Department of International Relations and Social Sciences

History of department


The starting point of the existence of the Department of International Relations and Social Sciences within the walls of the National University of Life Resources and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine was the decision of the Academic Council of the university dated 01.09.2010 to merge the Department of History of Ukraine and the Department of Political Science and Sociology, and to establish the Department of History and Political Science, and to rename the latter on 01.06.2018 to the Department of International Relations and Social Sciences. It included scientific and pedagogical workers who had previously worked at the Department of History of Ukraine, as well as the Department of Political Science and Sociology, respectively.
It is difficult to overestimate the role of history in human existence, especially if one is sufficiently attentive to both the essence of the phenomenon of history itself and the nature of man. History is, in essence, the basis of the identity of a subject: a source of knowledge about its origin and the basis for determining the content of existence or vocation. Therefore, history is always given exceptional importance in the existence of any community. Accordingly, practically every educational institution, if it cares about educating not only a specialist, but also a citizen, will certainly provide coverage of history: of the state, the world, and the educational institution itself. Within the walls of the University, this mission was entrusted at different times to the Scientific and Technical Research Center of the Department of History, which, of course, underwent reorganization along with the changes in public and state life in general.

The present day of the Department of International Relations and Social Sciences


At the moment, the Department of International Relations and Social Sciences is undergoing significant changes both in terms of enriching its scientific and educational potential and expanding the boundaries of scientific and educational activities. In particular, the human resources of the department have been significantly enriched by attracting to the ranks of the department specialists in the field of political knowledge who have extensive experience in the administrative and political spheres.

In 2016 received a license from the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine to conduct training of bachelors in the specialty "International Relations, Public Communications and International Studies", and in 2017 successfully carried out the first recruitment of students in the mentioned specialty.

In 2021, received a license from the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine to conduct training of masters in the specialty "International Relations, Public Communications and International Studies", and successfully carried out the first recruitment of students in the mentioned specialty.

In 2024, received a license from the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine to conduct training of postgraduate students in the field of knowledge 03 "Humanities", specialty 032 "History and Archaeology".

Currently, the department employs 12 scientific and pedagogical workers, including 4 doctors and 8 candidates of sciences; 4 professors, 8 associate professors.

The scientific and pedagogical staff of the department give lectures and conduct seminars on a number of educational courses of a social and humanitarian nature, and also provide training for bachelors and masters in the specialty "International Relations, Public Communications and International Studies", as well as postgraduate students in the specialty 032 "History and Archeology".

The staff of the department take an active part in the scientific, educational and educational processes within the Faculty of Humanities and Pedagogy and the University. They hold round tables and seminars on topical issues of the socio-political life of Ukrainian society, thus, among other things, encouraging students to engage in scientific work.

The department's assets also include the organization or direct participation in holding international and all-Ukrainian conferences, as well as the publication of the scientific periodical "Bulletin of Agricultural History".

After all, the department provides internships for NPP from separate divisions of the university.

Today, the work of the department is organized and directed by Khvist V.O.

KHVIST Viktoriya Oleksiivna, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor.
Head of the Department 2023

Graduated from Taras Shevchenko Kyiv University, specialty "History", professional qualification "Historian, History Teacher", 1999. Master's degree.
National Academy of Internal Affairs, specialty "Jurisprudence", professional qualification "Lawyer", 2014. Specialist's degree, with honors.
Kyiv University of Culture, specialty "International Relations, Public Communications and Regional Studies", 2021. Master's degree.
Defended her PhD thesis in 2003
Author and co-author of about 170 scientific and educational and methodological works, including: educational and methodological developments - 72, a textbook - 1, dictionaries, reference books, encyclopedic publications - 18, scientific articles and conference materials - 63, including 38 in professional publications, monographs - 2.
The Department of International Relations and Social Sciences was also headed by:
SHEVCHUK Oleksandr Volodymyrovych, Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor.
Head of the Department 2022-2023.

The main areas of scientific interests are the system of international relations of the Asia-Pacific region after the end of the Cold War, global and subregional security, security institutions and mechanisms in the Asia-Pacific region, foreign policy and security of Ukraine.
Under the supervision of Shevchuk O.V., 5 candidate theses and 1 doctoral dissertation were defended.
In 1995, he graduated from the Faculty of History of the Mykolaiv State Pedagogical Institute.
2002 - defense of a candidate dissertation for the degree of candidate of political sciences in the specialty 23.00.04 - political problems of international systems and global development on the topic: "The Taiwan problem" in the system of international relations of the Asia-Pacific region" at the Institute of World Economy and International Relations of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.
2009 - defended his dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Political Sciences in the specialty 23.00.04 - political problems of international systems and global development on the topic: "Foreign policy strategy of the USA and the Russian Federation towards the PRC" at the Institute of World Economy and International Relations of the NAS of Ukraine.
Author of over 200 scientific and educational and methodological publications on international relations and international security in the post-bipolar period.

STRILETS Vasyl Visilyovych, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor.
Acting Head of the Department 2021-2022

Graduated from the History Faculty of the Poltava State Pedagogical Institute named after V. G. Korolenko in 1985
Defended his dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Historical Sciences in 1992
Defended his dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Historical Sciences in 2004
Defended his dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Legal Sciences in 2014
Author of over 140 scientific and educational and methodological works.

BILAN Serhiy Oleksiyovych, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor.
Head of the Department 2015-2021

Expert in the formation and development of the sphere of agricultural education in Ukraine in the late 20th - early 21st centuries. Among his scientific interests, he prefers to study problems related to the life and activities of the peasantry in the first half of the 20th century.
Graduated from the Faculty of History of Cherkasy State University named after Bohdan Khmelnytsky in 1998
Graduated from the Institute of Law and Public Relations of the Open International University for Human Development "Ukraine", Master of International Relations, Public Communications and Regional Studies, qualification "Information Analyst - Internationalist" with honors in 2022
Defended his candidate's thesis in 2005
Defended his doctoral thesis in 2014
Author and co-author of more than 200 scientific and educational and methodological works, including: monographs - 13 (6 of which are co-authored), reference books - 18, scientific and methodological manuals - 67, educational programs - 1, scientific articles and conference materials - 102.
He has been working at the university since 2003.






Keeping its finger on the pulse of life, the Department of International Relations and Social Sciences successfully copes with a number of tasks set before it by both the University and the educational process itself, which has recently been characterized by extremely high dynamics and requires considerable talent and effort from the teacher to keep up with it.

In particular, through the efforts of highly qualified scientific and pedagogical workers, who successfully apply their knowledge not only during preparation for classes with students, but also directly in practice, implementing various projects, an educational base for training specialists in the field of international relations, as well as tourism and journalism, is being formed, tested and improved. 

The Department's scientific and educational staff, at the same time, ensure not only the process of teaching a number of social and humanitarian disciplines at the University at a high scientific and educational level, but also contribute to the preservation of the spirit of "classicism" within the walls of the NUBiP of Ukraine, taking care of the general level of development of a young citizen. After all, before each of us is a specialist in one or another field of production or creative activity, we must remember that we are people, citizens, individuals, and therefore act accordingly.
Also, the Department of International Relations and Social Sciences is constantly and persistently working to enrich the annals of the University with new facts, expanding the horizons of its historical past in dates, events and outstanding personalities. Therefore, possessing historical material, members of the Department involve both students and scientific and pedagogical workers of the institution, as well as the general public in the glorious past and present of the University.

On the other hand, with their achievements in the field of science, education, public and educational activities, and literary art, they create the history of the present NUBiP of Ukraine - they contribute a possible, but significant and integral part to the book of life of the University.

Ultimately, the scientific and pedagogical staff of the department, with their activities and achievements in the fields of science, education, and public life, contribute to the growth of a positive image and recognition of both the Faculty of Humanities and Pedagogy and the National University of Life Resources and Environmental Sciences as a whole.

Possessing high scientific and intellectual potential and powerful human resources, the department staff ensures that students acquire professional knowledge in educational subjects related to the cycle "International Relations", as well as basic knowledge from the courses: "History of Ukrainian Statehood", "History of Ukrainian Culture", "Political Science", "Sociology", "Demography", "Social Youth Policy of Ukraine", "Social and Humanitarian Policy" and "Political Aspects of Public Administration" for students of the educational degrees "Bachelor" and "Master" of all forms of study in Ukrainian and English. Lectures and seminars are organized in accordance with the latest models and achievements in the field of domestic and foreign education. In particular, it is about directly involving the student in dialogue and stimulating him to solve heuristic tasks, maintaining an atmosphere of trust and communicative tolerance, using various means of visualization and appealing to real-life examples.

The staff of the department has a powerful scientific and pedagogical potential, and is also noted for notable scientific, creative, and educational achievements. Modern educational programs in the field of social and humanitarian knowledge, the latest developments and results of scientific explorations are brought to the attention of the student body by 12 scientific and pedagogical workers, including 4 doctors and 8 candidates of sciences; 4 professors, 8 associate professors. Professors Bilan S.O., Kaluga V.F., Lyubovets O.M., Silka O.Z.; Associate Professors – Asaturov S.K., Hrushetsky B.P., Kravchenko N.B., Kropyvko O.M., Lanovyuk L.P., Radchenko L.S., Khvist V.O., Shevchenko N.V.

Department of International Relations and Social Sciences in 2022

Department of International Relations and Social Sciences in 2022






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