Industrial practice abroad

International programs for practical training


International programs for practice in 2015 in such countries:

Germany – language practice (JEOPLE & Internship International);

Germany – professional practice (DEUTSCHER BAUERVRBAND);

Germany – training at enterprise (Karl’s Erdbeer-Hof);




the USA;




To participate in programs of abroad practice one need to apply:

-       application form and necessary list of documents;

-       Statement №1, signed by Dean of the Faculty. It must be applied with the application form.

-       Statement №2; signed by Dean of the Faculty, Director of the Center for International Activity and others. It must be applied after receiving the verification for participating in program 2-3 weeks before departure.


During the interview students will do a test in English, German or French language.


One can apply the necessary list of documents to Department of International activities.


Heroiv Oborony st., 12B, corpse 11, room 334.

Tel./Fax: (044) 258 – 42 – 34

To Applicants (синій)Press-centreRegional Educational Institutions (синій)

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