Methodical work
The educational and methodological work of the Department of International Relations and Social Sciences is a component of the educational process and is aimed at solving the problems of improving the quality of training of international specialists.
The main areas of the educational and methodological work of the department are:
• creation of modern educational and methodological support for the disciplines taught by the department;
• annual updating and improvement of the working curricula of the disciplines in accordance with modern requirements for the level of training of specialists;
• placement of educational and methodological materials of the department in the university repository;
• writing and publishing textbooks, teaching aids, methodological developments to ensure the training of specialists in accordance with the curricula;
• studying the scope and content of students' independent work, developing methodological recommendations for planning, organizing and monitoring students' independent work;
• developing methodological guidelines for organizing and conducting industrial practice by students;
• constant improvement of task packages for test control of students' knowledge and skills;
• providing disciplines taught by the department's scientific and pedagogical staff with electronic versions of lectures, creating electronic training courses and a database of test tasks for assessing students' residual knowledge;
• improving the scientific and methodological level of the department's teachers through participation in methodological seminars of various levels.
The department's teachers have developed methodological recommendations, teaching aids with the seal of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy, textbooks, including those with the seal of the Ministry of Education and Science, and test tasks for all academic disciplines.