Educational-Scientific-Production Laboratory "Management Cabinet"
At the Department of Management named after Professor J. S. Zavadskyi Faculty of Agrarian Management trains bachelors, masters and doctors of philosophy in the specialty "Management", which has great demand among the applicants of higher education.
Considerable attention of the department is allocated to the practical component of the training of students and graduate students in the teaching of disciplines. Thus, based on the department, there is Educational-Scientific-Production Laboratory "Management Cabinet", which provides the applicants of higher education and teachers with the opportunity to use computer equipment, multimedia projector and an interactive whiteboard for conducting lectures, seminars and practical classes. Laboratory certification order.
Educational-Scientific-Production Laboratory "Management Cabinet"

It is important that the department involve managers and other practitioners of various fields of activity, which helps to increase the level of teaching and creates a modern, productive approach to the applicants of higher education. The laboratory serves as a direct mechanism for connecting theoretical knowledge acquired in lectures with the direct experience of leading practitioners.

A significant contribution to the practical consolidation of the lecture material is the constant meetings of the applicants of higher education with experts of the project "German-Ukrainian Agricultural Policy Dialogue" (APD), who, at the invitation of the Department of Management named after Professor J. S. Zavadskyi share their experience and the latest relevant research in the agricultural field. Dr. Mikhael Shmitts, professor of the Justus Liebig University of Giessen (Justus-Liebig University of Giessen, Germany) gave a lecture to the applicants of higher education at the Faculty of Agrarian Management on the topic: "International standards in scientific work", and independent expert on agriculture and rural development Stefan Rozenov, gave a lecture on the topic: "The experience of Germany and the EU: the role of advisory services in the adaptation of the agricultural sector to climate change, state support for climate change adaptation measures at the farm level".The lectures were accompanied by multimedia support of the laboratory, which greatly improves the awareness of information by students of higher education.