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- Fire Management on Terrains contaminated by Unexploded Ordnance (UXO)
- Fire management in the Chornobyl Exclusion Zone
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- Fire policy and legislation
- Trainings of firefighters
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Fire policy and legislation
Regional Consultation on Cross-boundary Cooperation in Fire Management (2017) was convened with the aim of information exchange on status of fire situation in the Region on Eastern and Southeastern Europe and status of fire management. Representatives of Republic of Belarus, Former Yugoslav Republic Macedonia, Hungary, Moldova, Ukraine and Global Fire Monitoring Center participated in the Regional Consultations. Among main issues were discussed transboundary fires between Ukraine and Belarus, fire management in the terrains contaminated by radionuclides after disaster of the Chornobyl Nuclear Power Plant, illegal burning of agricultural residues on the fields.
State Strategy of the National Landscape Fire Management System for 2021-2035
- State Strategy of the National Landscape Fire Management System for 2021-2035_Draft (in Ukrainian) (2021)
- Information on the website of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of Ukraine (in Ukrainian)
Activity of the REEFMC on changes in fire legislation of Ukraine
- Appeal of the Regional Eastern Europe Fire Monitoring Center (REEFMC) to the President of Ukraine, the Prime Minister of Ukraine, leaders and local authorities, businesses and organizations, citizens, land and forest users on emergency fire situation in Ukraine and urgent short term measures in fire management (in English) (2020)
- Second National Round Table on Fires in natural landscapes of Ukraine (in English) (2019)
- Vth National Coordination Meeting on Prevention and Safe Suppression of Wildfires in the Chornobyl Exclusion Zone (in English) (2018)
- National Round Tables on Development of the National Landscape Fire Policy in UKraine (in English) (2017-2019)
- IVth National Coordination Meeting on Prevention and Safe Suppression of Wildfires in the Chornobyl Exclusion Zone (in Ukrainian) (2017)
- National round table - Fires in the natural and cultural landscapes of Ukraine: towards a holistic fire management approach in forests, agricultural lands and other ecosystems (in English) (2017)
- In NULES, the parliamentary committee on agricultural policy and land relations considered the strategy of forest reform in Ukraine (in Ukrainian) (2017)
- III National Coordination Meeting, field / command staff training in the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone (in English) (2017)
- Second national coordination meeting on enhancing fire management capacity in the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone (in English) (2016)
- First national coordination meeting on enhancing fire management capacity in the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone (in English) (2016)
Working Group Materials of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine
Fire legislation
- Increasing Responsibility for Actions Aimed at Polluting the Air and Destroying or Damaging Wildlife (in English) (2020)
- Law_Ukraine_Increasing Responsibility for Actions Aimed at Polluting the Air and Destroying or Damaging Wildlife (2020)
- Decree of the President of Ukraine № 948/2019 On urgent measures to prevent fire hazards in Ukraine (in Ukrainian) (2019)
- ORDER On approval of the Classification features of emergencies (in Ukrainian) (2018)
- Resolution No. 101 of March 11, 2015 “On Approving Model Provisions on Functional and Territorial Subsystems of the Unified State Civil Protection System” (in Ukrainian) (2015)
- Resolution of January 26, 2015 No. 18 “On the State Commission on Technogenic-Environmental Safety and Emergencies” (in Ukrainian)(2015)
- Resolution No. 409 of June 17, 2015 “On Approval of the Model Regulations on Regional and Local Commission on Technogenic and Environmental Safety and Emergencies”(in Ukrainian) (2015)
- Ministry of Emergency Situations of Ukraine - Emergency Safety, Rescue Regimes, which use Personal Protective Equipment for the Elimination of the Consequences of Accidents at Chemical and Radiation Hazardous Objects: SES Ministry of Emergencies 75.2-00013528-006: 2011 (in Ukrainian) (2011)
- Decree of State Committee of Forestry of Ukraine "About approval of rules of fire safety in the forests of Ukraine" Decree of State Committee of Forestry of Ukraine from 28.12.2005 № 526 "About approval of Principle the forest fire stations" (in Ukrainian) (2005)
- Rules of fire safety in the forests of Ukraine (in Ukrainian) (2005)
- Regulations on forest fire stations (in Ukrainian) (2005)
- Resolution No. 368 of March 24, 2004 “On Approval of the Procedure for Classification of Emergencies by Their Levels” (in Ukrainian) (2004)
- Resolution of February 4, 1999 N 140 "On Approval of the Procedure for Financing Emergency Prevention and Elimination" (in Ukrainian) (1999)