Regional Eastern Europe Fire Monitoring Center

Regional news


June, 29. Belarusian foresters have put out 26 forest fires in the past week

June, 26. Since the beginning of this year, 801 forest fires have occurred in Belarus

June, 19. Bans and restrictions on visiting forests have introduced in 33 regions of Belarus

June, 19. Since the beginning of this year, 790 forest fires have occurred in Belarus. The leaders are Brest and Gomel regions

June, 18. Restrictions on visiting forests remain in 9 regions of Belarus

June, 10. Belarusian Emergencies Ministry helicopters help fight forest fires in Turkey

May, 27. The fire situation in Belarus`s forests has stabilized

May, 18. Belarusian Polissia is also on fire

May, 15. Ministry of Emergencies of Belarus is developing unmanned aerial vehicles

May, 14. About 700 forest fires have occurred in Belarus during this year

May, 14. Belarus has introduced a high alert mode for emergency response systems

May, 8. Scorched earth in Belarus

April, 24. Large scale fires in national park in Poland

April, 9. Visits of citizens to forests limited due to fire danger

April, 9. In forests of Brest Oblast Berlarus there is a high fire danger

April, 8. More than 20 fires per day in Belarus

April, 1. More 100 fires occured in Belarus during 30 March 2020

March, 30. Belarusian Emergency Service: more than 100 wildfires in ecosystems during one day 

March, 26. Fire management in Gomel region, Belarus  

March, 25. Fire in beech forest in Czech Republic 

March, 25. Request to citizens from Belarusian authorities: do not burn your lands 

March, 20. New technologies of fire suppression will be demonstrated nera Orsha, Belarus 

March, 18. First forest fires detected in Belarus

March, 16. Ministry of Forestry of Belarus: our fire season extended for two month

March, 1. Belarus: Abnormally warm weather can increase forest fires


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