Department of International Relations and Social Sciences

History of department


The starting point of the Department of International Relations and Social Sciences within the walls of the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine was the decision of the Academic Council of the University from 01.09.2010 and renaming on 01.06.2018. Department of History of Ukraine, as well as the Department of Political Science and Sociology, respectively.
It is difficult to overestimate the role of history in human existence, especially if we are attentive enough to the essence of the phenomenon of history and to human nature. History is, in essence, the basis of the identity of the subject: the source of knowledge about its origin and the basis for determining the content of existence or vocation. Therefore, history is always given exceptional importance in the existence of any community. Accordingly, almost every educational institution, as long as it cares about the education of not only a specialist but also a citizen, will certainly provide coverage of history: the state, the world, the school itself. Within the walls of the University, this mission at different times was entrusted to the NPP of the Department of History, which, of course, underwent reorganization, along with changes in public and state life in general.
Chronicle of the Department of History
Departments, whose main task was to cover history in accordance with the existing ideological direction, were formed in 1935 p. in each of the three institutes, namely agricultural, veterinary and forestry, and were called the Department of Fundamentals of Marxism-Leninism. More than half of them were historians.
In 1954, on the basis of several institutes located in Holosiiv, the Ukrainian Agricultural Academy was formed - the so-called Holosiivska Republic. Therefore, from September 1954, the Department of History of the CPSU functioned within the walls of the USGA. Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professorwas elected its first headPL. Great. In the context of the communist scientific and ideological paradigm, the department functioned until 1988, retaining the previously mentioned name. Since 1989, both the department and the ideological direction of the materials covered by its staff have undergone significant changes, which has led to reform. Thus appears the Department of Political History in place of the Department of History of the CPSU. And with the acquisition of Ukraine's independence in 1991, the Department of Ukrainian History was formed, inheriting the human resources of its predecessor.
Of course, the face of the department, first of all, is its head - the head of the department.
At various stages of its existence, the Department of History was headed
DEPARTMENT OF HISTORY OF THE CPSU (Ukrainian Agricultural Academy) 
VELICHAI Petro Lukych, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor.
Head of the department 1954–1956.
He was born on January 7, 1910 in the village of Lutenko, Hadiach district, Poltava region, in the family of a poor peasant. He began his career at the construction site of the Lokhvytsia Sugar Plant. Stalin, then - Kharkiv Tractor Plant. After graduating from school in 1932 he was called up for military service, in 1934 he was demobilized. He graduated from the Poltava State Pedagogical Institute (Faculty of Literature and Linguistics), after which he worked as a teacher at the Kremenchug Pedagogical School. From 1939 to 1941 he worked as a teacher in Stanislav (now Ivano-Frankivsk). At the beginning of the war he was evacuated to the Saratov region. From 1942 - on the fronts of World War II, he was wounded and commissioned as a war invalid of the 2nd group.
From 1943 he served as a political worker in the transport department of the NKVD, newspaper editor, and lecturer at the Stanislavsky regional party committee.
From 1948 to 1951, P.L. Velychai studied at the graduate school of the Academy of Social Sciences under the Central Committee of the CPSU. After graduating, he worked as a consultant to the department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Ukraine, head of the Department of Marxism-Leninism KSGI, USGA (since 1954), associate professor of the same department (since 1955).
He had more than 50 scientific and methodical works. He was awarded five medals. 
YURCHUK Vasyl Isaakovych, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Corresponding Member of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR.
Head of the Department 1956–1973 pp.
A participant in the Second World War. He has 7 state awards: 3 orders and 4 medals. Honored Worker of Higher Education.
He graduated from the Faculty of Philology of Kyiv State University, postgraduate studies at the Department of Marxism-Leninism of the same university. For some time he headed the Department of Marxism-Leninism at Kyiv State University and Mongolian State University (Ulaanbaatar), where he was seconded by the Ministry of Higher Education of the USSR.
In 1956–1973. headed the department of Marxism-Leninism at the USGA. In 1974 he headed the Institute of Party History under the Central Committee of the Communist Party, a branch of the Institute of Marxism-Leninism under the Central Committee of the CPSU.
Yurchuk VI author of more than 90 works, member of the author's team of a number of thorough works on the history of the party and Ukraine, member of the editorial boards of a number of periodicals. He was engaged in active public work. 
BERENSHTEIN Leonid Yukhimovich, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor.
Head of the Department 1973–1991 pp.
Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Member of the Academy of History and Culture of the Jews of Ukraine. Sh. Dubnova and academician of the Academy of Historical Sciences, Honored Worker of the Higher School of Ukraine. (1921–2010)
Founder of the scientific school, number of students: 12 doctors and 38 candidates of historical sciences.
Scientific achievements of Berenstein L.Yu. is more than 650 publications, including 20 foreign languages ​​(English, German, French, Bulgarian, Slovak, Yiddish). 28 articles were published in the fundamental works "Ukrainian Soviet Encyclopedia" (1980s), "Political Dictionary", "Political Science Encyclopedic Dictionary" (1997). His monographs, brochures and articles use materials from 20 state and more than 100 current archives, more than two thousand periodicals, almost five thousand works of domestic and foreign scientists.
About the results of his research, Professor Berenstein L.Yu. reported at 56 international, all-Ukrainian, interuniversity, university scientific conferences. His scientific works were published in 10 publishing houses, 16 journals, 12 journals. He periodically published theoretical and methodological materials in the university newspaper "For Agricultural Personnel" (for almost 20 years he was a member of the editorial board of the newspaper).
DEPARTMENT OF HISTORY OF UKRAINE (Ukrainian State Agrarian University) 
KOLOMIETS Serhiy Serhiyovych, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor.
Head of the Department 1991–1993 pp.
Candidate of Historical Sciences, Professor, Corresponding Member of the Ukrainian Academy of Historical Sciences. (1946-2014)
Graduated from the Faculty of History of Kyiv State University. T.G. Shevchenko in 1975.
He defended his dissertation in 1981 on "Improving the cultural level of workers in Ukraine in 1966-1971."
Author and co-author of over 140 works.
DEPARTMENT OF HISTORY OF UKRAINE (National Agrarian University) 
MIGRIN Grigory Pavlovich, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor.
Head of the Department 1993–2001 pp.
In 1965 he graduated from Korsun-Shevchenkivska High School and entered the 1st Kharkiv Military Aviation Technical School. After graduating in 1968, he served in the aviation units of the Air Force of the Southern Group of Forces, Transbaikalia and Kyiv military districts.
He worked in Luhansk, Vasylkiv and Kyiv military aviation schools. He has the military rank of colonel.
He graduated from the Faculty of History of Kyiv State University. T.G. Shevchenko. Since 1979 he has been teaching. He held the positions of teacher, senior lecturer, head of the Department of Social Sciences.
In 1980 he defended his dissertation at Kyiv State University, and in 1988 at the Institute of History of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine - his doctoral dissertation. Since 1990 - Professor.
Author and co-author of over 150 works.
DEPARTMENT OF HISTORY OF UKRAINE (National Agrarian University, National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine)- KOLOMIETS Serhiy Serhiyovych, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Professor (see above).
Head of the Department 2001–2010 pp.
Department of History of Ukraine, 2008
Historical background of the Department of Political Science and Sociology
Researchers who worked at the Department of Political Science and Sociology brought a noticeable color to the activities of the Department of History and Political Science. The mentioned department has its origins in 1969, when the Department of Scientific Communism was established within the walls of the USGA, headed by the candidate of historical sciences, associate professor Zh.I. Isaenko (tragically died in 1970). The core of the newly created department was VV Gorak, K.G. Kakovsky, MF Shumikhin.
The next after J.I. Isaenko became the head of the department VV Bitter. Under his leadership, the department worked for 15 years. Then he was replaced in 1987 by Associate Professor IR Bayrak.
In 1991, the Department of Scientific Communism was reorganized into the Department of Political Science and Sociology. Prior to the merger with the Department of History of Ukraine, the activities of the department were connected with two heads.

Heads of the Department of Political Science and Sociology
GORAK Volodymyr Volodymyrovych,Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Honored Worker of the Higher School of the Ukrainian SSR
Head of the Department 1970–1989
VV Gorak was born in the village of Friendly Borodyanka district of Kyiv region. From the age of 13 he took an active part in the guerrilla movement, was severely wounded, contused, and a war invalid.
With his direct participation, the department trained 3 doctors and 15 candidates of science, for more than 20 years he was a member of the specialized council on scientific communism, he wrote more than 70 scientific papers. He was a freelance lecturer on a voluntary basis, for a number of years he headed the methodological commission of the Ministry of Higher Education of the Ukrainian SSR on scientific communism.
He was awarded the Order of the Patriotic War of the 1st degree and medals. 
BAYRAK Ivan Romanovych, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor, Honored Research and Pedagogical Worker of NULES of Ukraine.
Head of the Department 1989–2003.
Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of History and Political Science.
He graduated from the Faculty of History of Odessa State University in 1967.
He defended his dissertation in 1975 on "Socio-political development of the Ukrainian countryside."
Author and co-author of more than 90 scientific and educational-methodical works, including: monographs - 1, reference books - 12, scientific-methodical manuals - 9, educational programs - 5, scientific articles and conference materials - 63. 
CHERNIY Anatoliy Mykhailovych, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor
Head of the Department 2003–2015
Author and co-author of over 200 works.
Member of the Specialized Academic Council at the Institute of Philosophy. G.S. Frying pans of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine for the defense of candidate's and doctoral dissertations in the field of philosophical, historical, social sciences. He prepared 11 candidates of sciences through postgraduate studies.
Department of Political Science and Sociology, 2008
Department of History and Political Science, 2012
Today, the Department of International Relations and Social Sciences
At present, the Department of International Relations and Social Sciences is undergoing significant changes in terms of enrichment of scientific and educational potential, and in terms of expanding the boundaries of scientific and educational activities. In particular, the staff of the department has been significantly enriched by attracting to the ranks of the department a prominent public and political figure, Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor MV Tomenko, other specialists in the field of political knowledge who have extensive experience in management and politics. We are talking about Klimenko KO, Asaturova SK, Sevastyanova OV
On the other hand, in 2016 the department received a license from the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine to train bachelors in "International Relations, Public Communications and International Studies", and in 2017 successfully completed the first set of students in this specialty.
Currently, the department has 24 research and teaching staff, including 7 doctors and 17 candidates of science; 5 professors, 19 associate professors.
The scientific and pedagogical staff of the department conducts lectures and conducts seminars on a number of educational courses in the social sciences and humanities, as well as provides training for bachelors in "International Relations, Public Communications and International Studies".
At the same time, the staff of the department takes an active part in the scientific, educational and upbringing processes within the Faculty of Humanities and Education and the University. They hold round tables and seminars on topical issues of socio-political life of Ukrainian society, thus, among other things, encouraging students to do research.
The assets of the department should also include the organization or direct participation in international and national conferences, as well as the publication of scientific periodicals "Bulletin of Agrarian History".
Finally, on the basis of the department there is an internship of NPP from separate divisions of the university.
To date, organizes and directs the work of the department Bilan SO 
BILAN Serhiy Oleksiyovych, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor.
Head of the Department since 2015.
Expert in the field of formation and development of agricultural education in Ukraine XX - beg. XXI century. Among the scientific interests he prefers to study the problems associated with the life and work of the peasantry in the first half of the twentieth century.
Author of numerous scientific and scientific-journalistic works, including on the history of NULES of Ukraine and in the field of international relations.
He has been working at NULES of Ukraine since 2003.
Author and co-author of more than 200 scientific and educational-methodical works, including: monographs - 13 (6 of which are co-authored), reference books - 18, scientific-methodical manuals - 67, educational programs - 1, scientific articles and conference materials - 103.
Department of History and Political Science, 2015.
Department of International Relations and Social Sciences, 2018



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