Department of Hydrobiology and Ichthyology

Advisory activity

       Educational, scientific and industrial laboratory "Biological productivity of water and fisheries ecology" is engaged in advisory activities of the Department.


The aim of its work is ecological forecasting the number of fish population in reservoirs of various types for rational use of bio-productive capacity of these water reservoirs with the elements of the pasture aquaculture aimed at obtaining bio reclamation effect and the production of high quality fish products

The main directions of scientific laboratory are:

- Assessment of hydrological and hydro-chemical parameters of water to determine the suitability of the water body for the purposes of fish farming (assessment of their compliance with the fish industry);

The definition of hydrochemical indicators of water quality in fish ponds


- Assessment of fish stocks, determine their species, sex, linear-weight and age composition, including the conditions of natural reproduction;


Processing of ichthyological material


- Assessment of biological productivity of reservoirs and identify ways to optimize their using in the management of sustainable fisheries;

- Qualitative and quantitative assessment of feed groups of aquatic organisms in different trophic levels (macrophytes, phytoplankton, zooplankton, benthos) and the usage of food base by native fish fauna;

- Develop recommendations for implementation of environmental measures on biodiversity conservation in small and large reservoirsс

- Development of recommendations for optimum species and age composition created artificially іchthyocenose, calculations of fish stock in small and large water reservoirs, the volume of fish catching, their use on the basis of industrial and recreational fishing;

The result of such research is the development of Modes of usage for water reservoirs. The terms for the development of such modes are:

- the rent agreement for the reservoir;

- permission for special water usage;

- technical documentation for depth and volume measurements in water reservoirs or water management passport of the reservoir;

- permission for fishery protection due to the control fishing of aquatic resources in the reservoir.

The implemented activities of private or government contracts certified by the working acts.

To order such service or for detailed information please contact:

Phone/fax: (044) 527-89-18;

Mobile phone: (096) 557-56-96

            Shevchenko Petro Grygorovych.



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