Department of Accounting and Taxation

Professional orientation

 The choice of a profession for every young person is the choice of the future path of study and work, their place in life. Career guidance is one of the types of assistance to people in achieving their goals, priority, coverage and self-determination. The main objective of this work is the availability of practical advice and advice on personal improvement and the successful choice of a specialty from knowledge. The teachers of the Department of Accounting and Observation actively informed applicants during: - Associate Professor of the Department of Accounting and Audit Gurenko T.O. a meeting was held with the director and students of 11-A and 11-B Ecological and natural person No. 116, Almaty, st. Almaty, st. Kyiv. During the meeting, students of Ukraine spoke in detail about NUBiU, the conditions for studying in the specialty "Accounting and Taxation", employment prospects and international relations between NUBiU of Ukraine and partner universities. Also, the conversation was aimed at getting acquainted with the expectation of applicants with a list of other specialties and visitors to NUBiP of Ukraine. Prospective students are attracted to meetings in a collection of specialties, including "Accounting and Taxation".


-Associate Professor of the Department of Accounting and Accounting Derevyanko S.I. visiting graduates of secondary school No. 36 named after IP Koroleva, Goloseevsky district, l. Kyiv. The interest of future students to information about economic specialties in NUBiS of Ukraine, about the cultural and everyday work of students has grown.

-Associate Professor of the Department of Accounting and Accounting Melyankova L.V. secondary school I-III stage No. 30 of the Dniprovsky district of Kiev, where she held a conversation on the topic: "Peculiarities of education at the Faculty of Economics of the NUBiS of Ukraine." Students' attention was focused on the fact that the National University of Bioresources and Nature Management ranks 4th in the ranking of higher educational institutions of Ukraine, which enrolls 61 best universities.

- Associate Professor Khanyailo A.M. met with future graduates of the Olishevsky school of I-III levels of the Chernihiv district of the Chernihiv region. Students dealt with the order of students for applicants to NUBiP, the purpose of studying at the university, received available information about the list of specialties, cultural and sports organization of NUBiP.

- Associate Professor of the Department of Accounting and Accounting Litvinenko V.S. met with senior students of the Borznensky secondary school named after. Kristina Alchevsk explored the areas of study at the university, the possibility of obtaining government contracts, going abroad and other conditions for professional and creative development. - Vladimir talked with students of the Gymnasium. Panteleimon Kulish and students of the Borzny Agricultural College and attracting students of the specialty "Accounting and Taxation" to continue their studies at NIUES. College graduates successfully entered our university and a student of accounting disciplines in this college Tatiana Shibika is a graduate of the Faculty of Economics of NUBiP of Ukraine.

Meetings with schoolchildren and students were warm, receptive and positive. it is assumed that talented young people will continue to follow the example of their countrymen - to reach heights in education, career and politics.


Graduates received complete information about the Faculty of Economics of the State of Bioresources and Nature Management of Ukraine - about professions, admission conditions, student life and leisure, as well as the opportunity to gain access to the atmosphere that prevails among us and become witnesses of the right choice of university and future profession. In the process of career guidance work with schools, colleges, lyceums, technical schools and colleges, we create conditions for educating students who have a sense of attitude to work, feelings when choosing a profession, love and passion for work and working people. , respect for future work. We wish success to future students when entering our university! Employment of graduates of the specialty "Accounting and taxation" provides for: Assistance in student employment: inform students about the activities and needs for personnel of enterprises, organizations, institutions in Kyiv; Organization of business negotiations between students and employers; assistance to employers in finding suitable specialists among NUBS students; organization of job fairs and presentations of companies, organizations and institutions; organization of competitions, master classes that contain descriptions. Career planning counseling for students: - identification of ways and opportunities for employment; - Assistance in choosing the direction of professional career.

The Department of Accounting and Accounting cooperates with potential employers of graduates:

- EBS is a leading consulting company that has been operating in Ukraine since 1998. Created as a consulting center, causing the need to solve new problems for players in the market, for children in the development and implementation of everyday tasks of Ukrainian companies and international diseases. For a long period of activity and fast EBS can compete with an international consulting company, increasing the growth of audit and law firms, since EBS is also a law firm and its many years of experience allows it to solve the most difficult situations. EBS was included in the ranking of the best companies in the field of audit, accounting and accounting.

Join now! [email protected] st. University, 13-A 03110, Kiev, Ukraine Tel: +38 044 249 79 05 Fax: +38 044 249 79 06.

- KPMG Ukraine 1C Certified Training Center

- Company "Intellect-Service"

- Medoc

- Baker Tilly Ukraine

- AMACO GROUP [email protected] Video accounting and accounting Stul's social media page

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