Scientific work
performing research in the priority areas of fisheries and hydrobiological science and training
graduate and doctoral students.
Such areas today are:
• development of theoretical bases of biomonitoring for fishery water bodies;
• assess the bioproductive potential and water quality of fishery water bodies;
• development and implementation of methods increasing the bio- and fish productivity of various
types of water bodies;
• study of the physiological state and productive potential of populations of different fish species in
normal conditions and under the influence of natural and anthropogenic factors;
• development of measures aimed to restore native fish fauna, and rare and endangered fish
Among the achievements of the department:
• biotechnology of non-natural reproduction of the black carp;
• methods of using anti-stress and immobilizing drugs in commercial fish farming and in the
experimental research that prevents fish injury during biomanipulation;
• ecological basis of fishery use of the lakes in the Shatsk Natural National Park;
• study of the impact of highly mineralized wastewater, heavy metals, nitrates, nitrites and other
anthropogenic stressors in water on the state of ichthyofauna and natural food base of water bodies