DNA Leader Club
According to the results of the 10th «Festival of Student Science - 2021», 11th «Festival of Student Science - 2022» and 12th «Festival of Student Science - 2023» the DNA Leader club of the Department of Management named after Prof. Y. S. Zavadskyi won the victory among more than 100 student scientific clubs that function in NULES of Ukraine.

Members of the scientific Club
Scientific focus of the club:
The activity of the scientific club aims to develop students' creative abilities with the aim of acquiring professional, personal, and cognitive competencies, as well as the experience of developing knowledge and skills through conducting research.
Club leader - Victotia Sidenko

Head of the club:
Kristina Dramaretska and Oleksandr Novak

• improvement of knowledge and skills of club members in the studying process;
• practical using of skills acquired in cooperation with practitioners;
• popularization of the department, faculty, and university;
• establishing ties in cultural exchange, and scientific cooperation with other universities and foreign partners.
Students attending science club meetings have the unique opportunity to:
1) become familiar with the principles, methods, tools of scientific and research work;
2) participate in the scientific life of NUBIP (writing articles, abstracts, scientific papers), published in various scientific publications;
3) develop their creative abilities by speaking at scientific seminars and conferences devoted to the study of the most pressing issues of management development;
4) to participate in holding roundtables, debates, which discuss the current problems of modern management of the region, country, world;
5) use the gained experience of research work in the learning process.
The lessons are taught by teachers of the department who have experience in teaching and scientific work.
Students hone their knowledge, scientific results, and the ability to organize and present work using state-of-the-art technology at meetings of the scientific club in the form of poster presentations, where they acquire skills that develop their leadership abilities.
Research work of students strengthens the active, creative flair for success and serves as a powerful means of selective selection of personnel for the training of young scientists, preserving and strengthening the role of the managerial profession. Specialists who have experience in student scientific work show more original thinking.

Members of the DNA Leader Club are winners of the 1st stage of the student Olympiad in the disciplines: "Management" and "Strategic management" (22-23.03.2023)

Conducting career orientation work by members of the student scientific DNA Leader club (15.03.2023)

According to the results of the 11th «Festival of Student Science - 2022», the DNA Leader club of the Department of Management named after Prof. Y. S. Zavadskyi won the victory among more than 100 student scientific clubs that function in NULES of Ukraine.

On March 5, 2022, the seminar «Personal Aspects of Leadership» was held online as part of the activities of the «DNA Leader club» student scientific club.
January 31, 2022, before the start of the spring semester 2021/2022 academic year. another meeting of members of the student scientific club «DNA Leader club» was held on Zoom online platform.
On November 29, 2021, a presentation of the Educational-scientific-production laboratory «Management office» was held for those who obtained the first and third levels of higher education and all members of the scientific club «DNA Leader club».
On November 18, 2021, the German-Ukrainian agro-political dialogue held an online information event for members of the DNA Leader club.
In order to acquaint students with higher education with issues of effective business communication, an online meeting was organized on November 9, 2021, within the activities of the DNA Leader club with Bohdan Vyshehorodtsev - a line producer of TV channel STB, ISTV, New Сhannel.
In order to acquaint interested students with issues of electronic document management and working with information, on October 20, 2021, an online meeting was organized with Artem Kim, a representative of «M.E.DOK», a member of the software development team.
Useful and creative: on the occasion of Education Worker's Day, a scientific and practical training seminar «Coaching technologies as a driver of qualitative changes» was held (October 4, 2021).
On May 26, 2021, the Department of Management named after Prof. Y.S. Zavadskyi, the All-Ukrainian scientific and practical student conference «Actual issues of theory and practice of management» was held, dedicated to the 94th anniversary of the birthday of the founder of the department – J. S. Zavadskyi.
Meeting with a graduate of the Department of Management named after Prof. J. S. Zavadskyi, Doctor of Economics, Project Manager in the Construction Department of Industrial Stations LLC «Atmosfera» Maryana Lelyukh with students of the 1st and 3rd year of the educational trajectory «Management of Organizations and Administration», members of the «DNA Leader club» circle and all those who are interested the topic of the meeting was «Modern features of managerial activity and business expectations regarding the competencies of applicants for managerial positions».

The students of the club took an active part in the Open Door Days organized by the Department of Management named after Prof. Y.S. Zavadskyi. https://nubip.edu.ua/node/1141 https://nubip.edu.ua/node/87509

Students have prepared theses for the 74-th scientific and practical student conference «Modern management in enterprise management»https://nubip.edu.ua/node/84180

Masters of the 2nd year of studies of the Faculty of Agrarian Management presented the results of research as a part of the preparation of their master's theses. https://nubip.edu.ua/node/83893

A meeting with Olga Khodakivska on the topic «Agrarian system of Ukraine: economic and social cross-section of the activities of domestic agricultural formations». https://nubip.edu.ua/node/84532

A meeting with Stanislava Stefanovska, HR director of the First Line Group company, career guidance, professional and career development consultant, certified master coach and business trainer according to the standards of the international organization ICU & ICTA. https://nubip.edu.ua/node/84046

They listened to a lecture on the ZOOM educational platform «Modern trends in agriculture». The speaker of this event was Dr. Rainer Langosz, a professor of the Neubrandenburg University of Applied Sciences. https://nubip.edu.ua/node/85001

Meeting with Professor Sandeep Kumar Gupta, Head of Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship, IIMT College of Engineering Greater Noida India.

Meeting with acting Head of the Department of Economic Analysis https://nubip.edu.ua/node/83500

Participation in the round table on «Regulatory mechanisms of global capital movement». https://nubip.edu.ua/node/82224

Online meeting with Yulia Bondarenko, director of DLG Ukraine LLC, a subsidiary of DLG of the German Agricultural Society (Deutsche Landwirtschafts-Gesellschaft), which organizes specialized exhibitions in the field of agriculture and food industry. https://nubip.edu.ua/node/78442

Student Dmytro Opalat - the winner of the II stage of the All-Ukrainian competition of student scientific works in the specialty «Economics of agriculture and agro-industrial complex»
Student Tetyana Yaremchuk won third place in the All-Ukrainian competition of student research papers in the specialty «Entrepreneurship»
On the initiative of the dean's office of the Faculty of Agrarian Management, within the framework of the distance learning program organized by the Department of Management named after Prof. J. S. Zavadskyi for students of the 4th year of the «Management» and «Marketing» specialties, an online seminar was held on the topic: «Personal aspects of leadership». The sense of organizing the seminar was complicated by an unusual form of communication - a group discussion via the ZOOM, which required the majority of participants to master new software and new methods of group work.
The participants of the seminar proved that they are already formed leaders who constantly work on the development of their leadership potential and learn new patterns and principles of leadership.
The video recording of the seminar can be viewed on YouTube.
On April 9, scientific and pedagogical workers of the department Oleksandr Novak, Natalia Drahnieva, and Lyudmila Butsenko held a seminar «Resource and logistic support of enterprises in modern conditions» with students of the 3rd year of the Faculty of Agrarian Management.
The video recording of the 1st part of the seminar can be viewed on YouTube
The video recording of the 2nd part of the seminar can be viewed on YouTube
On April 2, a group of department teachers and practicing businessmen and students of the 1st year of the Faculty of Agrarian Management held a seminar on the up-to-date topic: «Ethics of business relations with stakeholders in crisis conditions».
The video recording of the seminar can be viewed on YouTube
Activities for 2018/2019 YEAR

Seminar on the topic: "Experience in agricultural and rural development in Brandenburg" with the participation of Dr. Harald Hoppe.

Meeting with Mr. Wolfdieter von Trot, specialist in consulting for cooperatives of the Bavarian Cooperative Union, a cooperative consultant who visited Ukraine in cooperation with the German-Ukrainian Agrarian Policy Dialogue (ADF).

Meeting with Director of the Tax School, Coordinator of the Faculty Exchange Program (USDA) at Ohio University (USA), Professor Barry Ward.

DNA Leader Master Class for Agrarian Management Faculty students from UkrLandFarming specialists.

Meeting with Dr. Martin Graubner, Research Fellow at the IAMO Institute (Leibniz Institute for Agrarian Development in Transition Economies).

Master Class on "10 Steps to Job" by Yana Siliyan-Vozna, an active young and creative HR manager of the UkrLandFarming Group of Companies, an expert in recruitment of all levels from recruitment to top managers.

Public Speaking Training with UkrLandFarming PLC HR Director Natalya Romanenko.

Meeting with tax advisor (Agricultural Accounting Service) Dr. Marcel. The theme "Cooperation in German Agriculture - A Contribution to Rural Development".