Conceptual Foundations of Agricultural Business Management in the Global Competitive World Using Artificial Intelligence

8 лютого 2024 року
  In the first decade of February 2024, Nataliya Vdovenko, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head of the Department of Global Economics, and Honored Worker of Agriculture of Ukraine, visited Mangalayatan University in Jabalpur, India. She participated in the 27th International Conference "New Trends in Artificial Intelligence in Business Management and Entrepreneurship," delivering a welcome address and speaking at the plenary session. The conference was organized by Mangalayatan University in collaboration with the Indian Institute of Information Technology, Design and Manufacturing, Metarat University, and the Indian FATER Academy (FAI). 

  During her visit to the university, Nataliya Vdovenko delivered a guest lecture on the topic "Conceptual Foundations of Agricultural Business Management in the Global Competitive World Using Artificial Intelligence."

Nataliya Korobova, PhD in Economics,
Associate Professor of the Department of Global Economy
Marina Pavlenko, Assistant
Department of Global Economy


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