Basic Approaches to the Establishment of a Special Fund for Financing National Economic Sectors to Ensure Competitiveness in the Context of Extraordinary Challenges
Basic Approaches to the Establishment of a Special Fund for Financing National Economic Sectors to Ensure Competitiveness in the Context of Extraordinary Challenges
31 жовтня 2024, 14:21
On October 29, 2024, Doctor of Economics, Professor Nataliia Vdovenko, Head of the Department of Global Economy at NULES of Ukraine, participated in a meeting with representatives of the fisheries sector under the aegis of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine.
During the event, current issues were discussed, including the stocking of aquatic bioresources in fishery water bodies, the creation of a special fund for financing the fisheries sector, the utilization of special quotas for aquatic bioresources in 2024, and amendments to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 1347 dated October 22, 2023, 'Certain Issues Regarding the Special Use of Aquatic Bioresources.' The agenda can be accessed via the following link: The meeting was held in a Zoom format.
In this context, it is important to note that the scientific proposals put forward by the Department of Global Economy nearly five years ago have now found their practical application in the establishment of the special fund for financing the fisheries sector.
We hope that the key principles and approaches to the creation of the special financing fund discussed at today's meeting will contribute to enhancing the competitiveness of the national economic sectors in the face of contemporary challenges. Given that the primary focus was on the necessity of integrating new financial mechanisms that will ensure resilience to both external and internal threats, pathways for attracting additional investments to ensure transparency in resource management and adaptation to crisis situations were reviewed. The participants agreed that the establishment of such a fund will be a crucial step towards ensuring the stable development of the national economy in the context of global challenges and instability.
Korobova N. M., Ph.D. in Economics, Associate Professor of the Department of Global Economics
Pavlenko M. M., Assistant Professor of the Department of Global Economy