Employees of the Department

Acting Head of the Department of Hydrobiology and Ichthyology
Nataliya Rudyk-Leuska

Phone: 067 274 09 17

E-mail: [email protected]

 In 1998 she graduated with honours from the Mlyniv College of Veterinary Medicine with a degree in "Fish and Aquaculture". In 2002 she graduated with honours from the National Agrarian University of the 4th group "Fisheries" in the field of "Zooengineering" and received a bachelor's degree in zooengineering. In 2003 she graduated with honours from the National Agrarian University with a degree in zooengineering and qualified as a zooengineering researcher. From 2004 to 2007 she was a graduate student at the National Agrarian University. In 2008 she defended her PhD thesis in the speciality 03.00.10 - "Ichthyology" and received the degree of Candidate of Biological Sciences (PhD equivalent) and Doctor of Philosophy.

She worked as a junior researcher at the Department of Bioresources Research of the Institute of Fisheries of the UAAS of Ukraine (2007), in 2008 - transferred to the position of researcher in the same department. Since 2008 she has worked as an assistant at the National Agrarian University, since 2009 – as a senior lecturer, and since 2012 – as an associate professor of hydrobiology. In 2014 - Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Fisheries, awarded the academic title of Associate Professor of Hydrobiology, and from 2016 to 2020 - Assistant Dean for International Affairs of the Faculty of Animal Husbandry and Aquatic Bioresources.

Scientific activity of N.Ya. Rudyk-Leuska focuses on the peculiarities of the physiological status of fish in different periods of the life cycle under conditions of global warming.

      N.Ya. Rudyk-Leuska is the author and co-author of more than 130 scientific and educational works, including co-author of 6 monographs: The state of bream and roach populations in Sula Bay of the Kremenchuk Reservoir (2010), Atlas of Native Ichthyofauna of the Dnieper basin (2011), Atlas of Adventive Ichthyofauna of the Dnieper River Basin (2011), Biology and Fishing of Bigheaded Carps of Large Reservoirs of Ukraine (2012), Aqualandscape and Biological Diversity of the Nizhnesulsky National Nature Park, Ukraine (2014), one EU language book "Commercial fish stocks of the Dnieper reservoirs'' (2017); 45 articles in scientific databases and peer-reviewed journals: Scopus 3 and Web of Science - 4, in the international electronic journal "Earth bioresources and quality of life" - 1, Index Copernicus - 2; SWold - 1, RSCI - 34, as well as abstracts at international conferences. Developed authors, and co-author special courses of disciplines: " Aquatic Organisms Using Management ", " Water Bodies Productivity Management", "Protection of Aquatic Organisms", "Hydrobiology" Part 1, 2, 3, "Ecological Physiology and Biochemistry of Aquatic Organisms", " Research Methods in Fish Farming", ''Methodology and organization of scientific research ". Co-author of textbooks - Hydrobiology, Workbook, Part 1 (2017), Bioproductivity of Aquatic Ecosystems (2020); 3 methodical manuals, 3 methodical recommendations, 2 of them in EU language; 6 methodical instructions to disciplines " Aquatic Organisms Using Management " and "Hydrobiology".

She was awarded the Honorary Worker of Fisheries (2008).


Associate Professor of Hydrobiology and Ichthyology, PhD in Veterinary Sciences
Ruslan Kononenko

Phone: (044) 527-89-65

E-mail: [email protected]

Graduated from the National Agrarian University, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine with a degree "Veterinary doctor". From 2005 to 2008 p.p. - Postgraduate student of the National Agrarian University.

He has been working in the department since 2008. In 2009 he successfully defended his dissertation and received the degree of Candidate of Veterinary Sciences (PhD equivalent). Author and co-author of over 50 scientific and educational works, textbooks and manuals, 4 patents for inventions and scientific and practical recommendations.

He was awarded the Diploma of the State Agency of Fisheries of Ukraine and the Diploma of UkrRyba for long work service, professionalism, high performance, and significant personal contribution to the fisheries sector development, as well as the Diploma of the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine.


Associate professor of Department of Hydrobiology and Ichthyology
Melania Khyzhnyak

Phone: (044) 527-83-10

E-mail: [email protected]

Candidate of Agricultural Sciences (PhD equivalent), Senior Research Scientist, Associate Professor

 She graduated from the Faculty of Biology of Kyiv State University named after T.G. Shevchenko, a biologist-microbiologist, and teacher of biology and chemistry.

Research interests include studying the course of production and destructive processes in pond ecosystems under the influence of various intensification measures, their impact on water biodiversity, the use of non-traditional environmentally friendly fertilizers to improve the natural forage base of fish ponds, determining water quality by biological indicators.

Author of more than 110 scientific and educational works, including monographs, textbooks and manuals marked MES and MAP, educational and methodological developments, scientific articles in international publications and professional journals of Ukraine, and patents for inventions.


Associate professor of Department of Hydrobiology and Ichthyology
Mytiai Ivan



Associate professor of Department of Hydrobiology and Ichthyology
Maxim Khalturin

Phone: (096)946-93-94

E-mail: [email protected]

Graduated from the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine (NULES) with a degree in 8.09020101 "Aquatic Bioresources" and qualified as a researcher of aquaculture, in 2014 graduated from the PhD course of the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine with specialization 03.00.10 - ichthyology. Investigates the ichthyofauna of fishery reservoirs of complex purpose.

Author and co-author of more than 30 scientific and educational works, including a textbook stamped by the Ministry of Education and Science ("Workshop on Ichthyology"), articles, manuals and instructions for laboratory and practical work, and independent work.


Associate professor of Department of Hydrobiology and Ichthyology
Alina Makarenko

Phone: +38096 749-00-24

E-mail: [email protected]

Basic education: graduated from the Faculty of Fisheries of the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine with a degree in Aquatic Bioresources, qualified as a researcher of aquaculture.

The scientific work is aimed at studying the fisheries and biological indices of hybrid forms of bigheaded carps, considering the initial quality of stock material and the influence of external factors in reservoirs of different types.
Educational work: disciplines "Special Ichthyology", "Methods of Fishery Research", "Fish Populations Dynamics".
Publications: author and co-author of scientific papers, including more than 5 articles in peer-reviewed journals of Ukraine, 2 articles in international scientific databases (Scopus, Web of Science), and more than 15 theses at international, national and university conferences, a textbook "Special Ichthyology".

Work at the department: he has been working at the department since 2021.


Associate professor of Department of Hydrobiology and Ichthyology
Anton Klimkovetsky

Phone: (096)510-3584

Basic education. In 2002 he graduated from the National Agrarian University with a degree in zooengineering, and received a qualification of zooengineer.

Scientific specialty and title. Candidate of Agricultural Sciences (PhD equivalent), speciality 06.02.01. - "Breeding and selection of animals".

Scientific work. Scientific work is aimed at the research and development of scientific and biological justifications and fishery use regimes of complex reservoirs.

Educational work. Disciplines: "Fisheries", "Introduction to the speciality"; "World ornamental hydrobioresources"

Publications. Author and co-author of 9 scientific and educational works, including 1 methodological recommendation, 1 manual, and 7 scientific articles in peer-reviewed journals of Ukraine.

Work at the department. He has been working in the department since 2009.


Senior Lecturer, Department of Hydrobiology and Ichthyology
Nelya Savenko

Phone: (044) 527-83-10

E-mail: [email protected]

Basic education: in 2008 graduated from the Faculty of Fisheries of the National Agrarian University with a degree in "Aquatic Bioresources", received the qualification of an aquaculture researcher.

Scientific specialty and title. Candidate of Agricultural Sciences with a specialty of 06.02.03 - fish farming.

Scientific work is aimed at studying the production characteristics of fish ponds and determining the ecological and sanitary condition of water bodies by biological indicators.

Educational work of the OS "Master" "Methods of fisheries research".





Assistant Professor of Hydrobiology and Ichthyology
Oleksiy Polishchuk

Phone: 044 527-83-10


Scientific work: aimed at studying the technological foundations of reproduction and cultivation of pike perch (Sander lucioperca) using combined methods of fish farming in the farms of Polissya and the forest-steppe of Ukraine.

Educational work: disciplines for the first (bachelor's) level of higher education "Hydroecology", "Aquatic Toxicology".

Publications: author and co-author of more than 20 scientific and educational and methodological works, of which articles in scientometric databases: 2 - Scopus, 1 - Web of Science, 9 - in professional publications of Ukraine, 1 - monographs, more than 10 abstracts at international, all-Ukrainian and university conferences. 


Head of educational, scientific and industrial laboratory "Water bioresources and aquaculture"
Petro Shevchenko

Phone: 096 557-56-96

E-mail: [email protected]

Candidate of Biological Sciences (PhD equivalent), Senior Research Scientist, Associate Professor

In 1981 he graduated from the Faculty of Biology of Kyiv State (now National) Taras Shevchenko University with a degree in Zoology and Botany, received a degree in biology-zoologist, teacher of biology and chemistry. From 1978 to 1997, for eighteen years, he worked at the Institute of Hydrobiology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. In 1987 he graduated from the Department of Ichthyology of the Institute and in 1992 defended his dissertation. In September 1999 he joined the National Agrarian University as Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Zooengineering and Assistant Professor of Fisheries. In 2000, for his active scientific work, he was awarded the academic title of a senior researcher. During 1999-2000 he improved his skills at the Faculty of Pedagogy, majoring in "Pedagogy and Psychology of Higher Education". From 2000 - Associate Professor of Hydrobiology and Ichthyology, and from 2001 to 2005 - Dean of the newly established Faculty of Aquatic Bioresources and Aquaculture (since 2005 - Faculty of Fisheries) and Head of the Department of Zoology. In 2003, by the decision of the Certification Board of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, he was awarded the academic title of associate professor of zoology. Scientific achievements: Shevchenko P. has more than 400 printed works, including more than 200 scientific works on fish ecology, protection and rational use of fish resources in periodicals, practical and scientific recommendations and regime of protection, restoration and use of fish resources of Shatsk National Nature Park, 9 collective scientific monographs (Current ecological condition of Lake Beloye (Deaf or White-Artemovsk) of the Meshcherskaya lowland "(1991)," Ecology of young fish in areas affected by water intake systems "(1994)," Comprehensive assessment of the ecological status of the Dnieper basin "(2000)," Current state of water -wetlands of the Pripyat-Stokhid Regional Landscape Park and their biodiversity (2001), “Geoecological problems of the Kryvyi Rih basin in the conditions of the mining industry restructuration'' (2002), “Methods of hydroecological research of surface waters” .), "Ecology of Holosiivsky Forest" (2007), "Polissya village: sociological and spiritual dimensions" (2007 and 2010). In addition - 30 methodological developments side on various issues of the educational process, 35 standard programs in various disciplines, Atlas of Commercial Fish of Ukraine, 5 textbooks with the stamps of the Ministry of Education and Science and MAPF, and 16 textbooks.

Since 2000 P. Shevchenko was a Deputy Chairman, and since 2009 – a Chairman of the Scientific and Methodological Commission of Fisheries and Aquaculture (0902) at the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine. 


Head of educational laboratory
Lyudmila Petilova




Master of industrial training
Volodymyr Kovalenko



Master of industrial training
Larisa Demchenko


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