Training activity
Students of the Department have academic and practical training in the following enterprises:
- the laboratory of fish culture in «Nemishaevo Agrotechical College», reservoirs of subdivisions of NULES,
- OJSC "Kyivrybhosp",
- Nova Kakhovka plant of ordinary fish, Kherson region
- OJSC "Khmelnitskrybhosp",
- ASTU, sturgeon plants in Russia,
- Limansky state production of agricultural - fishery enterprise, Kharkiv region,
- Fish farm "Nivki" Institute of fisheries NAAS of Ukraine,
- Irkliiv state fish plant,
- OJSC "Sumyrybhosp",
- OJSC "Poltavarybhosp",
- Fish farm "Great Lubin" IF NAAS of Ukraine,
- Institute of Hydrobiology of NAS of Ukraine
- PE "Aquarium technology"
- National Ecological and Naturalistic Youth Center,
- PE "Akvatehhrup",
- "Koi Centre Ukraine" Ltd.