Department of International Relations and Social Sciences

Scientific work

Responsible for scientific work on behalf of the department

Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor
Lyubovets Olena Mykolaivna

Scientific activity is an intellectual creative activity aimed at obtaining and using new knowledge. Its main forms are fundamental and applied scientific research.
Scientific research work of students in higher education is a scientific search of students, which is organically combined with the educational process in higher education. Types of student research work: abstract, term paper (abstract, research), diploma thesis (diploma project, diploma work), master's thesis. Student scientific circles play a large role in organizing students' scientific work.


The main areas of scientific research are: problems of the history of agrarian science and education in Ukraine (Zhyvora S.M., Isakova N.P., Kravchenko N.B.), socio-spiritual, ecological and demographic aspects of rural development (Cherniy A.M., Kaluga V.F., Kostyuk O.V., Grabovsky O.V.), sustainable development of rural areas: history and modernity (Bilan S.O., Kropyvko O.M., Lanovyuk L.P., Khvist V.O.).


Over the past 10 years, the department has trained 2 doctors and 15 candidates of historical and philosophical sciences. Currently, 1 doctoral student and 4 postgraduate students are studying at the department.

Over the past years, the scientific and pedagogical staff of the department have prepared 29 monographs.



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