Department of Global economy

Адреса: 03041, Ukraine, Kyiv, Heroyv Oborony st., 11, educational building №10, office 303, 308.

Тел.: (044) 527-86-48

Head of Department (a.i.):
Vdovenko Natalia Myhailivna

Doctor of economic sciences, Honored Worker of Agriculture of Ukraine


Economy - a multi-faceted sphere of human life,

 it has no beginning or end ...
 P. Samuelson


The Department of Global Economy was founded on September 24, 2014 according to the decision of the Academic Council of the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine. It is headed by Doctor of Economics Vdovenko N.M.
Functioning of the Department of Global Economy within the Faculty of Economics is aimed at training specialists of a new generation. It is also aimed at European and world-class level of intellectual and personal development according to the experience of the best Ukrainian and foreign higher educational institutions and is based on the practical interest and the labor market needs in training highly qualified graduates.
The mission of the Department is to develop global, professional competences of future economists and to prepare creative personalities with leadership skills. The Department mission is also to determine and form new social values and spiritual guidance in education and scientific researches as well as integrate the education and scientific researches to the requirements of agricultural business.
Educational process within the Department is carried out by 15 scientific and pedagogical staff, including 3 Doctors of Economics and 8 Ph. D. in Economic.
The Department of Global Economy is involved in training of specialists for "Bachelor” and "Master" levels of the Faculty of Economics, the Faculty of Livestock and Aquatic Biological Resources, Food Technologies and Qquality Control of Agricultural Products, the Faculty of Information Technologies and the Institute of Postgraduate Education.
The Department of Global Economy has opened a new specialty 8.18010024 "Applied Economics". After graduation a Master of Applied Economics is able to solve complex tasks aimed to improve competitiveness of the agricultural business. He/She is also able to apply advanced methods of economic-mathematical modeling to investigate the dynamics of the agricultural sector; carry out the development of investment and innovation projects; manage their implementation using modern methods of financial management, methods of analysis and prediction in commodity markets and methods for evaluating the effectiveness of investment decisions in agricultural business. A Master of Applied Economics can also use econometric methods, approaches of economic dynamics, time series and economic modeling for analysis and design of modeling systems in different branches of agriculture considering current global transformation processes.
A graduate Master of Applied Economics may work either as an employee in the ministries or local regional administrations (like an expert in projects and state programs strategic management; an expert in development of national programs on social-economic development; an economist in forecasting of the national economy development). A graduate Master of Applied Economics may also become a business expert as well as an adviser-analyst on economic issues of the agricultural sector.
The Department also takes active part in research and consulting activities by drafting laws and regulations, analytical materials for ministries and other state institutions.
At present the Department of the Global Economy is a compass to the world of economic knowledge, leading to further mastering of professional disciplines.
Aims of the Department
Solution of the most urgent tasks for Ukraine’s development is the main priority of the Department of Global Economy.

The Main Tasks of the Department of Global Economy are:
• to ensure background economic knowledge in order to develop the students' strategic thinking;
• to study forms of globalization, problems of integration of Ukrainian economy into the world economy and the impact of these processes on the development of agricultural sector;
• to plan, organize and ensure the quality of all types of educational classes;
• to actively use the best traditions of domestic and foreign practice in teaching methods of economic disciplines.

Scientific and research work of the Department of Global Economy is carried out in the following spheres:
- publication of monographs and scientific professional articles, textbooks and teaching aids;
- participation of teachers of the Department at international, national and interuniversity conferences and seminars;
- scientific cooperation with leading enterprises and budgetary institutions;
- training of the Department teachers in leading higher educational institutions of Ukraine and abroad.
Postgraduate and doctoral studies are available at the Department, where 10 candidates are enrolled (1 doctoral graduate and 9 postgraduate). Specialty 08.00.03 - Economics and Management of the National Economy is opened.
Scientific research activity of the Department is aimed at both the theoretical evaluation of current and long-term challenges of the global economy and at preparation of proposals for implementing practical measures at different levels of economy: national, regional, sectorial, and at the level of individual enterprise.

The Department teachers take part in the following scientific and research works:
- Forecasting of bio economic potential of agriculture in Ukraine in terms of the risks of climate change (2015-2016);
- Ways to increase competitiveness of the agricultural sector in the terms of development and functioning of FTZ with the EU (2015-2016).
Spheres of Scientific Research Activity of the Department of Global Economy
- development and formation of the basic directions of Agrarian Policy of Ukraine in the new conditions of food and financial challenges;
- improvement of competitiveness of the agricultural sector in the terms of development and functioning of FTZ with the European Union;
- design and functioning of the Common Fisheries Policy of the EU and ways of its implementation in Ukraine;
- changes in trends of global agricultural trade in the areas of regional integration.



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