

ERASMUS + is a program of the European Union, which supports projects, partnerships, activities and mobility in the field of education, training, youth and sports.


Opportunities for individuals:

- Two million higher education students will study and train abroad;
- 200,000 graduate students will benefit from the new loan guarantee scheme and receive more than 25,000 scholarships to study in joint master's programs;
- 500,000 young people will volunteer abroad and take part in youth exchanges;
- 800,000 teachers, trainers, educators and youth policy workers will teach or train abroad.

Higher education: main goals

- Improving the skills and employability of students and promoting the competitiveness of the European economy;
- Improving the quality of teaching and learning;
- Implementation of the Strategy for Modernization of Higher Education in the countries participating in the program and capacity building of partner countries;
- Strengthening the international dimension in the ERASMUS + program;
- Support for the Bologna Process and policy dialogue in strategic partner countries.


KEY AREA OF ACTIVITY - KA1: Mobility of students and workers in higher education

Goals for students:
Provide more opportunities for students to develop skills and competencies, attract the best talents from abroad
The main activities in the area:
- Credit mobility, including internships abroad: student mobility is open to partner countries in both directions
- Degree mobility: exemplary joint master's programs offered by universities in Europe and, in some cases, partner countries, attracting the best students from around the world
- Student loan guarantees: enhancing the mobility of graduate students in Europe (EU only)

Goals for employees:

Provide more better opportunities to improve the quality of teaching and learning
The main activities in the area:
- Teaching (teaching mission): development of innovative teaching methods, mobility is open to partner countries in both directions
- Professional development: improving the skills and competencies of faculty and administrative staff, open to partner countries in both directions
- Invitation of employees of enterprises: in order to increase the relevance of training programs

Regional Educational Institutions (синій)To Applicants (синій)Press-centre

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