Department of Global economy

Public activity

Educational Activities
The Department annually prepares students to participate in international conferences and seminars. The results of joint research work of teachers and students of the Department are regularly published.
The teachers of the Department are supervisors/mentors of scientific clubs such as "Globalization and European integration", "European Studies", "Region Studies" where training of scientific youth is done on the regular basis.
The Department teachers regularly organize outdoor classes for students, as well as excursions to expand knowledge and broaden horizons of today's youth.
International Activities
The teaching staff of the Department are permanent participants of representative international forums of agricultural economists that are annually held in Ukraine and abroad.
Vdovenko N. M. is a Member of International Academy of culture of safety, ecology and health, Ukraine, member of the European association of safety, Poland, member of editorial college of international scientific magazine "the Scientific review", co-ordinator of the educational programs on economic questions of the International academy of human development, Ukraine.
Kvasha S. M. - Member of Union of the Polish economists of agriculture and agribusiness - SERIA. Co-founder Ukrainian - Polish - Slovakia - Cheshsko - Hungarian Forum of collaboration of deans of economic faculties of agrarian universities of the indicated countries. Member of editorial board of three foreign scientific edition of agrarian universities in Republic of Poland - agrarian universities in Szczecin and Warsaw and Slovakia Republic - Slovakia agrarian University in Nitra. Member of editorial colleges of home professional editions in NSC "Institute of agrarian economy", Institute of agroecology, "Institute of economy of natural resources and steady development" of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and National academy of agrarian sciences of Ukraine.
Zhemoyda O.V. – is a Member of national deliberative Advice at Ministry of Agrarian politics and Food of Ukraine and European associations of agrarian economists (EAAE).
Kireytseva O.V. - a member of association "Friendship without borders" (L'association "Amitie Sans Frontieres", France).

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