and events

18.01.2022 International Scholarship Exchange of PhD candidates and Academic Staff(SGGW)


The purpose of PROM is to participate in short forms of training, such as internships, conferences, winter or summer schools organized by WULS-SGGW. Travel expenses, living expenses (and conference fees) are covered from the program budget.



3.1.2019 University of Applied Sciences Weihenstephan-Triesdorf (HSWT) invites teachers to take part in the Erasmus + TOPAS project (Triesdorf, Germany)


Оголошується набір на проект Еразмус+ TOPAS для викладачів економічного факультету який проходитиме в м. Тріздорф, Німеччина з 13 по 26 лютого 2019 р. 


3.1.2019 University College Writtle (WUC) invites students to take part in the Erasmus + TOPAS project (Chelmsdorf, UK)


Оголошується набір на проект Еразмус+ TOPAS для студентів економічного факультету який проходитиме в м.Челмсдорф, Велика Британія, з 12 березня по 20 квітня 2019


[26.07.2018] Call for International Traineeship scholarship at University of Foggia International Office


[22.11.17] Attention! A set of courses of the University of Pennsylvania (USA) "Food Safety" is announced


[21.09.17] Exchanging experience in establishing cooperation with the Warsaw University of Ecology and Management




Agreement on cooperation with Kazakh National Agrarian University was signed


2st International Summer School “Achievements and Applications of Environmental and Life Sciences for Sustainable Development”


We continue a fruitful cooperation with Pomeranian Academy in Słupsk (Poland)


Delegation of Pomeranian Academy in Słupsk keeps on acquainting with the university










From 9 to 13 November 2015 Dean of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, academician NAAS of Ukraine M. Tsvilihovskyy, Head of Department epizootology and management of veterinary medicine, Professor V. Nedosyekov and head of international programs of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Associate Professor M. Galatians in the official delegation took part in the specialized information visit "The control and organization of Veterinary Medicine, assurance quality of animal products - German experience", with the support of leadership of the National University of Life and Environmental Science of Ukraine and the German-Ukrainian agrarian political dialogue and its immediate supervisor, Volker Zasse.

The delegation led by the heads of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine, representatives Committee of the Supreme Council and the State Veterinary and Phytosanitary Service of Ukraine. During the visit the delegation had the opportunity take part in the official opening of the agricultural exhibition «AgriTechnika», which occurs every two years in Hannover and is one of the largest exhibitions in the field of agriculture in the world, visited the Ukrainian-German information event "Reforms in the agricultural sector Ukraine - results and prospects ", which was opened with the speech of the Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine Oleksiy Pavlenko.

Also during the trip, participants got acquainted with the German organization of public administration to ensure quality and safety of products of plant and animal origin, visited the Office of Consumer Protection and safety of agricultural products, the Federal State of Lower Saxony (President - Dr. Eberhard Honthorst, who has repeatedly visited the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and gave lectures for students and for specialists of Veterinary Medicine and all interested persons), Epizootic cash desk of Lower Saxony, Ministry of Food and Agriculture of the Federal State of Lower Saxony and communicated with the leaders of these institutions. Especially important was a visit to the University of Veterinary Medicine, Hannover, where they met with President of the University, Dr. Gerard Grief, professors Nicole Kemper and Günther Klein, and a tour in the Center clinical skills of the University, with which today Faculty of Veterinary Medicine is working on developing partnerships and establishing further cooperation.



Implementation of the Canadian-Ukrainian project "Development of
grain cooperatives in Ukraine"

As part of implementation research component of the joint Ukrainian-Canadian project "Development of grain cooperatives in Ukraine" which partner is NULES of Ukraine was held a meeting on November 3 for the prospects of cooperation, the necessary changes in Ukraine and experience Canadian partner organizations.

The meeting was attended by:
From NULES of Ukraine: V.Tkachuk, vice-rector for scientific and pedagogical work, international activities and development, Professors V. Tereshchenko, R. Buryak, T. Kaminska, T. Balanovska, Associate Professor N. Morozyuk and others.
Participants from Dnipropetrovsk State Agrarian and Economic University : I. Volovik, A. Velichko, V. Tropin, N. Bondarchuk and A. Chepets.

Participants from the project of development of the Canadian dairy business and cooperative grain project:
Mr. Alain Plouffe, Director of International Program, Socodevi
Martin Beaurivage, program manager Dairy business development project, Socodevi
Mr. Dan Ish, Coop & Mutuals Law Specialist, CCA
Erin Mackie, Program Officer and Grain Project Coop Specialist at the Canadian Cooperative Association.
M. Maximov, Director of the Agricultural Advisory Service
C. Kurdytskyy, Manager Canadian grain cooperative project in Ukraine
Sofia Burtak, manager of training and gender programs
Alexander Stephan, CEO association of cooperatives "Hospodar".


Recall that scientists NULES of Ukraine already received three grants in the framework of the project for studies on business development, accounting and taxation of cooperatives.






Researcher Connect - the first project in Ukraine with support by the British Council, which offers a series of modules designed to develop communication skills of young scientists necessary for successful international communication and cooperation. It provides participants with in-depth understanding of and tools for effective communication, regardless of the situation or context and helps to develop critical thinking and skills of scientific criticism.


In October 2015 was the selection of candidates for participation in the project. Among the many comers were selected only 40 representatives from universities, research institutes throughout Ukraine. As a result of competitive selection of representatives from the NULES of Ukraine for participation in the project Researcher Connect, which took place on 22-24 October 2015, became M. Galat, associate professor of Parasitology and Tropical Veterinary and D. Kyrylyuk, senior lecturer in administrative management and foreign trade.
This project aims to support the professional development of young scientists. During the series of trainings the participants received information about the correct spelling of thesis for international publications and submission of applications for grants to international organizations, specifics the international cooperation and established contacts with leading research scientists and public organizations in Ukraine. The Speaker of the training was the director of the consulting agency higher education, the world's leading coach Edeir Richards. Education and communication took place exclusively in English.

Participation in the training of young scientists was made possible through the support of the British Council in Ukraine, international department, leadership of Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Research Institute of Animal Health, leadership of Faculty of Agricultural Management.
As a result of the passage of such training M. Galat and D. Kyrylyuk received certificates of participation and successful completion of the first cycle of training. We hope for further cooperation and development of international collaboration!





German-Ukrainian Seminar on Advanced Training is Over 

The advanced training course for instructors, researchers and postgraduates on “Analysis of Household Demand and Applied Systems Analysis of Welfare”, organized by Martin Luther University of Halle-Wittenberg and Leibniz Institute of Agricultural Development in Central and Eastern Europe, city of Halle, Germany, in partnership with the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine and the “Institute of Agrarian Economics” National Science Center, is over.
      The aim of the course was to familiarize the instructors, researchers and postgraduates with current theoretical concepts for the analysis of household demand and applied systems analysis of welfare, using econometric analysis methods.

Advanced training course was held on September 28 - October 2, 2015, and the written tests were successfully completed by 32 employees and postgraduates of our university. Professor Greens and Doctor Perekhozhuk noted a good training level of the participants at the ceremony of handing the certificates of training


         Professor Greens and Doctor Perekhozhuk noted a good training level of the participants at the ceremony of handing the certificates of training cource completion. In turn, it was agreed to continue holding this kind of seminarsin the future.



 The University has received a grant for academic mobility of students, postgraduates and faculty

    Within the “Erasmus +” programs, in 2015 our University filed 9 applications for grants to support academic mobility with European Universities.
    The Council was notified that the other day the confirmation has been received for funding one of the applications from the University of Foggia (Italy). Within this grant, 11 Universities of Ukraine will receive financing in the amount of 506,700 Euro, including our University with more than 78,000 Euro in 2016-2017.

The budget of the mobility project provides financing scholarships for students, masters and postgraduates in the amount of 850 Euro per month, and for teaching staff – in the amount of 980 Euro per week.
The University of Foggia has the departments of agriculture, food and environment, law, humanities and economic sciences, which can serve as the bases for the internship of students, masters, postgraduates and the faculty of our University.


The family of honorary members of our University staff was joined our graduate from Nigeria. The first of September professor Steven Azayiki, Director of Science, Education and Technology, received a diploma and mantle of honorary Professor of NULES.






 There have been accepted delegation from the Agricultural University of Wroclaw and University of Iowa

In honor of the first of September we have accepted the delegation of partner universities – Natural Sciences of Wroclaw (Poland) and Iowa State University (USA). The first of those was led by the Rector Professor Roman Kolach. With him arrived Professor Tadeusz Sholz and Josef Nitspon. Professor Douglas Keneli and lecturer Jody Kornel from United States, visited our University.

Professor Roman Kolach described the cooperation between the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of NULES of Ukraine and Wroclaw Natural Sciences University as productive. Cooperation has been lasting for 15 years. During this time in Poland passed a probation about 30 young scientists from our University for Scholarship program named after Professor Stanislaw Tolpa. In the last few years, every year 5 students of the faculty of Veterinary medicine passed a practice during two weeks. During the discussion, was supported the proposal to expand cooperation – in the field of agronomy, livestock and aquatic biological resources. Professor Keneli gave a lecture for students of faculty livestock and aquatic biological resources.
The parties agree on visiting representatives of our educational and research enterprises to Wroclaw to change experience and introduction of market mechanisms of their functioning.



Signed a cooperation agreement with the Technical University of Georgia

During the visit to the Georgia, delegation from the our University met with leadership of the Georgian Technical University. Rector of GTU , Professor Archil Pranhishvili and head of international relations office Otar Zumburidze told about the history of this University and its modern structure.

Today it comprises 10 faculties, including the newly created Department of Agriculture, which was a response to reforms in education and science of Georgia. Traditional Agricultural University ten years ago, was privatized and now it only enrolled 24 students. Agrarian University then received all research institutes of the Academy of Agricultural Sciences of Georgia, which practically do not exist today. This academy has about 30 employees. This is a lesson for us.
In the agricultural faculty of GTU study 650 students in 8 specialties: animal husbandry, agronomy, soils and water resources management in agribusiness, food technologies, forestry, farming and agricultural engineering.
Rector NUBiP Stanislav Nikolayenko informed the Georgian colleagues with the structure and main objectives of our University, called for the development of cooperation.
Archil Pranhishvili showed guests the assembly hall of the university and the library fund which has more than 2.5 million., including 400 thousand. in electronic form, copies of educational and scientific literature.
Particular attention was drawn on collection of more than 100,000 copies of the US publishing house "Nova", where the most recent scientific and educational publications on all fields of knowledge. This collection is supported by the Georgian diaspora in the US is constantly updated.

Rector of GTU urged the Ukrainian side be treated with caution to reforming education from the Western recipe guides that can lead to complete loss of university's potential.

The outcome of the meeting was the signing of cooperation agreements between universities.

 We have close relationships with Nigeria

Representative delegation of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, led by Steven Azayiki and representatives of the Nigerian Embassy was in Ukraine.
Steven Azayiki - a graduate of our university. From 1980 to 1985 he studied at the Faculty of Plant Protection, continued his education in graduate school and in 1991 he defended his candidate thesis.
After returning to Nigeria he worked in responsible positions in the state of Bayelsa. He was the first authorized (Minister) for agriculture, the secretary to the government, worked for the federal government as a Senior Special Adviser of Minister for Special Assignments. Also he was the Ministry of Youth.


Steven constantly communicates with the native alma mater. He repeatedly participated in ceremonial staff gatherings of the Faculty of Plant Protection, presented reports. Together with employees of the Department of Phytopathology Steven Azayiki published 3 monographs, 6 manuals.
During the meeting the guests expressed interest in the development of the association of university graduates, volunteered to help in rebuilding the 3rd Corps and agreed to enhance cooperation to attract students from Nigeria to study in NULES.


Assistant professor of finance and credit O.O. Olejnik passed scientific training at the Warsaw University of Life Sciences (Poland) under the project ALRAKIS II

From December 31, 2014 to June 30, 2015 Associate Professor of Finance and Credit Oleynik Elena was on scientific probation at the Warsaw University of Life Sciences (Poland).

The main objectives of the study were: comparative analysis of financial systems in Poland and Ukraine, evaluating the impact of financial system development to economic growth and development of agriculture, comparing the effectiveness of financing of agriculture in Poland and Ukraine.

Obtained following main research results: created a simplified model of integral index development level of the financial system - a model of "3 + 3", which allows easy and accessible, but it is adequate, do a comparative analysis of the level of the financial systems of individual countries and determine its type (bank or market ). Also constructed a simplified model of integral indicator of economic development of country. These model integral index was used to compare the level of financial system development and economic growth in Poland and Ukraine. With integrated indicators and econometric methods was valued interconnection between the level of financial system development and economic growth in Poland and Ukraine. Was built a simplified model of integral index of development of agriculture using the principles of the concept of "moderate middle way", through which analyzed trends in agricultural growth in Poland and Ukraine.
During the internship were took part in eleven conferences and seminars, the main ones were the International Scientific Conference "Enterprise and Competitive Environment", Faculty of Business and Economics of Mendel University in Brno, 5-6 March 2015, Brno, Czech Republic; XVI International Scientific Conference "Financial Managament", The Faculty of Economics and Management of the University of Szczecin, April 22-24, 2015, Kołobrzeg, Poland; International Scientific Conference "Finance And Accounting", Uniwersytet Jana Kochanowskiego w Kielcach, 11-12 June 2015, Kielce, Poland; 12th International Science Conference "Global Problems Of Agriculture, Forestry And Food Economy", Faculty of Economic Sciences, Warsaw University of Life Science, 18-19 June 2015, Warsaw-Rogow, Poland.

During the internship was written and submitted for publication five articles, three of which in cooperation with colleagues from the Faculty of Economics of Warsaw University of Life Sciences, in particular, prof. Wasilewski Miroslav, prof. Alina Danilovskoyu. In addition, they discussed the possibility of writing joint articles with other colleagues of the Faculty of Economic Sciences, Warsaw University of Life Sciences, including the dock. Joanna Rakavskoyu, doc. Sergey Zabolotny, doc. Agnieszka Bernat-bright. During the internship, O.O. Oleinik has been involved as a reviewer of articles magazines Faculty of Economic Sciences, Warsaw University of Life Sciences: «Annals of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development» and «Acta Scientiarum Polonorum Seria Oeconomia».


Was conducted a work to implement double diploma program between economic faculty of the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine and the Faculty of Economics of Warsaw University of Life Sciences with Deputy Dean Nina Driyerskoyu. Was prepared draft agreement and its annex.
ALRAKIS II provided a unique opportunity to make a large number of professional contacts that will help in the future to implement certain scientific and educational projects within the «Erasmus +», «Horizon 2020», «Harmonia 7".


Meeting with representatives of the Canadian Bureau for International Education!

July 6, 2015 meeting was held with a representative of the Canadian Bureau for International Education (CBIE), namely with Melissa Payne Business Development Manager.
During the meeting presented a project recently proposed by the Canadian Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development, which aims to provide technical assistance and resource support for small and medium businesses.
Canadian Bureau for International Education is planning to participate in the proposed project through the commercialization of research and development of higher education in Ukraine, including our universities, to support small and medium businesses.


The project is estimated at $ 30 million for 6 years (from 2015 to 2021) and will focus on achieving more favorable conditions for small and medium businesses that is both men and women.


During the discussion Vice President for Academic and educational work Sergei Nikolaevich Kvasha and responsible for international activities at the faculties of the University and the Institute presented a number of proposals for cooperation on this project, and exchanged contacts for further negotiation.


On internships in the Prague University of Life Sciences!

Discussion areas of cooperation with the Prague University of Life Sciences was the main theme of the delegation of the University in Prague.

During the meeting rector Stanislav Nikolaenko and colleague professor of Yuri Balikom and first provost Michal Loshtakom discussed directions of cooperation in education and science.
Agreements were reached on signing joint agreements under ERASMUS + to support the mobility of students and teachers, the definition of priority subjects for joint research projects and others.


In particular, Professor Balik invited five representatives university on various disciplines for training to establish closer contacts between scientists and the development of joint projects.
In its turn Stanislav Nikolayenko told about the main tasks and trends NUBiP and focused on the need to strengthen cooperation with our European partners.



 The First International Summer School began its work!

Today in Zalishchytsk Agricultural College began to work first international summer school «Achievements and applications of Environmental and Life Sciences for sustainable development», which is one of the measures of the program of the University "Holosiivska Initiatives - 2020".

For participation in school were registered more than 60 members from Ukraine and Poland, in particular, the Agricultural University of Wroclaw (19 people), Warsaw University of Life Sciences (4 persons). The event also involved representatives of the Kharkiv Agricultural University named after Dokuchaev, Mykolayiv State Agrarian University.

Welcoming remarks on behalf of by the organizers were made director of centre international activities Vadim Tkachuk, Deputy Rector for International Relations professor at the Agricultural University of Wroclaw Alina Velichko, Director of Zalishchytsk Agricultural College Vladimir Globa and University Professor Natalia Demeshkant.

The school will continue its work until the 16 July 2015. For more information about the school, please visit our site:


Signed a cooperation agreement with the Slovak Agricultural University in Nitra

June of thirty the delegation of our University led by the Rector Stanislav Nikolayenko visited the Slovak Agricultural University in Nitra, which is a partner NUBiP here already 50 years. A very meaningful is the fact that the first international treaty in the history of our university was signed with this an educational institution back in 1965.

During the visit, signed the Agreement on Cooperation and discussed ways of cooperation between universities in the field of Education and in cooperation with the Visegrad University Association, headed by the rector of the Slovak Agricultural University Professor Peter Bielik.

One of the concrete steps further cooperation will be introduced in the near future education program for double diplomas to students of economic specialties. Also during the visit he met with Professor Brynza, Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Management Professor Elena Gorsky, with professor Maria Kadlechkiva and other colleagues.


Refresher course for teachers, researchers and graduate students is passed in NULES of Ukraine

Within the framework of the cooperation agreement between NULES of Ukraine, The Martin Luther University of Halle-Wittenberg and the Leibniz Institute of Agricultural Development in countries with transition economies (IAMO), , 2015 held training course for teachers, researchers and graduate students had held on the topic "Analysis of products supply and demand of factors of production on competitive markets: theoretical and applied analysis" from 23 to 27 March.


The course included a series of lectures by Professor of the The Martin Luther University of Halle-Wittenberg Michael Hrinhs and doctor of Leibniz Institute of Agricultural Development in countries with transition economies (IAMO) Alexander Perehozhuk. Professor M. Hrinhs taught a course in English; Dr. Alexander Perehozhuk taught a course in Ukrainian.
36 lecturers, researchers and graduate students NUBiP Ukraine and the Institute of Agricultural Economics attended training course.

At the end of the course examination tests were conducted for participants, the results of which 31 received a certificate of participation and successful completion of training.




To Applicants (синій)Regional Educational Institutions (синій)Press-centre

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